Gryph Girago WA130HF Draft

Gryph Girago WA130HF Draft

Seeing as the Bandid Genbull article has just been posted, and I've found it quite exciting writing for the Beywiki, I present, the draft!

Quote:<keywords content="metal fight beyblade zero-g shogun steel gryph girago griffin gryphon gryphin griffon giraffe qilin quilin wa130 hf wing attack 130 track hole flat bottom tip performance spin wiki bey attack fire thunder sky type bbg-24 starter set chrome wheel crystal warrior wheel encyclopedia expert article" />

| image = GryphGirago.jpg
| full item name = Gryph Girago WA130HF
| item number = BBG-24
| beyblade system = [[Beyblade Zero-G]]
| beyblade type = [[Attack]]
| element = Fire + Thunder
}}uot;>47.58 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">6.77 mm</font>

==Stone Face: Girago==
*'''Weight:''' grams

This Stone Face has a printed mark representing a Qilin, often referred to as "giraffe" in Japan. It is a horse with a dragon head. The Qilin appears with a fiery mane, and is printed in gold atop a bright red backround.

==Chrome Wheel 1: Girago==
{| class="wikitable"
|<font size="1"><b>Weight:</b></font>
|<font size="1">31.8 grams</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">47.58 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">6.77 mm</font>

Girago is one of the few Chrome Wheels to be mostly symmetrical. Two Chinese dragon heads circle the design, each having a long neck covered by an armor. The heads are in a right-spin direction, and each has a fiery mane. The Chinese dragons each have a pair of hoofed legs extending beyond their heads, and each pair of legs is holding a fiery sphere between the hooves (one of these spheres is hollow, allowing a space for the cylindrical insert of another Chrome/Crystal Wheel to protrude through it). Girago's primary contact point are made up of the dragons' front legs and foreheads, both in the immediate vicinity of the two spheres.

===When used as the top Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom===

Girago, due to the lack of real advantages it can provide to other Chrome Wheels, has found little to no use as the top Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom. The only way Girago can really be applied as the top Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom is in a substitute Attack custom using the Synchrom Gryph Girago (the most effective Attack Synchrom for Girago if Girago Girago is not available). This Synchrom can be used as a decent Attack substitute if top-tier Chrome Wheels or Girago Girago aren't available.

===When used as the bottom Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom===

When used on the bottom of a Synchrom, Girago, due to its low recoil, nearly perfect balance, and optimal weight distribution, has been found to be a competitive Chrome Wheel for use in spin-steal combinations when paired with the Dragooon Chrome wheel. In the spin-stealing customization MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165 [Attack] EWD, Girago provides optimal weight distribution that aids in Precession, as well as the fine balance and relatively low recoil Dragooon needs to steal spin effectively.

===When used Synchromed with itself===

The Girago Chrome wheel has multiple competitive uses in Standard Format play when Synchromed with itself. While its Smash Attack is not necessarily top notch, it is impressive to some degree, and it can be used as an Attack substitute if top-tier Chrome/Metal Wheels are not available. While Girago's Smash Attack is not exceptionally powerful, it does have uncommonly low recoil for a wheel of such aggressive design. Because of this moderate Attack ability and exceptionally low recoil, Girago has fit in very well in the category of Anti-Attack, and is considered by some to be the most effective Chrome Wheel released for this purpose. When used in the Anti-Attack combination MSF-L Girago Girago BD145RF, its mid-powered Smash Attack is more than enough to KO most Stamina customs very well, and, with such low recoil, Girago easily neutralizes virtually every competitive Attack variant in the game, making for a very versatile combination.

However, Anti-Attack is not Girago's only competitive use. Through testing, it has been demonstrated that Girago has exceptional weight distribution compared to most other wheels, which allows it to resist rotational recoil (or, in other words, avoid losing rotational velocity when making contact) extremely well. This comes in handy when using a combination which aims to out-spin its opponent by aggressively draining their rotational velocity. One of the combinations in which Girago does this best is the E230 destabilizer Girago Girago E230 [Boost] MB. By combining the super round, super smooth, super low recoil shape of Elevator 230's large disk and Girago's rotational recoil resistant weight distribution, this custom can grind into its opponents with E230's disk and drain their spin, without losing spin nearly as quickly itself. This very often results in a 100% win rate against Stamina and Defense combinations of heights anywhere from 85 to 195.

All in all, Girago has many uses. It has applicable Smash Attack and low recoil that can be applied very effectively in Anti-Attack customizations, and great balance and weight distribution that can be very useful for E230 destabilizers and Dragooon spin-stealing customs. All in all, Girago is a very useful wheel; one that every competitive Blader should try to get their hands on.

===Use in Balance Customization===

For the reasons stated above, Girago can be utilized very effectively in the Anti-Attack Balance custom MSF-L Girago Girago BD145RF, as well as the E230 destabilizer Balance custom Girago Girago E230 [Boost] MB.

===Use in Stamina Customization===

For the reasons stated above, Girago can be utilized very effectively in the Stamina combination MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165 [Attack] EWD.

==Chrome Wheel 2: Gryph==
{| class="wikitable"
|<font size="1"><b>Weight:</b></font>
|<font size="1">30.4 grams</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">46.09 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Minimum Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">45.06 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">5.01 mm</font>

Gryph consists of eight distinct sections, similar in shape to those of the Leone Metal Wheel. Four of Gryph's protrusions have spikes curved in a right-spin direction, and the other half of the sections mostly consists of straight boulders, like on Bakushin. One of the latter sections is however in the shape of an eagle head viewed from a profile perspective, with the orb from the Crystal Wheel showing on the left border of the head. Opposite of the eagle head, Gryph has one main contact point that helps to provide Force Smash, when used as a Synchrom Bottom Wheel; Upper Smash, as a Synchrom Top Wheel.

