While it's a necro, I figure it's worth giving a full explanation (if only because I was reminiscing about it yesterday and this was one of the threads where I mentioned it):
BD145MB was a popular setup for Basalt back then, the idea being that as MB was the heaviest tip and Basalt a compact wheel, it would act like weight based defense from plastics (also partially based in the incorrect perception that (metal) ball tips were good for defense in the plastic era (which is generally wrong, as they don't catch the tornado ridge well, unlike change tips which have the same versatility movement wise but stick to the tornado ridge like glue when hit towards it - MFB's main Change shaped tip being CS).
In reality, it only worked because Basalt BD145 was so stupidly heavy that attack types of the time just bounced off it, and IMO all MB did better than CS was outspin the CS variant and be a testament to how stupidly broken Basalt and BD145 were for their time, oh and as I mentioned in this very thread, MB did help against BD145 Attackers because it was taller and therefore hit opposing BD145's more, limiting contact.
I was a rather outspoken critic of it
(something I alluded to less than subtly in this very thread), and as I see it I was completely vindicated as soon as Fang was released, as MF-H Fang (Counter Mode) Kerbecs R145RF smacks the MB version around like nothing, but does very little to the CS version.
This combo is kinda similar though potentially stronger (my concerns about its inconsistency remain after retrying it now) so CS's superiority isn't as noticeable - as I said back when this thread came up, this is one of the few combos from before Blitz (or Variares if you didn't get one afflicted by suck like I did) that can actually do a decent job of KOing Basalt BD145CS - another in the long list of reasons why Hell is banned in Limited Format, haha.
Any further responses etc should be taken to PM's, as this thread is over two years old at this point, I just couldn't help indulging myself in reminiscence (sorry!)