
Hi. im from Northeastern ohio and Shadow_Blader is my next door neighbor. he told me about this site so i signed up. my best bey is Twisted Tempo ED145D. Shadow also told me about team for the kill, so i was wondering if i could join. me and him are at about the same skill level. ive only beat him a few times, but theyve all been close. he said that im really good.
Hi welcome to the WBO hope you have a fun time.
I just happen to be the leader of said team. Ill put the link to are thread in this post in like a minute.

there you go put your info in here http://worldbeyblade.org/Thread-DAYTON-O...R-THE-KILL

maniacal laugh haha new members!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to the WBO and I hope that I get to battle you one day!
Welcome to the WBO, enjoy your stay!
welcome!enjoy your stay