===When used as the top Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom===

When used as a top Chrome Wheel, Gryph's compact shape makes it barely extend beyond other Chrome Wheels' circumferences. This means it can't make solid contact in most cases.

However, Gryph performs excellently on one Chrome Wheel: Pegasis. Because of the direction of Pegasis' smaller wings, Pegasis has more Smash on the bottom of a right-spin Synchrom customization. Gryph can fully expose those contact points, as well as help to increase the spin velocity of the combo. [b]While this Synchrom isn't considered top-tier, it is a decently competitive substitute if a top-tier Synchrom is not available.

Gryph can be used in the Attack combination ''MSF-H Pegasis Gryph W145R²F''.

===When used as the bottom Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom===

Gryph, similar to its situation when at the top of a Synchrom, does not go past many Chrome Wheels on the bottom of a Synchrom. However, its smaller diameter helps in two ways: an increase in spin velocity due to the concentration of the weight, and revealing the contact points of the other Chrome Wheel. Gryph can enhance the top Chrome Wheel by giving it a higher RPM, which will allow more contact points to hit. Gryph also has a good amount of Force smash, which can help when facing lower opponents. Despite this, it is still outclassed by Chrome Wheels in Synchrom with themselves, such as the Wyvang Wyvang Synchrom. If two Wyvangs are not at a Blader's disposition, however, it can be used as a substitute in combos such as MSF-H Gryph Wyvang GB145R²F.

===When used in Synchrom with another Gryph===

Gryph can fully expose its main contact points when combined in Synchrom with itself, which creates a powerful Smash Attack customization. It also has a lot of [[Force Smash]], due to its large Force Smash slopes. Despite this, Chrome Wheels such as Wyvang and Begirados outperform Gryph for Smash Attack.

The Gryph Gryph Synchrom does find use in Balance customs though. Thanks to Gryph's Force Smash, it can KO Stamina Types when used on a high-Track Balance combo. When paired with the E230 Track, it can also outspin most Defense Types that have tall Tracks because of the grinding from E230's disk. Thus, combining it with E230 helps defend against attackers and grind down the stamina of [[Defense]] Types. On top of that, with the Bottom BSF, which has nice stamina while still having the tendency to roam around the stadium, Gryph Gryph has excellent use in the custom MSF-H Gryph Gryph E230 BSF.[/b]

==Track: Wing Attacker 130==
{| class="wikitable"
|<font size="1"><b>Weight:</b></font>
|<font size="1">2.2 grams</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">39.17 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Minimum Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">25.21 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">13.00 mm</font>

WA130 is a 130-height Track with two aerofoil-shaped wings that rotate freely around the Track. By removing this piece, and flipping it over, the direction of the wings can be changed. These wings are negligible in battle: while they offer minor protection against lower [[Attack]]-Type opponents, there are better Tracks for this purpose.
As the wings can scrape along the stadium floor, causing a loss of spin, WA130 is useless in [[Survival|Stamina]] combinations.

The main appeal of this Track is its height. The 130 height has proven useful in certain [[Attack]] customizations. However, as it cannot make contact with lower opponents due to its free-spinning nature, it is considered less useful for this purpose than [[Poison Giraffe S130MB#Track: S130|S130]]. In addition, the most popular user of this height, [[Fang Leone 130W²D#Metal Wheel: Fang|Fang]], already comes with a plain 130 Track in its only release, [[Fang Leone 130W²D]].
As WA130 offers little advantage over 130, it is not considered a worthwhile purchase. The WA130 on Gryph Girago WA130HF is translucent red-orange in color.

==Bottom: Hole Flat==
{| class="wikitable"
|<font size="1"><b>Weight:</b></font>
|<font size="1">0.5 gram</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">15.95 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Tip Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">4.01 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Hole Diameter:</b></font>
|<font size="1">2.27 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">8.96 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Tip Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">6.02 mm</font>

HF has a very similar movement speed to that of F, with the main difference being a slight [[Survival|Stamina]] improvement due to the hole in the middle of the Tip. But, with this comes the detriment of even less grip to the stadium floor than F, and also increased fragility.

The HF on Gryph Girago WA130HF is translucent red-orange in color.

==Other Versions==

Hasbro released this Beyblade in the starter Thief Zirago WA130HF as a part of the third wave of their Shogun Steel line. The Gryph Chrome Wheel was replaced with a yellow Thief Crystal Wheel in this version. WA130 was recolored an opaque red, as opposed to the translucent red-orange of the Takara release, and HF was recolored translucent blue, also opposed to the translucent red-orange color.



Overall, while WA130 and HF are virtually useless, Gryph is a decent Chrome Wheel for use in Attack and Balance customizations, and Girago is an extremely versatile Chrome Wheel that every competitive collection should feature. As the BB-24 Sychrom DX set Attack and Balance in which this Beyblade is found is relatively expensive, if the other parts in the set aren't desired, it is recommended that one purchase Hasbro's version, Thief Zirago, for a cheaper alternative. Every competitive Blader should own at least two of either this Beyblade, or Hasbro's version, Thief Girago.

[[Category:Metal Fight Beyblade]]
[[Category:Must-buy Beyblades]]

All changes to the Beywiki stub have been bolded.

Photographs (Click to View)

In the second line of the second paragraph you should replace "top knotch" with "top tier".Aside from that I don't see any noticable mistakes! Smile.
Hasbro renamed Girago "Zirago" and actually included it with a yellow Thief in their release.

