[Guide]  What to buy to be successful in Zero-G

BBG-04 Attack Stadium (most preferred, but any of the three are acceptable for WBO play)
BBG-11 Defense Stadium
BBG-18 Balance Stadium


Launcher Grip- Not 100% necessary, but many bladers find it helpful for launch performance.

Beylauncher L/R- Preferred for its increased power over ripcord launchers and its increased versatility over its separate right and left versions (which however are also viable).

BB-84/85 Metal Face Remodeling Ver.: These customizable Metal Faces offer four different modes of weight distribution. Each set comes with two Faces made of four different parts: a Metal Core, a Plastic Core, a Metal Plate, and a Plastic Plate. Being versatile, you can create the type which best enhances your combo, such as MF-H for Defense and Attack.

BBG-14/15 Metal Stone Face Flame Red/Ocean Blue: Exactly like the BB-84/86 Metal face Remodeling Ver. but for zero-g beyblades, offers a variety of different creations by combining the Plastic and Metal Plate together.

Single Beyblades:
Note: Bolded parts are the reason to buy the bey

BBG-09 (Random Booster) Thief Phoenic E230GCF:  E230 represents a top-tier option for Defense combos. GCF's geared diametre makes it an excellent tip for Zero-G (Sway) Attack like CF.

BBG-23 - (Random Booster) Bandid Genbull F230TB: Bandid Genbull's Chrome Wheel is balanced and presents great use in Stamina. TB is versatile throughout Balance and Stamina  combinations and F230 has come to be a dominant part due to its free-spinning capabilities (this is one of the rare situations where Hasbro's part is notably inferior).

BBG-16 Starter Dark Knight Dragooon LW160BSF: As the only Chrome Wheel that can spin in the left direction and that can however be paired with any right-spin Chrome Wheel too, it finds top-tier use mainly in Attack and Spin-Stealing combos. LW160 also has relatively equal Stamina to W145, and BSF has potential in Balance customs.

BB-100 Killer Beafowl UW145EWD- Other than EWD this beyblade is outclassed, but because of the stamina and spin-stealing heavy meta that exists in this format, EWD is practically a mandatory part (loose, but not as good supplements= W2D, WD)

BBG-22 Berserker Begirados SR200BWD- BWD is a potent alternative to EWD with slightly greater sway resistance, albeit at the cost of slightly less use in spin-stealing customs. Additionally, SR200 is a powerful stamina track and when synchromed with itself begirados offers incredible smash, but incredibly recoily attack.

BBG-01 Samurai Ifraid W145 CF- Ifraid is an interesting attack chrome wheel especially when paired with Bahamdia. W145 is one of the most potent stamina tracks in the game and CF is powerful when paired with F230 and when used for Zero-G (Sway) Attack.

BBG-27 Gladiator Bahamdia SP230GF- Bahamdia is a powerful attack chrome wheel especially when paired with Dragooon or Ifraid. SP230 is a viable Zero-G (sway) attack track and GF is a potent piece for both Zero-G (Sway) attack and the smash attack customs that exist in Zero-G.

BB-118 Phantom Orion B:D- B:D is a staple part in Zero-G outmatched in use only by F230. Additionally, Phantom is still a viable stamina wheel and sees use in balance customs such as Phantom Cancer E230 TB.


BB-121 Beyblade Ultimate DX Set:
Buy for: Duo, 230, WD, MB
Since its release, Duo has always been an excellent 4D Metal Wheel for Stamina, Balance, and defense. This Set is currently the only way to acquire Duo. The other parts in this Set are simply good, like MB which can be used for top-tier Balance combinations and 90WF and LRF for Attack. It also encloses a BeyLauncher LR, the most powerful launcher for all types of Beyblades, as well as a set of Metal Face Custom Ver., useful for Defense and Attack customizations.

BBG-24 Ultimate Synchrom DX Set Attack & Balance Type:
Buy For: Balro, SA165, Zirago
This set and its BBG-25 counterpart have become somewhat difficult to find, but they still contain an incredible amount of competitive parts. This one contains the extremely valuable track SA165, the attack force Balro, the jack of all trades Zirago, and the interesting WSF along with a collection of other chrome wheels and slightly outclassed parts.

BBG-25 Ultimate Synchrom DX Set Stamina & Defense Type:
Buy For: Wyvang, E230, Killerken, Revizer
This one contains the defensive forces of reviser, killerken, and e230 along with the offensive behemoth of wyvang (exclusive to this set) and the passable parts of AD145, 160, and Orojya.

WBBA Big Bang Pegasis Remodel Parts Set: Since this Set is small and generally inexpensive, it's an easy way to stock up Bottoms like RF, RSF and RS, which wear down quickly.

