Hades Kerbecs AD145 HF (Attack Type)

Hades Kerbecs AD145HF VS. Flash Pisces CH120R2F
Hades (Winner) (12 OS) (1 KO) Flash (Loser) (0 OS) (7 KO)

Hades Kerbecs AD145HF VS. Duo Cancer 230SD
Hades (Winner) (1 OS) (10 KO) Duo (Loser) (8 OS) (1 KO)
What stadium were these tests done in? Only a BB-10 is allowed for testing.

This combo is really outclassed either way.
Yeah, if this isn't BB-10, that'd make sense, these test results are very odd.

Hades with no BD145 alone should never be able to beat Flash.
Please provide a benchmark using that flash combo versus something like Duo BD145RSF, those numbers are ridiculously low.
Either his RF is worn or he isn't launching right, that percentage is nuts. You were using a TT duo?
Eh, I ain't getting the same results:

Hades Kerbecs AD145 HF vs Flash Pices CH120R2F
Hades: 2/20 (2 OS'S, 0 KO'S)
Flash: 18/20 (7 OS'S, 11 KO'S)
Hades win %: 10.00%

Hades Kerbecs AD145 HF vs Duo Cancer 230SD
Hades: 1/20 (1 OS, 0 KO'S)
Duo: 19/20 (19 OS'S, 0 KO'S)
Hades win %: 5.00%

Hades just didn't have the power... Something has to be wrong here...
Since your results are weird, we have to ask you to provide a video showing these performances.
Just to ask - are we sure he was using a Takara Tomy Duo?

The Flash results could have been due to a horrible, horrible launch, but if he was using a Hasbro Duo MW, that would totally explain his results against Stamina.
if it is not a Hasbro duo, it probably would be a rapidity or Takara tomy duo
(Mar. 18, 2014  12:05 AM)bladeryBoB66 Wrote: if it is not a Hasbro duo, it probably would be a rapidity or Takara tomy duo
If it wasn't Hasbro, it would definitely be those brands, haha. There's no other brands I know that would sell a Duo wheel.

Otherwise, like TheLibraKing said, this is outclassed. I wouldn't really expect this to do too well, if the main concept of this combo would be for smash. If that was the case, Wyvang attackers would do lots better. But I'd definitely like to see some more testings, though.

Anyways, are there any specific tests I can help out with?

1300th post!
that looks like a awsome combo but beatind flash well unless its bb10 its understandalbe
The topic creator has made 3 posts, two of them in this thread, two of them containing very strange testing results, and despite coming online on March 12th didn't respond to further posts in this thread.

I think we're beating a dead horse here guys.