Maybe also mention the WA130 that comes with it is an opaque red, and its HF is clear, dark blue?
@Shiod-kun: Well, problem is, that might make it appear that the article is suggesting that Girago isn't top-tier (which it is, in multiple categories). I think top-notch is a good little phrase to use.

Angry Face: Oh yah, forgot about the name change.

Was it yellow? I might've been thinking of the Thief from Thief Phoenix...

Nope, just checked. You're right, hah.

Will change it. Thanks a bunch for pointing that out.
(Aug. 04, 2014  1:08 AM)TʜᴇBʟᴀᴄᴋDʀᴀɢᴏɴ Wrote: With this custom, by combining the super round, super smooth, super low recoil shape of Elevator 230's large disk and Girago's rotational recoil resistant weight distribution, we can grind into our opponent with E230's disk and drain their spin, without losing spin nearly as quickly ourselves. This very often results in a 100% win rate against Stamina and Defense combinations of heights anywhere from 85 to 195.

I don't think I've ever seen first person used in a Beywiki article, so I don't know whether it's wrong or not, but I thought I'd point it out. Maybe I've just been doing too many school papers where it's never ok to use first person though, haha.

Not first person version (Click to View)

While I'm not too keen on the "super round, super smooth, super low recoil" part, I get that it's for emphasis and also just the way you word your articles (i.e. "Every piece excluding Bandid is very, very competitive"). I don't mean any offense if this seemed like a personal attack on your writing style, it's just something I've noticed. Feel free to keep in unless someone with authority tells you otherwise.

I have some NIB Hasbro Thief Ziragos I can take pictures of if need be.

Here's a picture of the front of the box (Click to View)
It is proper informative writing code to not use first person, also at the I would rather put' since girago is needed in many different customs, multiple copies should be owned' it just sounds more professional. I think that you are good at explaining things, but I would keep any personal flare out of it myself, it just doesn't seem professional, though this is only my opinion. Other than thes very minor details that no one else cares about, this is a great article. God job!
I think this draft only needs a few minor edit's because there's hardly any mistakes at all,good job TBD Smile
(Aug. 04, 2014  2:04 AM)Wombat Wrote:
(Aug. 04, 2014  1:08 AM)TʜᴇBʟᴀᴄᴋDʀᴀɢᴏɴ Wrote: With this custom, by combining the super round, super smooth, super low recoil shape of Elevator 230's large disk and Girago's rotational recoil resistant weight distribution, we can grind into our opponent with E230's disk and drain their spin, without losing spin nearly as quickly ourselves. This very often results in a 100% win rate against Stamina and Defense combinations of heights anywhere from 85 to 195.

I don't think I've ever seen first person used in a Beywiki article, so I don't know whether it's wrong or not, but I thought I'd point it out. Maybe I've just been doing too many school papers where it's never ok to use first person though, haha.

Not first person version (Click to View)

While I'm not too keen on the "super round, super smooth, super low recoil" part, I get that it's for emphasis and also just the way you word your articles (i.e. "Every piece excluding Bandid is very, very competitive"). I don't mean any offense if this seemed like a personal attack on your writing style, it's just something I've noticed. Feel free to keep in unless someone with authority tells you otherwise.

I have some NIB Hasbro Thief Ziragos I can take pictures of if need be.

Yah, you're probably right, haha. I didn't think about that until now (which is usually how all my essays go lol). I will definitely change it to third person.

"Super round, super smooth, super low recoil" is more of a description of E230 for somebody who may not know what it is. If you're talking about the word "super," I believe it's necessary, given how round, smooth, and low on recoil E230 is compared to pretty much every other part in the game (of course, will definitely change it if someone insists, but I think it sounds better).

(Aug. 04, 2014  11:31 AM)Shido-kun Wrote: I think this draft only needs a few minor edit's because there's hardly any mistakes at all,good job TBD Smile

Well thanks! I hope you're right, haha.
(Aug. 04, 2014  1:08 AM)TʜᴇBʟᴀᴄᴋDʀᴀɢᴏɴ Wrote: <keywords content="metal fight beyblade zero-g shogun steel gryph girago griffin gryphon gryphin griffon giraffe qilin quilin wa130 hf wing attack 130 track hole flat bottom tip performance spin wiki bey attack fire thunder sky type bbg-24 starter set chrome wheel crystal warrior wheel encyclopedia expert article" />

| image = GryphGirago.jpg
| full item name = Gryph Girago WA130HF
| item number = BBG-24
| beyblade system = [[Beyblade Zero-G]]
| beyblade type = [[Attack]]
| element = Fire + Thunder
}}uot;>47.58 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">6.77 mm</font>

==Stone Face: Girago==
*'''Weight:''' grams

This Stone Face has a printed mark representing a Qilin, often referred to as "giraffe" in Japan. It is a horse with a dragon head. The Qilin appears with a fiery mane, and is printed in gold atop a bright red backround.

==Chrome Wheel 1: Girago==
{| class="wikitable"
|<font size="1"><b>Weight:</b></font>
|<font size="1">31.8 grams</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">47.58 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">6.77 mm</font>

Girago is one of the few Chrome Wheels to be mostly symmetrical. Two Chinese dragon heads circle the design, each having a long neck covered by an armor. The heads are in a right-spin direction, and each has a fiery mane. The Chinese dragons each have a pair of hoofed legs extending beyond their heads, and each pair of legs is holding a fiery sphere between the hooves (one of these spheres is hollow, allowing a space for the cylindrical insert of another Chrome/Crystal Wheel to protrude through it). Girago's primary contact point are made up of the dragons' front legs and foreheads, both in the immediate vicinity of the two spheres.