Useful Hasbro Releases To Possibly Obtain Parts More Cheaply
Thief Zirago WA130HF- value=zirago
Archer Gargole SA165WSF- value=SA165
Bandit Genbu F230TB- value= cheap genbull and tb, (f230=no good in most cases)

Please review the competitive combos list to understand what to build from theses parts.
Does anyone have any opposition to this?
I have no opposition to this, however I would include Takara Tomy string launcher left and right as a accessory option as well. In my opinion i feel the left or right launcher alone have more power than L/R launcher.
Hm, if we are going to list Beyblades that only have one useful Beyblade, it makes me hesitant not to list alternatives to sets, like a single Guardian Revizer 160SB Starter. There has to be a way of organising all of this information so that it is clear that it is a decent alternative for a specific part. Perhaps we could actually add a note to each item based on how much each great part costs in relation to the price of the whole thing ? So, for BB-121, basically it has two top-tier parts in it mostly, so you could say that it is $50(?) for two parts, so each good part ends up costing $25, right ? Obviously the explanation makes it clear that Duo is super needed despite the high cost-per-part, and the fact that we mention it at all in the first position means that it is an important purchase.

On top of that, perhaps Gladiator Bahamdia (Bahamdia and GF) and Samurai Ifraid (Ifraid, W145 and CF) are worth adding to the list ?
That's a really interesting suggestion, although I think assigning a dollar value per valuable part may be too volatile right now to have anything accurate. I could however just add a buy this for these parts section...

Why is it volatile ?
Just since the series is over, I've seen things like Samurai Pegasis for example available for $15 some weeks and then $35 the next.
But we know that being available for a certain price does not mean that it is worth that and that people will buy it for that price. It is in stock at twenty dollars free shipping on Amazon.com : http://www.amazon.com/BEYBLADE-Samurai-P...B00BZG517A
So, thirty-five dollars would be the odd data out of everything.
EWD in Zero-G? I don't agree with that on the list at all.

You're basically guaranteeing a self Sway KO unless your EWD is right out of the box, and even in that case BWD is better.
I cannot remember exactly what I used in the last Zero-G tournament, but my MF Duo Uranus SA165EWD still works great.
(Sep. 05, 2015  12:15 AM)Kai-V Wrote: I cannot remember exactly what I used in the last Zero-G tournament, but my MF Duo Uranus SA165EWD still works great.

It's alright, but BWD or WD might have been a better replacement, since you risk being sway KO'd really easily with EWD Uncertain
I think that should do it?
That seems perfect in terms of the listed products in my opinion. I would just bold the parts in the Sets section as well, and add a sentence at the very end to say that, while less wortwhile value-wise, there exists alternatives in the shape of Starters and Boosters for some of the parts inside sets that are completely fine to purchase.
(Sep. 05, 2015  12:32 AM)LMAO Wrote:
(Sep. 05, 2015  12:15 AM)Kai-V Wrote: I cannot remember exactly what I used in the last Zero-G tournament, but my MF Duo Uranus SA165EWD still works great.

It's alright, but BWD or WD might have been a better replacement, since you risk being sway KO'd really easily with EWD Uncertain

I know I'm late to the party, but I just remembered I was able to post here now, haha.

Personally, I definitely feel EWD is better than WD, even in Zero-G. Just from personal experience and EWD in Zero-G events, I definitely think its a worthwhile part to have. If anything, it at least belongs up there with BWD and WD.
Hey here is just my ideas about the list.

BBG-14/15 Metal Stone Face Flame Red/Ocean Blue- Are these absolutely necessary? I personally feel if we are going for a bare minimum or fairly necessary things you don't especially need this. Synchromes are heavy as is. I mean they are cool and all but they won't make or break a player like some of the other items will.

BBG-27 Gladiator Bahamdia SP230GF- This is another thing I really feel isn't that necessary. Bahamdia isn't really that great or used that often (at least from what I've seen), SP230 is essentially a weaker E230 and GF isn't really mandatory for sway, it is alright but generally I've seen more players opt towards the safer GCF.

WBBA Big Bang Pegasis Remodel Parts Set- I'm not really sure why this is on here, rubber tips don't really see any play in Zero G and the tracks scrape really easy due to height.
You should probably say that you can get GCF in the BBG-024. Maybe even throw in a part where if you have both DX sets Thief Phoenic becomes optional. You may want to bold BSF as well. You might also want to mention the Hasbro Air Synchrome Set because it has Dragooon and SA165 in the same set.

