Hasbro Metagame Stadium & Combo Testing 2! Updates!!

... I don't think breaking any rules of this thread is going to make your tests legal dude. They are there for a reason.
Well I know, but I just want to see if LLD still has an advantage. Besides, the stadium gives disadvantages to LLD.
Just to end it now, you can't break rules to do tests, if you do, your tests will be invalid and ignored.
(Jan. 16, 2012  6:14 AM)kbuno50 Wrote: Would it be a problem if I broke 2 rules for testing?
I'm using BF, and ripcord launchers.

Oddly, things are leading towards LLD right now, so I guess lightning will be like the variares of hasbro. I might do tests with gravity, but last time I tried, it didn't work out so good, so I guess it's like the blitz of hasbro.

Um, yes...read the section in the OP about launchers and ripcords...

Agian, you never stated the condition of your 2 performance tips, both of which are tips that generaly need to have thier condition stated. RF wears over time, and HF gets deformed over time.

You also never stated the mode of LLD and CH120.

And what is BF?
(Jan. 16, 2012  4:42 PM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: And what is BF?

Burning Firestrike, most likely...
Then I have to dismiss everything about his tests. That stadium is a joke...

Next time read the OP.
I did, that's why I knew what rules I broke. Sorry, but I'll put up the test results anyways:

Lightning L Drago 100HF vs. Earth Bull AD145WD
Burning Firestrike stadium, Lightning L Drago deeply banked, modded ripcord launchers, worn WD

Lightning L Drago 100HF: 7 wins (6 KOs, 1 OS)
Earth Bull AD145WD: 3 wins (2 OS, 1 KO)
0 draws

Lightning L Drago win percentage: 70 %
What part of Burning Firestrike stadium is illegal do you not get? I appreciate the effort, I do, but follow the rules like everyone else. Also in your original post you posted "Lf" which to me, means that you lied initialy.

A while ago I would have also looked past the fact that you used short ripcords. But now that the rip gauge launcher is out, there is really no reason for it. I still accept longer ripcords, but rip gauge is one of the best options.

While these results are good looking, it is Burning Firestrike, so any legitamacy to them is completely destroyed.
At what post did I mention LF? That happened to be capricornguy1, who coincidentally has nearly the same avatar as me, but with less grammar.
(Jan. 15, 2012  10:07 PM)capricornguy1 Wrote: lf stadium used sliding shot used with ll

Yeah. It was capricornguy1.
Damn I am sorry. You both have my apologies.

Regardless you both need to listen to the same advice. Both of you dont list tip conditions when needed (parts like RF, WD, and HF), dont use proper launchers or ripcords, dont list part modes, (What mode is LLD in? CH120?) and do incomplete techniques. (Capricorn Guy did only sliding, and kbuno did only banking.) Also, Capricornguy, improve the organization of your test results, as well as grammer. kbuno, don't use illegal stadiums or modded equipment.

Just follow the rules. This goes for all testing, not just on this thread.
Woah woah woah, the Rip Guage Launcher should most definitely not be used for your guys' tests. It never gets used for TAKARA-TOMY Stadiums, so what would make it efficient here? BeyLaunchers should be the only acceptable Launchers.
Beylauncher is prefered, true, but for this thread, only, Ripgauge is an acceptable substitiute. I was informned that it was a fairly powerful launcher, because I do not own one. However that was from someone on the old Hasbro thread, so perhaps there was a bit of bias involved. Perhaps I need to re-write the launchers section?

Ok look at it this way; We have no String Launcher L, and Rip Gauge is more powerful than a normal Hasbro laucnher correct?

After I finish my work I am going to re-write the launchers section, considering all of this. My ehad is just to clouded with so much work and I cannot waste any more time procrastinating
The Rip Guage Launcher has consistency issues. The Left Spin issue is a bit of a pickle though, sometimes BeyLauncher results aren't the same as Light Launcher results. I've tried it before, it's really evident in Stamina battles.
Well that is obvious yes. Beofre the release of Rip Gauge, the original intent of allowing longer ripcords, as well as certain TT launchers, was to maximize testing results for left spin combos. The only additoinal rule was that the tests muct be kept consistant. the opposing bey, regardless of spin or launcher used, must also use the same launcher/ripcord type as the previous bey. Perhaps I should make that more clear in the OP when i have the time.