===When used as the top Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom===

Girago, due to the lack of real advantages it can provide to other Chrome Wheels, has found little to no use as the top Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom. The only way Girago can really be applied as the top Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom is in a substitute Attack custom using the Synchrom Gryph Girago (the most effective Attack Synchrom for Girago if Girago Girago is not available). This Synchrom can be used as a decent Attack substitute if top-tier Chrome Wheels or Girago Girago aren't available.

===When used as the bottom Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom===

When used on the bottom of a Synchrom, Girago, due to its low recoil, nearly perfect balance, and optimal weight distribution, has been found to be a competitive Chrome Wheel for use in spin-steal combinations when paired with the Dragooon Chrome wheel. In the spin-stealing customization MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165 [Attack] EWD, Girago provides optimal weight distribution that aids in Precession, as well as the fine balance and relatively low recoil Dragooon needs to steal spin effectively. Girago can also be used in the Balance customization Girago Genbull E230MB, Girago provides weight distribution, a slight "grinding" effect that aids in destabalising the opponent.

===When used Synchromed with itself===

The Girago Chrome wheel has multiple competitive uses in Standard Format play when Synchromed with itself. While its Smash Attack is not necessarily top notch, it is impressive to some degree, and it can be used as an Attack substitute if top-tier Chrome/Metal Wheels are not available. While Girago's Smash Attack is not exceptionally powerful, it does have uncommonly low recoil for a wheel of such aggressive design. Because of this moderate Attack ability and exceptionally low recoil, Girago has fit in very well in the category of Anti-Attack, and is considered by some to be the most effective Chrome Wheel released for this purpose. When used in the Anti-Attack combination MSF-L Girago Girago BD145RF, its mid-powered Smash Attack is more than enough to KO most Stamina customs very well, and, with such low recoil, Girago easily neutralizes virtually every competitive Attack variant in the game, making for a very versatile combination.

However, Anti-Attack is not Girago's only competitive use. Through testing, it has been demonstrated that Girago has exceptional weight distribution compared to most other wheels, which allows it to resist rotational recoil (or, in other words, avoid losing rotational velocity when making contact) extremely well. This comes in handy when using a combination which aims to out-spin its opponent by aggressively draining their rotational velocity. One of the combinations in which Girago does this best is the E230 destabilizer Girago Girago E230 [Boost] MB. By combining the super round, super smooth, super low recoil shape of Elevator 230's large disk and Girago's rotational recoil resistant weight distribution, this custom can grind into its opponents with E230's disk and drain their spin, without losing spin nearly as quickly itself. This very often results in a 100% win rate against Stamina and Defense combinations of heights anywhere from 85 to 195.

All in all, Girago has many uses. It has applicable Smash Attack and low recoil that can be applied very effectively in Anti-Attack customizations, and great balance and weight distribution that can be very useful for E230 destabilizers and Dragooon spin-stealing customs. All in all, Girago is a very useful wheel; one that every competitive Blader should try to get their hands on.

===Use in Balance Customization===

For the reasons stated above, Girago can be utilized very effectively in the Anti-Attack Balance custom MSF-L Girago Girago BD145RF, as well as the E230 destabilizer Balance custom Girago Girago E230 [Boost] MB.

===Use in Stamina Customization===

For the reasons stated above, Girago can be utilized very effectively in the Stamina combination MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165 [Attack] EWD.

==Chrome Wheel 2: Gryph==
{| class="wikitable"
|<font size="1"><b>Weight:</b></font>
|<font size="1">30.4 grams</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">46.09 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Minimum Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">45.06 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">5.01 mm</font>

Gryph consists of eight distinct sections, similar in shape to those of the Leone Metal Wheel. Four of Gryph's protrusions have spikes curved in a right-spin direction, and the other half of the sections mostly consists of straight boulders, like on Bakushin. One of the latter sections is however in the shape of an eagle head viewed from a profile perspective, with the orb from the Crystal Wheel showing on the left border of the head. Opposite of the eagle head, Gryph has one main contact point that helps to provide Force Smash, when used as a Synchrom Bottom Wheel; Upper Smash, as a Synchrom Top Wheel.

===When used as the top Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom===

When used as a top Chrome Wheel, Gryph's compact shape makes it barely extend beyond other Chrome Wheels' circumferences. This means it can't make solid contact in most cases.

However, Gryph performs excellently on one Chrome Wheel: Pegasis. Because of the direction of Pegasis' smaller wings, Pegasis has more Smash on the bottom of a right-spin Synchrom customization. Gryph can fully expose those contact points, as well as help to increase the spin velocity of the combo. Gryph's uses with Pegasis has proven to be a good alternative to double Wyvang's and double Balro's. Though not necessarily top-tier.

Gryph can be used in the Attack combination ''MSF-H Pegasis Gryph W145R²F''.

===When used as the bottom Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom===

Gryph, similar to its situation when at the top of a Synchrom, does not go past many Chrome Wheels on the bottom of a Synchrom. However, its smaller diameter helps in two ways: an increase in spin velocity due to the concentration of the weight, and revealing the contact points of the other Chrome Wheel. Gryph can enhance the top Chrome Wheel by giving it a higher RPM, which will allow more contact points to hit. Gryph also has a good amount of Force smash, which can help when facing lower opponents. Despite this, it is still outclassed by Chrome Wheels in Synchrom with themselves, such as the Wyvang Wyvang Synchrom. If two Wyvangs are not at a Blader's disposition, however, it can be used as a substitute in combos such as MSF-H Gryph Wyvang GB145R²F.

