Guess The Beyblade!

Poll: Good thread idea?

Don't care
Total: 100% 33 vote(s)
Seems like fun, and a good system for rookie bladers!
I noticed that actually. I saw this thread today and was like "wtf 24 pages in a day?"

The recolor rule in this games does need to be removed... I have at least like 10 different colored Upper Dragoons...
Its been 4 hours...the rules say about each 4 hours or something

lmao at what brad said XD
Yeah, mods are correct. I think recolours are fun but I can see your point. So from now on (to anyone who's still playing XD) you're only allowed three guesses, per person, per picture. Subject to change but will see if that works better. It's annoying with people guessing random beyblades which don't even look similiar. And no recolours!

Reposting the picture.
[Image: 20swwp0.jpg]

Also, as I imagine this thread will calm down from now on, we'll just have one game. We can always add another if it gets busy but at the moment, one game will be easier to track. Smile
I got it!!! (Metal Master Series or not) Kid Dragoon SG Flat Base
I believe Aqua already said that it wasn't DF145 (which comes with numerous beyblades btw Wink ). could it be SG Flat Base? D:
Kid Dragoon Upper Dragoon AR!
Kid dragoon
Didn't you read the rules:
Quote:1. When guessing the beyblade part you must specify: the name of the part, the beyblade it came from, which mold (if applicable and you can tell from the picture) and which recolour (if applicable).
Since the colour doesn't matter anymore then blader9 was correct. Though, the DF145 was from Libra not Virgo (which has a different colour DF145 track).
Is Aqua doing game 2?
(Apr. 28, 2009  8:47 PM)Driger Wrote: Is Aqua doing game 2?

blader9 is doing it.
(Apr. 28, 2009  8:48 PM)Aqua Wrote: blader9 is doing it.

bladebee already posted a picture for me
(Apr. 28, 2009  8:56 PM)blader9 Wrote: bladebee already posted a picture for me

I just declared you correct. Post a pic.

Before the ruling for the game was changed you were incorrect but now that it has changed, your correct so even if BladeBee posted a pic, it wouldn't count now anyway....
Just gonna say that my pic was Dranzer V2's AR.
Okay so then maybe someone can post a pic for Game 1 now?

blader9 should be doing game 2.
EDIT: Nevermind....I'm just gonna stay outta this thread. It's too damn confusing. <.<
Metal Sting Base/ Metal Draciel?
It does look like that doesn't it? But no, incorrect. :3
SG Metal Sharp Base, Flash Leopard 2