[Illinois/Chicago, USA] Calling Illinois/Chicago Bladers

Poll: Would you attend a qualifier for the WBO North American Championship on Sunday April 28th?

Yes, I'm free and will go!
No, that's a bad day for me.
Total: 100% 25 vote(s)
(Jul. 08, 2013  8:37 PM)BBGpantomleo557 Wrote: sorry I cant go I live in miciagon
Then why are you posting...

(Jul. 08, 2013  8:44 PM)Dropkick Wrote: I might go, depending on the following questions.
1. Where in chicago will this be?
2. When will this be?
3. What time will this be?
4. What day and date will this be?
5. How long will it be?
6. And what are the rules, because if i do come, this will be my first tournament.
1. Oak Park, Niles. Look back a few pages for the exact address.
2. As I stated in my previous post, whatever works best for everyone. So if you could tell us when would be best and when you could make it, it would make everything easier.
3. See #2
4. See #3
5. Depends on how many people and stadiums we have. Maybe 2-3 hours?
6. There is a PDF document that explains the rules somewhere, I'll see if I can find it.

Also guys, what format would you all want?
(Plastics, HMS, BB-10, Zero-G)
I'd rather not have HMS, but all the others would be fine with me!
Ok so here is the list Smile
Shining God MS
Possible Attendees:
I would be hosting. So I'd have to be there...
Wait... would I be able to co-host with you?
Well I was thinking about Tri or Scout25 if they wanted to (is there a limit to co-hosts XD).
But yah, if you want to co-host, that'd be great!
Ok, cool! And there is nothing that says that there cant be three co-hosts XD

If this happens, Chicago will come to life!!!
well to co host u just stand there and watch them do stuff and mabye help write stuff down if we can get three more people soon and what format i think it should be a normal format and we can play with hms and plastics for fun since it wont be on remberence day and that really limmits stuff
Can't we do that also? We can have a bb-10 tourney, then plastics and hms. If you can't/don't want to participate in any, (like I wouldn't do plastics because I have none.) you don't have to.
Scout25, I can lend you a plastic if you want to play with them. I can also lend out a Launcher and Grip.
well we would need atleast 8 people and we arnt aloud for two tournys at once therre would hae to be a seperate host present. we could just have an unofficial one while were there 4 fun
Or... ya know... make the tournament into two divisions lol
What would the tournament format be? HMS and Plastic or what? I think the tournament should be split into two formats like... Zero-G and Plastics! Then, whoever wants to play in whichever tournament division can join in! We would also need some flyers for players.
That would take awhile. Here's what I think. Depending on if I get a Zero-G stadium for my birthday (or if other people can promise me they will bring stadiums) I think Zero-G format would be our best bet.
Maybe afterwards we could have a just-for-fun tag team plastics tournament...
In a zero-g stadium.
Just an idea, it's fine if not good. Though I am planning on having an unofficial tag team tournament after the actual one.
Ok, sure. We just need to get at least 8 confirmed players. So we need flyers. Also, I have a BB-10 Stadium and a Zero-G, so that can work.
i keep telling u guys I HAVE A ZERO G STADIUM
We know facade. Also, I meed someone to put flyers in their city /village. Can anyone do this?
i dont think thats gunna help on such short notice we already have almost enough people and more will come when its aproved
No, I know that. What I mean is after it gets approved we would put flyers in the locations we are located in, and in the park so people know where to go.
if anyone lives close enough to the park
Well, guys, lets not just talk, lets do this! We want to finally get Chicago active! So, its Zero-G, right? I cant comer to the unofficial Plastics Tag-Team tournament because I didn't buy the plastic lot yet. I might also be selling stuff at the tournament too.
no most people want it bb-10 so i think thats whats goin down and we cant do plastic tag team than we would need atleast 16 people who have plastics we should stick to the metal fight tourny than worry about if we are doing a plastic/hms tourny....p.s. HMS FTW
(Jul. 12, 2013  4:07 AM)facade Wrote: no most people want it bb-10 so i think thats whats goin down and we cant do plastic tag team than we would need atleast 16 people who have plastics we should stick to the metal fight tourny than worry about if we are doing a plastic/hms tourny....p.s. HMS FTW
What...are you talking about?
No one has said they want BB-10, or could you point that our to me?
And what put the idea into your head that an unofficial tourney needs a certain amount of people?
Just wondering.
We said we would do Zero-G and also, Ultramarine, if this happens Kai-V said I might be able to co-host.
ok u and ultramarine said zero g and from my perspective it seems me u and ultramarine are calling most of the shots we are the only posters on like the last couple pages. earlyer when zero g was suggested a lot of people argued that they would rather have it in a bb-10 im all for a zero g tourny but i could have sworn i brought it up a few times and the idea was rejected. Also i thought he was trying to get it to be an official tourny.
This is going to be official. So, there are 5 people who would com, and 1 maybe. We can get Tri and Cake in on this so we can get 8 people.