===When used in Synchrom with another Gryph===

Gryph can fully expose its main contact points when combined in Synchrom with itself, which creates a powerful Smash Attack customization. It also has a lot of [[Force Smash]], due to its large Force Smash slopes. Despite this, Chrome Wheels such as Wyvang and Begirados outperform Gryph for Smash Attack.

The Gryph Gryph Synchrom does find use in Balance customs though. Thanks to Gryph's Force Smash, it can KO Stamina Types when used on a high-Track Balance combo. When paired with the E230 Track, it can also outspin most Defense Types that have tall Tracks because of the grinding from E230's disk. Thus, combining it with E230 helps defend against attackers and grind down the stamina of [[Defense]] Types. On top of that, with the Bottom BSF, which has nice stamina while still having the tendency to roam around the stadium, Gryph Gryph has excellent use in the custom MSF-H Gryph Gryph E230 BSF.

==Track: Wing Attacker 130==
{| class="wikitable"
|<font size="1"><b>Weight:</b></font>
|<font size="1">2.2 grams</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">39.17 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Minimum Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">25.21 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">13.00 mm</font>

WA130 is a 130-height Track with two aerofoil-shaped wings that rotate freely around the Track. By removing this piece, and flipping it over, the direction of the wings can be changed. These wings are negligible in battle: while they offer minor protection against lower [[Attack]]-Type opponents, there are better Tracks for this purpose.
As the wings can scrape along the stadium floor, causing a loss of spin, WA130 is useless in [[Survival|Stamina]] combinations.

The main appeal of this Track is its height. The 130 height has proven useful in certain [[Attack]] customizations. However, as it cannot make contact with lower opponents due to its free-spinning nature, it is considered less useful for this purpose than [[Poison Giraffe S130MB#Track: S130|S130]]. In addition, the most popular user of this height, [[Fang Leone 130W²D#Metal Wheel: Fang|Fang]], already comes with a plain 130 Track in its only release, [[Fang Leone 130W²D]].
As WA130 offers little advantage over 130, it is not considered a worthwhile purchase. The WA130 on Gryph Girago WA130HF is translucent red-orange in color.

==Bottom: Hole Flat==
{| class="wikitable"
|<font size="1"><b>Weight:</b></font>
|<font size="1">0.5 gram</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">15.95 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Tip Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">4.01 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Hole Diameter:</b></font>
|<font size="1">2.27 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">8.96 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Tip Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">6.02 mm</font>

HF has a very similar movement speed to that of F, with the main difference being a slight [[Survival|Stamina]] improvement due to the hole in the middle of the Tip. But, with this comes the detriment of even less grip to the stadium floor than F, and also increased fragility.

The HF on Gryph Girago WA130HF is translucent red-orange in color.

==Other Versions==

Hasbro released this Beyblade in the starter Thief Zirago WA130HF as a part of the third wave of their Shogun Steel line. The Gryph Chrome Wheel was replaced with a yellow Thief Crystal Wheel in this version. WA130 was recolored an opaque red, as opposed to the translucent red-orange of the Takara release, and HF was recolored translucent blue, also opposed to the translucent red-orange color.



Overall, while WA130 and HF are virtually useless, Gryph is a decent Chrome Wheel for use in Attack and Balance customizations, and Girago is an extremely versatile Chrome Wheel that every competitive collection should feature. As the BB-24 Sychrom DX set Attack and Balance in which this Beyblade is found is relatively expensive, if the other parts in the set aren't desired, it is recommended that one purchase Hasbro's version, Thief Zirago, for a cheaper alternative. Every competitive Blader should own at least two of either this Beyblade, or Hasbro's version, Thief Girago.

[[Category:Metal Fight Beyblade]]
[[Category:Must-buy Beyblades]]

Made a few edits(In bold).
I added the bit about Pegasis Gryph not being a top-tier Synchrom (good edit BTW; I made a wording change).

I felt like it was unnecessary to mention E230 destabilizers twice in the article; it seems awkward to cover the same thing in two different places (on top of that, Girago Girago is really the more competitive of the two, so I don't think mentioning the alternate variant is necessary).
Well then I suggest you remove the one with Girago Girago, TBH. Because the tier list contradicts that. On the tier list it has: (Girago/Genbull) Genbull E230MB.

Edit: It has both of them my bad, so I guess it's fine. Smile Though personally I like Girago Genbull.
So... anyone think this needs something more?

TBH it looks ready to publish to me (that's probably because I was the one who wrote it though, haha).
(Aug. 15, 2014  1:11 AM)TʜᴇBʟᴀᴄᴋDʀᴀɢᴏɴ Wrote: So... anyone think this needs something more?

TBH it looks ready to publish to me (that's probably because I was the one who wrote it though, haha).

Nah,your right I think it's ready to be published Stupid

Edit: Then again I'm not a veteran........
I've found that it works well in Girago Dragooon BD145/E230RDF. This combo worked well in UK tourneys when they used to be happening.
(Aug. 17, 2014  1:11 PM)Ultra Wrote: I've found that it works well in Girago Dragooon BD145/E230RDF.

Although of course, there is the alternative Reviser, Killerken, Genbull, or for that matter, Wyvang.

