[ILLINOIS] The Knights - Bladers with Technique and Skill [Apply Now]

Yo BBS can I join? You told me I might be able to join so can I?
PM Sent...

Regarding your status on Tyranny...
Not anymore..... So add me to the list BBS. I was looking forward to this moment ever since I joined the WBO thanks guys.
Hmm.. I still want you to send some more combos other than Scorpio...
wait bbs please post if crow makes the team
I still need Crow's combos.
Let Ethan try once more and I think there should be a battle between them
No battles right now, Ethan has gone thru a lot!
battle between crow and ethan. like the one with ee1997 and ethan? i dont know maybe.
Well then we should make them send an application in and the best one gets in
No battles for a long time. We don't want to make getting on this team a competition.
well it was a competition only with ee97 and ethan. and that was only once so i think wes hould just make them send applications and decide who gets in like the way it syas in the op
Yes, but we don't wanna make it a regular thing.
Woah, guys, we need to think outside the box.

By using one stone to hit two birds, we could great bladers in the end.
yes that i what i am saying otherwise we wont get as many good bladers as we have right now because we would just be pitting someone else against oone another
yes maybe but i like the old way to get bladers.
I personally don't like the competition because if u only lose by a little it can hurt people
Sent in my better combos anything else? I'm not gonna lie The Knights were the first team I wanted to join before I made my group. I'm just glad I get to have a chance to be in this group.
You do, but honestly, those combos were so bad.

Burn is not an Attack Wheel.

Poison is the worst wheel in Beyblade, along with Dark.

HF is not an Attack Tip.

Rock Scorpio T125JB for Defense?
The last one wasn't even customized. Anyway, thanks for applying. Maybe you can re-apply later.
so does this mean crow didnt make it.
Obviously, His combos need work.

EDIT: Not just a little, Carp Loads.
maybe you should try using something besides rock scorpio. its not that great of a defense. dont use it because its your favorite bey. maybe basalt if you have one would be better?
Or "twisted" if hasbro mold. Scorpio is too light to be defense.
No offence but those r not evrn updated combos do u have anything nonhasbro u should read advanced forum and combos
What in hell?

I haven't/we havent decided i he's on or not.