(Stamina Mode) Cognite C3 7Cross Atomic (Odd) vs.
Unicrest 7Cross Atomic (Even): Rebel Blader
- U Burst
- U Burst
- U OS
- C3 OS
- U Burst
- U Burst
- U OS
- U KO
- U Burst
- U Burst
- U KO
- C3 OS
- U OS
- U Burst
- U OS
- U Burst
- U Burst
- U Burst
- U OS
- C3 OS
- C3.7C.At: 3 OS (15% Win Rate)
- U.7C.At: 10 Burst, 5 OS, 2 KO (85% Win Rate)
Battles 1-10: C3 had 7, C (Yellow), and At (1) while U had 7, C (Blue), and At (2)
Battles 11-20: U had 7, C (Yellow), and At (1) while C3 had 7, C (Blue), and At (2)
(Attack Mode) Cognite C3 7Cross Atomic (Odd) vs.
Unicrest 7Cross Atomic (Even): Rebel Blader
- U Burst
- U Burst
- U OS
- U Burst
- U OS
- U Burst
- U OS
- U Burst
- U Burst
- U OS
- U OS
- U Burst
- U Burst
- U Burst
- U Burst
- C3 OS
- U OS
- U OS
- U OS
- C3 OS
- C3.7C.At: 2 OS (10% Win Rate)
- U.7C.At: 10 Burst, 8 OS (90% Win Rate)
Battles 1-10: C3 had 7, C (Yellow), and At (1) while U had 7, C (Blue), and At (2)
Battles 11-20: U had 7, C (Yellow), and At (1) while C3 had 7, C (Blue), and At (2)
(Stamina Mode) Cognite C3 7Cross Atomic (Odd) vs.
Kerbeus 7Cross Atomic (Even): Rebel Blader
- K OS
- C3 OS
- K Burst
- C3 Burst
- K OS
- K OS
- K OS
- C3 OS
- C3 Burst
- C3 OS
- C3 Burst
- K Burst
- K OS
- C3 OS
- C3 OS
- C3 OS
- C3 Burst
- K Burst
- K KO
- C3 OS
- C3.7C.At: 7 OS, 4 Burst (55% Win Rate)
- K.7C.At: 5 OS, 3 Burst, 1 KO (45% Win Rate)
Battles 1-10: C3 had 7, C (Yellow), and At (1) while K had 7, C (Blue), and At (2)
Battles 11-20: K had 7, C (Yellow), and At (1) while C3 had 7, C (Blue), and At (2)
(Attack Mode) Cognite C3 7Cross Atomic (Odd) vs.
Kerbeus 7Cross Atomic (Even): Rebel Blader
- K Burst
- K Burst
- K OS
- C3 KO
- K OS
- K OS
- K OS
- K Burst
- K OS
- C3 KO
- K OS
- C3 Burst
- K OS
- C3 KO
- K OS
- C3 Burst
- K OS
- C3 KO
- K OS
- C3 Burst
- C3.7C.At: 4 KO, 3 Burst (35% Win Rate)
- K.7C.At: 10 OS, 3 Burst (65% Win Rate)
Battles 1-10: C3 had 7, C (Yellow), and At (1) while K had 7, C (Blue), and At (2)
Battles 11-20: K had 7, C (Yellow), and At (1) while C3 had 7, C (Blue), and At (2)
(Stamina Mode) Cognite C3 7Cross Atomic (Odd) vs.
Anubion A2 7Cross Atomic (Even): Rebel Blader
- A2 Burst
- A2 Burst
- A2 Burst
- C3 KO
- A2 Burst
- C3 KO
- A2 Burst
- C3 OS
- A2 Burst
- C3 Burst
- C3 Burst
- A2 Burst
- A2 KO
- C3 OS
- A2 Burst
- A2 Burst
- A2 Burst
- A2 Burst
- A2 Burst
- A2 Burst
- C3.7C.At: 2 OS, 2 Burst, 2 KO (30% Win Rate)
- A2.7C.At: 13 Burst, 1 KO (70% Win Rate)
Battles 1-10: C3 had 7, C (Yellow), and At (1) while A2 had 7, C (Blue), and At (2)
Battles 11-20: A2 had 7, C (Yellow), and At (1) while C3 had 7, C (Blue), and At (2)
(Attack Mode) Cognite C3 7Cross Atomic (Odd) vs.
Anubion A2 7Cross Atomic (Even): Rebel Blader
- A2 OS
- A2 Burst
- A2 OS
- A2 Burst
- A2 OS
- A2 Burst
- A2 OS
- A2 Burst
- A2 OS
- C3 KO
- A2 OS
- A2 Burst
- A2 OS
- A2 Burst
- A2 KO
- A2 Burst
- A2 Burst
- A2 OS
- A2 OS
- A2 Burst
- C3.7C.At: 1 KO (5% Win Rate)
- A2.7C.At: 9 OS, 9 Burst, 1 KO (95% Win Rate)
Battles 1-10: C3 had 7, C (Yellow), and At (1) while A2 had 7, C (Blue), and At (2)
Battles 11-20: A2 had 7, C (Yellow), and At (1) while C3 had 7, C (Blue), and At (2)
(Stamina Mode) Cognite C3 7Cross Atomic (Odd) vs.
Caynox 7Cross Atomic (Even): Rebel Blader
- C3 Burst
- C3 Burst
- C Burst
- C3 Burst
- C3 Burst
- C3 Burst
- C3 Burst
- C3 Burst
- C3 Burst
- C3 Burst
- C3 Burst
- C3 Burst
- C3 Burst
- C3 Burst
- C Burst
- C3 Burst
- C3 Burst
- C3 Burst
- C KO
- C OS
- C3.7C.At: 16 Burst (80% Win Rate)
- C.7C.At: 2 Burst, 1 OS, 1 KO (20% Win Rate)
Battles 1-10: C3 had 7, C (Yellow), and At (1) while C had 7, C (Blue), and At (2)
Battles 11-20: C had 7, C (Yellow), and At (1) while C3 had 7, C (Blue), and At (2)
(Attack Mode) Cognite C3 7Cross Atomic (Odd) vs.
Caynox 7Cross Atomic (Even): Rebel Blader
- C3 Burst
- C3 Burst
- C3 Burst
- C3 Burst
- C3 Burst
- C KO
- C3 Burst
- C3 Burst
- C3 Burst
- C Burst
- C3 Burst
- C Burst
- C3 Burst
- C3 Burst
- C3 Burst
- C3 Burst
- C Burst
- C3 Burst
- C3 Burst
- C3 Burst
- C3.7C.At: 16 Burst (80% Win Rate)
- C.7C.At: 3 Burst, 1 KO (20% Win Rate)
Battles 1-10: C3 had 7, C (Yellow), and At (1) while C had 7, C (Blue), and At (2)
Battles 11-20: C had 7, C (Yellow), and At (1) while C3 had 7, C (Blue), and At (2)