Hummm Profiles? Have YOU Filled It Out?

Am I the only one that fully filled out there profile? i thought it was a good idea for us to share a little bit of our self with everyone....... am i wrong?
Takeru Wrote:
Am I the only one that fully filled out there profile? i thought it was a good idea for us to share a little bit of our self with everyone....... am i wrong?

Buddy, let me explain the dangers on the internet for younger kids.
LOL yo nothing like that i mean we dont give you addresses and what not i just though hey let me say what i want to do with my life and such.XD
Haha most people won't bother to read profiles. If profiles were displayed next to the member's post, maybe. But in most cases, no.
True but hey its fun to look at someones account and see what funny stuff they wrote.....i guess that s just me.
Takeru Wrote:
True but hey its fun to look at someones account and see what funny stuff they wrote.....i guess that s just me.

The majority of us here all know each other well enough that we don't need to fill out our profiles. Smile Members get to know each other through interacting in various topics on the forum but filling out your profile won't hurt!
There you go now your thinking like me, I don't know all of you guys and jumping on to a new site and not knowing people is really hard looking at peoples profiles is what i do fist just to get an idea of what people are like here.
hey dude, haha I checked your profile.
your website is SLIck with lots of info. Try putting some of that up on the wiki.
holy carp we have profiles here


what the fuuuuck

1 Week, 4 Days, 6 Hours, 29 Minutes, 45 Seconds
LOL i Just said what the hell and did mine just so people would get an idea of what i like and who i am, i would encourage people to do that same! Joyful_3
So people pretty much hated that idea.

Screw it, I'm gonna fill mine out.
WOW i hope everything goes well with the marriage! Joyful_3 I play the drums too but I'm going into singing but i love them both dearly.
Thanks very much man, I hope so too!

You play the drums and can sing? That's pretty sweet. What kinda stuff you into? I know I saw heavy rock and punk stuff, is that your singing style?
Well yeah I've been singing for 6 years trying to get my voice to sound great for Japanese music and I've done it all i need to do is learn the language!Joyful_3 But my style is like Gackt (Love That Man) and myself mix the 2 and some screams and you have my style!
AnnieDuck Wrote:It's also important to note that I think you're an idiot and have never seen a picture of you, nor do I really know anything about you beyond your fondness for visually abrasive fonts and silly contests. There was simply no way for me to be sure that you weren't, in fact, being an carp.
all would have been avoided if she had read my bio......
I prefer learning about people based on how the act on the boards, rather than basing my assumptions on something so easily faked. View mine as an example of this.
Takeru Wrote:
AnnieDuck Wrote:It's also important to note that I think you're an idiot and have never seen a picture of you, nor do I really know anything about you beyond your fondness for visually abrasive fonts and silly contests. There was simply no way for me to be sure that you weren't, in fact, being an carp.
all would have been avoided if she had read my bio......

After reading your bio, I think the misunderstanding would still have occurred.

Like we mentioned before, in this very thread, profiles are not very highly valued around these parts.

AnnieDuck Wrote:I prefer learning about people based on how the act on the boards, rather than basing my assumptions on something so easily faked. View mine as an example of this.

THIS needs to be saved for future reference.

[Image: 000953cf.jpg]
hahaha that's my regular avatar, so if you want to cap it get all of the description- the last line is gold
AnnieDuck Wrote:hahaha that's my regular avatar, so if you want to cap it get all of the description- the last line is gold

Whoops, seems like I cropped it off. Fixed.

[Image: 1c1a9067.jpg]

Also, I've decided that my profile was too short, so I wrote a short essay on some critical issues of modern society.

I may add a poem about the sandwich I am currently eating, though this will probably tomorrow.
is the avatar depicting the thing i'm thinking or is she sticking her tongue out for no reason

what's that on her face it looks white to me

oh shi-
In the actual manga or whatever that that image is from, she's getting bukkaked by like 7 dudes.

I've never seen it myself, but Artie seemed to know a lot about it last night when we were chatting... LOL
To be honest I think the profile is a waste of time, like Alice said everyone knows each other well enough without profiles, though I don't know if anyone knows me well enough but o well.

The one part I do like is where it says how long you have been on for. Mine is '1 Day, 13 Hours, 19 Minutes, 48 Seconds' and to be honest I don't think I have done enough in that time.

This is Brad's time. '1 Month, 5 Days, 11 Minutes, 12 Seconds' If anyone has been on long then that then your crazy. of course because this is Brad it does not count as him being crazy.