Hello everyone hows it going? I came into the possession of a decent sized beyblade collection about a week ago (mix of original gen, HMS, and MF) due to picking up a small plastic bin with a bunch of beys in it a thrift store, Im a reseller who mainly sells collectibles on ebay and intended to resell them. Despite having no real nostalgia for them(I was a kid during original gen but never had beys and only played with them a couple times at a friends) I found myself compelled to find out more about them and see what the newer Burst beys are like so I went out and bought the vortex climb battle set as well as a turbo achilles A4, and tyros t2/doomscizor d2 combo pack that were all on clearance. Im definitely enjoying messing around with them so far but I have some questions for people more experienced with the hobby. Is there a good in depth beginners guide to learning all the different stuff there is to know about beys such as what makes one good or bad? Why do I see hyper sphere talked down on and also why are they banned from tournaments? Not a deal breaker for me but kind of lame how the newest and most widely available series seem looked down on. Which series of beys would be best to buy? If I plan on getting into the hobby seriously should I be buying TT instead of Hasbro? What should I buy next? Im in Texas, since Hasbro beys are made here are there any special shops or anything like that here that I should know about? Is there a good beyblade scene in Texas since they are made here?
Sorry for all the questions Im just genuinely interested into getting seriously into the hobby and its kind of daunting cause I cant find any good in depth guides just very surface levels ones. I have experience in hobbies such as Warhammer 40k and yugioh just a fyi.
Sorry for all the questions Im just genuinely interested into getting seriously into the hobby and its kind of daunting cause I cant find any good in depth guides just very surface levels ones. I have experience in hobbies such as Warhammer 40k and yugioh just a fyi.