You're probably right about it working well, though. I can definitely see that.
Quote:<keywords content="metal fight beyblade zero-g shogun steel gryph girago griffin gryphon gryphin griffon giraffe qilin quilin wa130 hf wing attack 130 track hole flat bottom tip performance spin wiki bey attack fire thunder sky type bbg-24 starter set chrome wheel crystal warrior wheel encyclopedia expert article" />

| image = GryphGirago.jpg
| full item name = Gryph Girago WA130HF
| item number = BBG-24
| beyblade system = [[Beyblade Zero-G]]
| beyblade type = [[Attack]]
| element = Fire + Thunder
}}uot;>47.58 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">6.77 mm</font>

==Stone Face: Girago==
*'''Weight:''' grams

This Stone Face has a printed mark representing a Qilin, often referred to as "giraffe" in Japan. It is a horse with a dragon head. The Qilin appears with a fiery mane, and is printed in gold atop a bright red backround.

==Chrome Wheel 1: Girago==
{| class="wikitable"
|<font size="1"><b>Weight:</b></font>
|<font size="1">31.8 grams</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">47.58 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">6.77 mm</font>

Girago is one of the few Chrome Wheels to be mostly symmetrical. Two Chinese dragon heads circle the design, each having a long neck covered by an armor. The heads are in a right-spin direction, and each has a fiery mane. The Chinese dragons each have a pair of hoofed legs extending beyond their heads, and each pair of legs is holding a fiery sphere between the hooves (one of these spheres is hollow, allowing a space for the cylindrical insert of another Chrome/Crystal Wheel to protrude through it). Girago's primary contact points are made up of the dragons' front legs and foreheads, both in the immediate vicinity of the two spheres.

===When used as the top Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom===

Girago, due to the lack of real advantages it can provide to other Chrome Wheels, has found little to no use as the top Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom. The only way Girago can really be applied as the top Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom is in a substitute Attack custom using the Synchrom Gryph Girago (the most effective Attack Synchrom for Girago if Girago Girago is not available). This Synchrom can be used as a decent Attack substitute if top-tier Chrome Wheels or Girago Girago aren't a possibility.

===When used as the bottom Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom===

When used on the bottom of a Synchrom, Girago, due to its low recoil, nearly perfect balance, and optimal weight distribution, has been found to be a competitive Chrome Wheel for use in spin-steal combinations when paired with the Dragooon Chrome wheel. In the spin-stealing customization MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165 [Attack] EWD, Girago provides optimal weight distribution that aids in Precession, as well as the fine balance and relatively low recoil Dragooon needs to steal spin effectively.

===When used in Synchrom with itself===

The Girago Chrome Wheel has multiple competitive uses in Standard Format play when doubled in Synchrom. While its Smash Attack is not necessarily top notch, it is impressive to some degree, and it can be used as an Attack substitute if other top-tier Chrome/Metal Wheels are not available. Even though Girago's Smash Attack is not exceptionally powerful, it does have uncommonly low recoil for a Wheel of such aggressive design. Because of this moderate Attack ability and exceptionally low recoil, Girago has fit in very well in the category of Anti-Attack, and is considered to be the most effective Chrome Wheel released for this purpose. When used in the Anti-Attack combination MSF-L Girago Girago BD145RF, its mid-powered Smash Attack is more than enough to KO most Stamina customs very well, and, with such low recoil, Girago easily neutralizes (or 'improves', perhaps ? It could be more easily understandable) virtually every competitive Attack variant in the game, making for a very versatile combination.

However, Anti-Attack is not Girago's only competitive use. Girago has exceptional weight distribution compared to most other Wheels, which allows it to resist rotational recoil (or, in other words, avoid losing rotational velocity when making contact) extremely well. This comes in handy when using a combination which aims to out-spin its opponent by aggressively draining their rotational velocity. One of the combinations in which Girago does this best is the E230 destabilizer Girago Girago E230 [Boost] MB. By combining the super round, super smooth, super low recoil shape of Elevator 230's large disk and Girago's rotational-recoil-resistant weight distribution, this custom can grind into its opponents with E230's disk and drain their spin, without losing spin nearly as quickly itself. This very often results in a 100% win rate against Stamina and Defense combinations of heights anywhere from 85 to 195.

All in all, Girago has many uses. It has applicable Smash Attack and low recoil that can be applied very effectively in Anti-Attack customizations, and great balance and weight distribution that can be very useful for E230 destabilizers and Dragooon spin-stealing customs. All in all, Girago is a very useful Chrome Wheel that should be part of every competitive Blader's collection.

===Use in Balance Customization===

For the reasons stated above, Girago can be utilized very effectively in the Anti-Attack Balance custom '''MSF-L Girago Girago BD145RF''', as well as the E230 destabilizer Balance custom '''Girago Girago E230 [Boost] MB'''.

===Use in Stamina Customization===

For the reasons stated above, Girago can be utilized very effectively in the Stamina combination '''MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165 [Attack] EWD'''.

==Chrome Wheel 2: Gryph==
{| class="wikitable"
|<font size="1"><b>Weight:</b></font>
|<font size="1">30.4 grams</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">46.09 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Minimum Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">45.06 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">5.01 mm</font>

Gryph consists of eight distinct sections, similar in shape to those of the Leone Metal Wheel. Four of Gryph's protrusions have spikes curved in a right-spin direction, and the other half of the sections mostly consists of straight boulders, like on Bakushin. One of the latter sections is however in the shape of an eagle head viewed from a profile perspective, with the orb from the Crystal Wheel showing on the left border of the head. Opposite of the eagle head, Gryph has one main contact point that helps to provide Force Smash, when used as a Synchrom Bottom Wheel; Upper Smash, as a Synchrom Top Wheel.

===When used as the top Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom===

When used as a top Chrome Wheel, Gryph's compact shape makes it barely extend beyond other Chrome Wheels' circumferences. This means it can't make solid contact in most cases.

