Hey i am lookin for...

Hey i am lookin for people from [New York,New York] to help me make a tourenment in the times squere toyurs or somewhere elea but really wan to get thye toyrus to let us play.

posions i am looking for

1)People to get the prizeGrinranzerallday1

2)People to try to get a indoor place so we can play the (try to get thye Toysurs or somewhere elas):

3)People can car pool(do not have to one but would be nice:

4)People to make the time and date:Joseph317

5)People who wanna comeGrinranzerallday1,Meteoldrago3748,Joseph317,Yunglync139,Dannyboi04

will think of more posions so pm or post it u wanna help
There is already a tournament scheduled to take palce in NYC

Whoops, that tourney took place today :V
So, you want people to organise a tournament for you, and you want to find them in the wrong section?
no people to help me
i would go
There is already a topic for New York in the WBO General forum. Find it, and use it.