Help against MF Duo Cygnus BD145 CS

Hi guys!
Just had my first Metal Standard Tournament in Italy after like 12 years.
I managed to finish 5th and there were 17 players.
I've played this Deck:
[MSF-H] Gryph Pegasus 90 RF (with a used RF, so more stamina and a bit less atk);
[MF] Bakushin Leone 85 RSF;
Flame Sagittario 230 CS (pretty safe combo).
I've just deleted like every opponent combo with my Gryph Pegasus, but i've lost a lot of fights against [MF] Duo Cygnus BD145 CS (we played like 5 rounds and i've won just 2).
Any hint to win against this combo with my deck? Bakushin had lower stamina, so it doesn't seem the best alternative. Flame 230 got a lot of upper attacks, so neither a great option.
Should i introduce a Gryph Dragooon BD145 RDF and try spin stealing?

Thanks a lot! Grin

Bakushin Leone 85RSF and Flame Sagittario 230CS are very strong combos in Limited Format, but they are greatly outclassed in Standard. Standard Format allows many parts that are much heavier and more powerful than anything in Limited, and so combos that are excellent in Limited will struggle to do anything against typical Standard Format opponents.

MF Duo Cygnus BD145CS has a strong mix of Defense and Stamina; it makes sense that your Deck would have a hard time with it since it would be defensive enough to give your one Synchrome Attack type trouble, while still having enough Stamina to deal with your other combos.

If you have any other Chrome Wheels or 4D Wheels available to use, I would definitely recommend building combos using those heavier, more powerful parts instead of Bakushin and Flame. Your idea to use Dragooon on RDF is a good one - spin stealing with RDF will beat a combo using BD145CS since BD145 will scrape as the Beyblade slows down, giving you the win. I would recommend using a different Chrome Wheel than Gryph if you have any, though; Wyvang, Girago, Killerken, and Revizer are all excellent options, and even a less conventional choice like Gargoyle, Saramanda, or Orojya would be a dramatic improvement over something like Bakushin.
Thanks a lot!
Right now i don't have many 0g beys, just 2 Gryph, 1 Pegasus, 1 Dragooon, 1 Ifrit, 1 Begirados. The only 4D wheels that i have are Death and Wing.
My deck will probably be Gryph Pegasus, Gryph Dragoon (i'm still searching a Wyvang) and probably a third synchrome (even if i'd like to use a 4D beyblade).
This way i should have enough coverage, but i'm still struggling with the third combo.