However, Gryph performs excellently on one Chrome Wheel: Pegasis. Because of the direction of Pegasis' smaller wings, Pegasis has more Smash on the bottom of a right-spin Synchrom customization. Gryph can fully expose those contact points, as well as help to increase the spin velocity of the combo. While this Synchrom isn't considered top-tier, it is a decently competitive substitute if a top-tier Synchrom is not available.

Gryph can be used in the Attack combination ''MSF-H Pegasis Gryph W145R²F''.

===When used as the bottom Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom===

Gryph, similar to its situation when at the top of a Synchrom, does not go past many Chrome Wheels on the bottom of a Synchrom. However, its smaller diameter helps in two ways: an increase in spin velocity due to the concentration of the weight, and revealing the contact points of the other Chrome Wheel. Gryph can enhance the top Chrome Wheel by giving it a higher RPM, which will allow more contact points to hit. Gryph also has a good amount of Force smash, which can help when facing lower opponents. Despite this, it is still outclassed by Chrome Wheels in Synchrom with themselves, such as the Wyvang Wyvang Synchrom. If two Wyvangs are not at a Blader's disposition, however, it can be used as a substitute in combos such as MSF-H Gryph Wyvang GB145R²F.

===When used in Synchrom with another Gryph===

Gryph can fully expose its main contact points when combined in Synchrom with itself, which creates a powerful Smash Attack customization. It also has a lot of [[Force Smash]], due to its large Force Smash slopes. Despite this, Chrome Wheels such as Wyvang and Begirados outperform Gryph for Smash Attack.

The Gryph Gryph Synchrom does find use in Balance customs though. Thanks to Gryph's Force Smash, it can KO Stamina Types when used on a high-Track Balance combo. When paired with the E230 Track, it can also outspin most Defense Types that have tall Tracks because of the grinding from E230's disk. Thus, combining it with E230 helps defend against attackers and grind down the stamina of [[Defense]] Types. On top of that, with the Bottom BSF, which has nice stamina while still having the tendency to roam around the stadium, Gryph Gryph has excellent use in the custom MSF-H Gryph Gryph E230 BSF.

==Track: Wing Attacker 130==
{| class="wikitable"
|<font size="1"><b>Weight:</b></font>
|<font size="1">2.2 grams</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">39.17 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Minimum Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">25.21 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">13.00 mm</font>

WA130 is a 130-height Track with two aerofoil-shaped wings that rotate freely around the Track. By removing this piece, and flipping it over, the direction of the wings can be changed. These wings are negligible in battle: while they offer minor protection against lower [[Attack]]-Type opponents, there are better Tracks for this purpose.
As the wings can scrape along the stadium floor, causing a loss of spin, WA130 is useless in [[Survival|Stamina]] combinations.

The main appeal of this Track is its height. The 130 height has proven useful in certain [[Attack]] customizations. However, as it cannot make contact with lower opponents due to its free-spinning nature, it is considered less useful for this purpose than [[Poison Giraffe S130MB#Track: S130|S130]]. In addition, the most popular user of this height, [[Fang Leone 130W²D#Metal Wheel: Fang|Fang]], already comes with a plain 130 Track in its only release, [[Fang Leone 130W²D]].
As WA130 offers little advantage over 130, it is not considered a worthwhile purchase. The WA130 on Gryph Girago WA130HF is translucent red-orange in color.

==Bottom: Hole Flat==
{| class="wikitable"
|<font size="1"><b>Weight:</b></font>
|<font size="1">0.5 gram</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">15.95 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Tip Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">4.01 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Hole Diameter:</b></font>
|<font size="1">2.27 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">8.96 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Tip Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">6.02 mm</font>

HF has a very similar movement speed to that of F, with the main difference being a slight [[Survival|Stamina]] improvement due to the hole in the middle of the Tip. But, with this comes the detriment of even less grip to the stadium floor than F, and also increased fragility.

The HF on Gryph Girago WA130HF is translucent red-orange in color.

==Other Versions==

[*] '''Thief Zirago WA130HF''' - Hasbro Starter (Yellow Crystal Wheel, opaque red WA130 & translucent blue HF)



Overall, while WA130 and HF are virtually useless, Gryph is a decent Chrome Wheel for use in Attack and Balance customizations, and Girago is an extremely versatile Chrome Wheel that every competitive collection should feature. As the BB-24 Sychrom DX set Attack and Balance in which this Beyblade is found is relatively expensive, if the other parts in the set aren't desired, it is recommended that one purchase Hasbro's version, Thief Zirago, for a cheaper alternative. '''Every competitive Blader should own at least two of either this Beyblade, or Hasbro's version, Thief Zirago.'''

[[Category:Metal Fight Beyblade]]
[[Category:Must-buy Beyblades]]

Cool, this looks good, especially since most of the things are already published sections on Beywiki.

The only thing I might want to see added besides the bolded parts is a description of how much/whether Wyvang is much better than Girago. Because, unless I do not remember correctly, Wyvang is used for Attack and also has very low Recoil, no ? It could be good to just compare the two. You could say something about the fact that it does not have X that Wyvang does, which is why it is not a straight-out top-tier Attack Chrome Wheel like Wyvang.

Also, no use in Zero-G ? If so, perhaps explain why.
Well, Wyvang actually has extremely high recoil (definitely higher than Girago). The only real difference is the aggressiveness of their shapes. Girago is more passive (produces lower smash, lower recoil), and Wyvang's is more aggressive (produces higher smash, higher recoil). So it's really just a normal relation. There's nothing all that special about how the two compare to each other.

