
When I was young I used to have the plastic beyblades, those engine ones, and a couple hms as well. I'm looking to start collecting again. I was also wondering which beyblades you guys
think had the most intense battles?
Welcome to the wbo! You can look at the beywiki for the new more intense beyblades. Read your introduction letter and have a great time!
welcome to the wbo. glad u decided to start collecting again. hope u enjoy urself and r able to find the advice and help u may be looking for here. beyblade general(info n stuff about beys): http://worldbeyblade.org/Forum-Beyblade-General
Hello and welcome to the World Beyblade Organization.
It is the number one beyblade site in the world. We have exclusive information about Beyblade, tournaments, Face Contests and more.

Don't forget to invite your friends to the site too ~

Enjoy your time here !
Thanks for the warm welcome! I'm actually incredibly confused seeing as how I know nothing about the new TV show and while I've been lurking I've seen people talking about things that seem extremely complex, such as names for beyblades being D-125 and such.
Have fun!
(Dec. 29, 2012  5:28 AM)BeyBladeBrosInc Wrote: Have fun!

Hm, you need to add more content to your post.
(Dec. 29, 2012  5:24 AM)D0wnp0ur Wrote: Thanks for the warm welcome! I'm actually incredibly confused seeing as how I know nothing about the new TV show and while I've been lurking I've seen people talking about things that seem extremely complex, such as names for beyblades being D-125 and such.

yes, well honestly these "complex" names are quite easy to remember(or atleast get used to) once u go over them i few times. the D-125 is rly just the name for the spin track(Defense 125). if u just explore around a bit more, u'll find more threads that discuss these things. after handling and seeing differnt beys after a while, though, it will become easier to recognize them and understand the purpose of each part. also, if you rly r having trouble with this, u could always go to the "ask a question, get an answer" thread. ill update this post a little later with some links that may be helpful.

EDIT: ok here's a few links to some threads that may be helpful. but consider looking around yourself, too.
Build Me a Combo 2(thread)
Beyblade Customizations(forum)
Ask a question get an Answer 2(thread)

EDIT-2: ugh, im so dumb, i forgot about the Beywiki! this has the beys and info about them and their parts. haha Chief 2002 - Idea!
Make your own introduction thread if you haven't already. This thread is for this member to introduce themselves. Anyway, welcome! I love plastic beyblades too! Don't forget to read the rules!