Hasbro Metagame Stadium & Combo Testing 2! Updates!!

No one has used it, but they want testing results.
well I can buy it today but im still new to the game so I dont exactly know what im looking for to determine it would be a good stadium. I felt the center of the stadium and to my knowledge it seems to have the right slopes, but then again im not a expert on this so please some1 help me out with a answer
There is no way to really feel if it has the right slopes.

If you are going to buy the stadium, we would really appreciate tests. Dont feel obligated, but if you would like to help the community, that would be a big help.

PM me agian if you have any questions BlackHeart Wink
Ok well it's a done deal I'll buy and do what ever tests I can or needed
So far, TRU is selling MXS online for 11/12$, so I might be getting access to EXTREME TESTING.
I realized something. The TR on the Dragon's Den 'feels' the same as the LF. If someone has the LF and DD, can you please confirm this? Then maybe we may be able to use DD as an official Hasbro stadium for testing.
thats what I meant by it felt like it was legit, Dragons Den TR feels exactly like LF to me. I didnt know the correct terms to say lol. that is why I asked because I have alot of the crappy stadiums and I noticed the difference right away
BlackHeart, if you have both the LF and DD can you please test the slopes?
is there a thread on how to test the slopes lol cuz I am still new to this game
A ten dollar bill and a twenty dollar bill feel the same. What is your point? If the stadiums are even slightly different physicaly, it would be near impossible for an aveage person to detect the difference with thier senses. Only tests matter. That will prove how it performs, not assuming it is LF...

Sorry for the delays with the updates, agian...expect all the OP updates by tomarrow afternoon. No more delays, I swear, but lately things have been out of my hands...
I'm sorry, but there are too many factors that would test your statement wrong.
If a slope is similar, it will be easily detectable by the naked eye. You can tell the difference between a Striker Stadium and a Lightning Force. I haven't a single clue where you come up with half of the stuff you do.
For some reason I have the feeling that DD is just a recolour of the LF and re-released in the XTS line.

It is.
The irony is that they both come from L-Drago.
That's good. Someone should really compare them so we can confirm it. Then I'll finally I have a stadium to contribute with... LOL.
(Feb. 05, 2012  12:11 AM)Raigeko13 Wrote: I'm sorry, but there are too many factors that would test your statement wrong.
If a slope is similar, it will be easily detectable by the naked eye. You can tell the difference between a Striker Stadium and a Lightning Force. I haven't a single clue where you come up with half of the stuff you do.

If this is directed towards me, then you are completely wrong.

There are certain things that arent detectable by the naked eye, and just because you think you can tell differences doesn't mean you know all of them. It is always better to be certain than to just assume things. For example, alot of the "PTW is the same as LF" comemnts stopped once measurments were taken.

I sincerly hope that last sentence was not directed towards me either considering what you just posted was completely wrong.

If this was all not directed at me, then I apologize. If it was, then back off.

On a lighter note, the OP just went through some more updates. They will definatly be done by tonight, considering I dont watch the Super Bowl, even if it is the NY Giants.
>implying stadiums need to be measured to tell the differences of slopes
Welp, guess we just can't tell the difference between a BB-10 and a PTW. My bad man. I am honestly sorry that the naked eye can't tell the difference between a bowl and a flat surface.
(Feb. 04, 2012  5:11 AM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: A ten dollar bill and a twenty dollar bill feel the same. What is your point? If the stadiums are even slightly different physicaly, it would be near impossible for an aveage person to detect the difference with thier senses. Only tests matter. That will prove how it performs, not assuming it is LF...

(Feb. 05, 2012  8:36 PM)Raigeko13 Wrote: >implying stadiums need to be measured to tell the differences of slopes
Welp, guess we just can't tell the difference between a BB-10 and a PTW. My bad man. I am honestly sorry that the naked eye can't tell the difference between a bowl and a flat surface.
Mashing these two together, sorta
Rai has a point, if you take the bold sentence of Leon's into account, you're implying that you can't detect the differences in slopes using touch/eye, but as Rai implied, we can tell the difference between stadiums such as the BB-10 and Pegasus Thunder Whip, or the Lightning Force and the Pegasus Thunder Whip. Measurements aren't really needed, depending on situation at hand.
I would agree to that. Think of it this way Rai, Lightning Force and MXSNC look identical, but they have different slopes that vary only slightly. However, Lightning Force and PTW are obsviously and visably different.

Now in the case of Lightning Force and Dragons Den, they do look very much alike. However we cannot be 100% certain until it is tested. There may be slight differences, like the ones between Lightning Force and Maximum Stampede, that we just dont realize. We also have to consider the fact that both Lightning Force and Dragon's Den having a dragon theme may be influencing our thought pocess a small bit (but not really) If the differences were more obvious, like with PTW and Lightning Force, then I would agree with you

BB-10 and PTW look completely different to begin with, so that really isnt a very valid point

Still, I recant my statment in declaring that you were completely wrong Rai, however try to understand what I am saying, and without slandering me in the process. CRUelty probobly explained what I am saying now better than I did
I have been lurking about the WBO forum for about a month or so reading quite a bit of the threads. I personally have a PTW stadium and feel it better for straight testing then say any of the gimmicky trench stadiums for WBO standards. Hasbro and their huge menagerie of stadiums leave the meta game and head toward a home field advantage depending if your bey falls into a groove or not. Hasbro's game is NOT the WBO's game, they are more stadium based as opposed to the standard bb-10 shootout. That being said i have about 50 Hasbro beys and am more than willing to test them in the non-gimmick PTW stadium using hasbro string/rip launchers and post any results for members to see.
Ok, but you will have to have them repeated in one of the required stadiums: DD, LF, or MXS.

ALSO: could someone test LLD GB145HF? I've been toying with it around for a while, and it seems to have EXCELLENT smash, along with the weight.
I'm sorry, if we're testing silly stadiums that will never be legal because they're all people have available then...

Why the hell aren't you testing in ALL the silly Hasbro stadiums that will never be legal, and what point does this serve outside of that?

Seriously, how is anyone supposed to know what works in things like Burn Firestrike or cratered Max Stampede, if there's nowhere to test in them. I know you like the idea of a "Hasbro Metagame" but let's be honest, that serves very little point outside of helping people know what works in the stadiums they can access, and I don't know about you, but my local stores stock one stadium at a time, often, Burn Firestrike or something similarly dumb is the only thing available to me, off the internet.

Honestly, this thread seems like about 54 pages of pointless discussion of a pointless topic, no progress, and Raigeko13 trying to pull some form of sanity out of the mess.
LT13, they don't even produce MXS/LF anymore. They're rare and uncommon in stores.
You have to move on from the old stuff, and it would generally be better if they were all accepted.
You're just making it harder for the meta to move on - only the people who got the stadiums originally are the only people who can really test. There is a lack of experience and knowledge for people who own other stadiums.
You're only holding it back, and it needs to move forward. :\
That is why DD, Ray Striker Stadium and Gravity Destroyer stadium are in the testing requests list. I am holding no one back at all. my local stores only sell bolt blast atm, and no one has gotten around to testing stadiums like DD. I would prefer if you didnt try to blame this on me, I am just one person Rai.

And as it has been explained before, testing other stadiiums would be pointless, but I undeestand your point

If its any consolation, I may be getting DD on the 9th, but thats only a maybe (9th is my bday)
No, this thread is pointless if you don't test in other stadiums.

How do you find this so difficult to understand?!
There is so much we don't know.
And that is because you deem them not worthy.
That is NOT okay.