(Sep. 29, 2015  8:29 PM)Thunder Dome Wrote: BBG-14/15 Metal Stone Face Flame Red/Ocean Blue- Are these absolutely necessary? I personally feel if we are going for a bare minimum or fairly necessary things you don't especially need this. Synchromes are heavy as is. I mean they are cool and all but they won't make or break a player like some of the other items will.
(Sep. 29, 2015  8:29 PM)Thunder Dome, in the Beyblade Colosseum 2 thread Wrote: Zero G was quite interesting without F230. Tons and tons of sway it was rediculous. I fought sway off pretty good before the finals, but not having a MSF or MSF-H makes a huge difference against sway so i ended up going to 3rd. I personally have always loved Zero G, but now I'm even more excited with all the sway running around making all the matches way cooler. See everyone next event!

I wasn't there, but how much of a difference do you think it really makes? I would argue that weight matters more in Zero-G than in Standard because the nature of the format means that heavier Beyblades can throw their weight around more. Not targeting you personally by bringing up that old quote, just trying to promote discussion.

I prefer GF over GCF actually, I find it less likely to Self-KO due to there only being one contact point with the Stadium (I think? Is that how physics works?) and it doesn't do that thing where it rolls on the circle and loses Stamina real quick. But I could be in the minority here, and if GCF is just objectively better than GF I don't know if Bahamdia is necessary.

I totally agree on the WBBA BBP Parts Set though. Despite what the Competitive Customs list says I don't think traditional Attack really works in Zero-G. The swaying will screw up your Sliding Shoot and the steeper angle isn't exactly ideal either. I don't think I've ever actually seen/heard of it being tested/used in a tournament to be honest.

EDIT because I forgot to weigh in on this earlier: EWD vs. WD vs. BWD - I still think EWD is flat out better for Stamina than WD. I haven't played Zero-G enough to know how easy it is to Zero-G KO in comparison to WD, but if they're roughly the same like [)ragon says (aka both pretty easy to KO) then EWD is a better option. I personally prefer using B:D over SA165EWD for pure Stamina though (haven't ever tried Attack Mode on it though so I don't know if that's better), and use SA165 (Stamina) BWD when I want to give my combo some more defensive ability.
Just to chime in here, concerning GF vs. GCF, I'm not sure either one is necessarily better than the other per say; they're generally interchangeable. I've always preferred GF just because I like the feel of it (and it does seem to work more smoothly on Dragooon sway to me, even though the difference is pretty minute), but I think selecting ZRG-Attack Bottoms is more a matter of preference than anything else. As far as which is more prone to self-KO, I really haven't ever been able to tell if either has an advantage in that respect.

Whatever the case, GCF is certainly a competitive option, and considering the fact that this list is supposed to be a sort of "bare minimum", I would scratch Bahamdia.

Also, another quick observation - is the Big Bang Pegasis parts set really necessary? I mean, when's the last time you used an RF combo in a Zero-G tournament (and won)? RSF and RS are applicable ZRG-Defense Bottoms, but to be honest MB out shines them both by a good margin and provides far more endurance. I personally never use them, and even if some players do prefer them, I highly doubt you could justify calling them essential.


(Sep. 27, 2015  6:52 PM)Leone19 Wrote: Personally, I definitely feel EWD is better than WD, even in Zero-G. Just from personal experience and EWD in Zero-G events, I definitely think its a worthwhile part to have. If anything, it at least belongs up there with BWD and WD.

Just wanted to echo this. EWD has by far the best Precession of any part in the game (well, RDF comes close, but EWD is still slightly better on most setups), and even though it's highly vulnerable to ZRG-KO, the trade-off is generally worth it. I usually use it in place of BWD, actually, since, if your opponent knows what he's doing, he'll probably be able to KO either one. WD is kind of in the middle of the two, and it's inferior to both in my opinion - it's not resistant enough to sway to warrant using it over EWD, and its precession isn't really good enough to warrant using it over BWD.
I sell beyblade from Ebay all licnesed authentic takaratomy beyblade see my review

Samurai Ifraid

Phantom Orion


check my store I also have super rare Jade Jupiter, Screw Capricorn, Grand Cetus 145 & 125, BB100 Killer Beafowl UW145EWD, Death Quetzalcoatl, Beat Lynx, L drago Destroy,

when is the next z tournament
this guide was posted in 2014 which is 10 years ago from today is July 8th 2024
I am replying here as a Beyblade seller online and offline from 2016 sold more than a thousands beyblades mostly Metal fusion beyblades
all genuine Takara Tomy beyblade
I have

1.Zero G BBG 12 Archer Gryph

2.Zero G BBG01 Samurai Ifraid W145CF

3.Zero G Vol. 2 Pirates Gryph 160CF

4.Zero G Random Booster 1 Shinobi Orojya 145ES

5.ZERO G BBG22 Berserker Begirados SR200BWD

6.Archer Gargoyle With Launcher

7.Shinobi Orojya 160WSF

8.Shinobi Orojya 160WSF


I also have genuine WBBA Limited Gold Big Bang Pegasis and Wing Pegasis S130RB . I bought them from Japan in person


I also sell beyblade to beyblade retailer