
Hi there! Well my hobbies are beyblading,video games and anime and as soon as i heard of WBO i was very excited so i decided to become part of this great community! So yeah thats all about me pretty much so i hope i enjoy my stay here Tongue_out
welcome make sure you have a good time and read kai-v message she sent
welcome to the wbo! im glad someone finally posted a legit "introduce yourself" thread, cus the next person who said something like "im new. welcome me.", "this is my introduction, hello...and goodbye.", or anything else remotely related to a carpy one-line introduction was about to become Leone's before-bed-snack.
....oh, was that too threatening...? ..sry... haha, well luckily u prevented that from happening.
anyway, so glad ya joined, and im sure that u'll enjoy the community, just be careful wut u post. Tongue_out_wink