OP has so many margins, codings and spacing issues. edit mode is hard to navigate. But it is worth it for the way it looks now

How bad are these consistency issues? Are these from the TT Power Gauge launcher only? (or whatever it is called) or have they been proven to translate over to the Hasbro Rip Gauge launcher? (The same thing last time I heard)
Well, some people have Rip Guage launchers that they get more power than a Beylauncher, and some can't get nearly a powerful enough launch.

Even if the Launchers were kept consistent, there's still a difference between Beylauncher vs Beylauncher and Light Launcher Vs Light Launcher. Sometimes, a certain Beyblade will win in the Beylauncher tests, but the other one will win in the Light Launcher tests, no matter what the Winder length is. It mostly happens in Stamina battles, and although it's not often, it does happen.
i like these new rules

hey anyone reading this ive made a facebook group called beyblade fans please check out the page
o_0 Do you mean the thread rules in this thread as compared to the old hasbro thread, even though this thread isnt really new, and was made months ago?

...thank you? o_0

Anyway I am a bit confused as to how there are certain scenarios where light launchers are prefered over string/beylaunchers. As long as you launch correctly, that doesn't make sense to me. Beylauncher has more power behind it. Beys will last longer when used with beylauncher
I'm not sure if rip gauge launcher is even a good choice at all, because of the large amount of resistance when you attempt to pull hard, thus you cannot control attack types.
(Jan. 18, 2012  12:45 AM)kbuno50 Wrote: I'm not sure if rip gauge launcher is even a good choice at all, because of the large amoint of resistance when you attempt to pull hard, thus you cannot control attack types.

@ Kbuno50 I agree with u and I have been encountering the same issue with my Rip Gauge Launcher. It takes a hell of alot more focus to launch correctly or ull self KO easily, but Leon is correct it helps us maximize testing results for Left Spinning combos. does anyone have any better ideas to help out testing for Left spinning combos?
The Rip Gauge launcher in my opinion should not be allowed, for reasons stated above. I have a faulty one, and my experiences scream no. Logically though, the actual reasons that it should not be allowed is mentioned above. As for helping vs. left spin and launchers, just use Light Launchers (Hasbro). Keep the power consistent, since the two have identical RPM. A RGL vs. a light launcher just Isnt fair, even if it is a bad RGL.
Max Stampede (NO CRATERS), String Launcher + Grip used for all tops. Banking and sliding shoot used for attack tops, others launched normally. Earth Aquario GB145WB is the combo tested...

Earth Aquario GB145WB (WB semi-worn) VS MF Gravity Destroyer R145R2F (R2F semi-worn)

Aquario: 24/25 (20 OS, 4 KO)
Destroyer: 1/25 (KO)
Aquario Winning %: 96%

Despite Aquario Taking several hits, it held it's ground and won almost all of the matches. As a matter of fact, it seemed agile at other times and AVOIDED attacks from Destroyer.

Earth Aquario GB145WB (WB semi-worn) VS Basalt Aquario 230CS (CS semi-worn)

Aquario: 16/25 (14 OS, 2 KO)
Basalt: 9/25 (8 OS, 1 KO)
Aquario Winning %: 64%

Since Basalt and Aquario are both somewhat evasive and both have similar solo-spin time [Aquario: 2:41:63, Basalt 2:42:01], I expected to see Earth Aquario do worse than what it did against MF Destroyer. However, it still did pretty good.
Considering that WB has terrible grip, the results from your initial tests are disapointing. At the same time, test #2 was expected, CS, along with any other attack-stamina tips, are possibly the saviors for attack types here. Which CS was it? That is my bad. The rules dont state to mention the style of the CS. I will have to add that to my OP update this weekend.

Rai: I wonder what we should do about this? Perhaps I could attach a poll to the OP? Is that possible? It would seem best to let the community decide this, not a sole individual.
It was the Hasbro Striker CS tip.....

And honestly, I was surprised by Earth Aquario GB145WB's defense. It took the hits and, despite sliding a bit, it shook off most of the hits as nothing. I could definitely see the bad grip with how evasive this bey was, especially because it was a defense type. I did not gimmick the launching whatsoever.