Help finding combo for plastic blade?

in Beyblade V-Force Episode 29, Allen went up against Max with what he called "Impulse". Noted that Impluse was blue and dynamic looking with red thunder bolts for smash attacks, is there a combo that would make Impulse like dranzer and dragoon parts? kinda like Galux being a combo of Galeon.
Why in the world did you make a new thread for this? Build me a combo helps to make combos in general... i.e. you can ask for plastic combos there too.
well i tried to think of the best place to ask and this thread said Beyblade Customizations and i had a darn question about a specific customization that seemed rather interesting to think about?? why are there so many critics in this forums? every one i read someone's getting criticized, but i thought this would be the one place i wouldn't? but obviously not.. what i do wrong now?
OK, I see you are kinda new here. I'll explain the format of how this site works. If you have any question, or any combo to ask for, go to either Ask a Question Get an Answer, or Build me a Combo, or Questions about the WBO. Also, read the rules first of all. After that, read the rules of each and every forum too... Please read, that most forums say that please do not create new threads for your questions. We are not criticizing you, we are here to help you. What you must do now is, post the first post in Build Me a Combo. You might get quick answers, without any 'criticism' as you call it.
Also, this thread will be closed soon...
Ahhh... well that was very helpful your the first to point all that out to me, thanks! I thought i was missing something..
No, I am NOT the first one to point this out to you... Read Kai V's PM before doing ANYTHING for the first time on this site. That PM explains it all.
ok.. your the 1st to remind me, hows that? close thread please.