It definitely has use in Zero-G, in the ways that I mentioned. Destabilization and Spin-Steal (although you're right, I didn't specify that - I'll change it a bit).

This line:

Quote: Girago easily neutralizes virtually every competitive Attack variant in the game

Simply means that the Anti-Attack combination the article is speaking of is capable of winning consistently against competitive Attack combinations.

As for the part where you inserted "other" before "top-tier Chrome Wheels," ehhh... Girago isn't a top-tier Attack Chrome Wheel. It is a top-tier Chrome Wheel, but only for Balance and Stamina. I'll insert the word "Attack" in there to avoid suggesting that Girago isn't a top-tier Chrome Wheel, though, which is why I assume you put that in there.

Quote:<keywords content="metal fight beyblade zero-g shogun steel gryph girago griffin gryphon gryphin griffon giraffe qilin quilin wa130 hf wing attack 130 track hole flat bottom tip performance spin wiki bey attack fire thunder sky type bbg-24 starter set chrome wheel crystal warrior wheel encyclopedia expert article" />

| image = GryphGirago.jpg
| full item name = Gryph Girago WA130HF
| item number = BBG-24
| beyblade system = [[Beyblade Zero-G]]
| beyblade type = [[Attack]]
| element = Fire + Thunder
}}uot;>47.58 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">6.77 mm</font>

==Stone Face: Girago==
*'''Weight:''' grams

This Stone Face has a printed mark representing a Qilin, often referred to as "giraffe" in Japan. It is a horse with a dragon head. The Qilin appears with a fiery mane, and is printed in gold atop a bright red backround.

==Chrome Wheel 1: Girago==
{| class="wikitable"
|<font size="1"><b>Weight:</b></font>
|<font size="1">31.8 grams</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">47.58 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">6.77 mm</font>

Girago is one of the few Chrome Wheels to be mostly symmetrical. Two Chinese dragon heads circle the design, each having a long neck covered by an armor. The heads are in a right-spin direction, and each has a fiery mane. The Chinese dragons each have a pair of hoofed legs extending beyond their heads, and each pair of legs is holding a fiery sphere between the hooves (one of these spheres is hollow, allowing a space for the cylindrical insert of another Chrome/Crystal Wheel to protrude through it). Girago's primary contact points are made up of the dragons' front legs and foreheads, both in the immediate vicinity of the two spheres.

===When used as the top Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom===

Girago, due to the lack of real advantages it can provide to other Chrome Wheels, has found little to no use as the top Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom. The only way Girago can really be applied as the top Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom is in a substitute Attack custom using the Synchrom Gryph Girago (the most effective Attack Synchrom for Girago if Girago Girago is not available). This Synchrom can be used as a decent Attack substitute if top-tier Chrome Wheels or Girago Girago aren't a possibility.

===When used as the bottom Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom===

When used on the bottom of a Synchrom, Girago, due to its low recoil, nearly perfect balance, and optimal weight distribution, has been found to be a competitive Chrome Wheel for use in spin-steal combinations when paired with the Dragooon Chrome wheel. In the spin-stealing customization MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165 [Attack] EWD, Girago provides optimal weight distribution that aids in Precession, as well as the fine balance and relatively low recoil Dragooon needs to steal spin effectively.

===When used in Synchrom with itself===

The Girago Chrome Wheel has multiple competitive uses when doubled in Synchrom. While its Smash Attack is not necessarily top notch, it is impressive to some degree, and it can be used as an Attack substitute if top-tier Attack Chrome/Metal Wheels are not available. Even though Girago's Smash Attack is not exceptionally powerful, it does have uncommonly low recoil for a Wheel of such aggressive design. Because of this moderate Attack ability and exceptionally low recoil, Girago has fit in very well in the category of Anti-Attack, and is considered to be the most effective Chrome Wheel released for this purpose. When used in Standard Format in the Anti-Attack combination MSF-L Girago Girago BD145RF, its mid-powered Smash Attack is more than enough to KO most Stamina customs very well, and, with such low recoil, Girago easily neutralizes virtually every competitive Attack variant in the game, making for a very versatile combination.

However, Anti-Attack is not Girago's only competitive use. Girago has exceptional weight distribution compared to most other Wheels, which allows it to resist rotational recoil (or, in other words, avoid losing rotational velocity when making contact) extremely well. This comes in handy in both the Attack Type Stadium and the Zero-G Attack Type Stadium when using a combination that aims to out-spin its opponent by aggressively draining their rotational velocity. One of the combinations in which Girago does this best is the E230 destabilizer Girago Girago E230 [Boost] MB. By combining the super round, super smooth, super low recoil shape of Elevator 230's large disk and Girago's rotational-recoil-resistant weight distribution, this custom can grind into its opponents with E230's disk and drain their spin, without losing spin nearly as quickly itself. This very often results in a 100% win rate against Stamina and Defense combinations of heights anywhere from 85 to 195.

All in all, Girago has many uses. It has applicable Smash Attack and low recoil that can be applied very effectively in Standard Format Anti-Attack customizations, and great balance and weight distribution that can be very useful for E230 destabilizers and Dragooon spin-stealing customs in both the Attack Type Stadium and the Zero-G Attack Type Stadium. All in all, Girago is a very useful Chrome Wheel that should be part of every competitive Blader's collection.

===Use in Balance Customization===

For the reasons stated above, Girago can be utilized very effectively in the Anti-Attack Balance custom '''MSF-L Girago Girago BD145RF''', as well as the E230 destabilizer Balance custom '''Girago Girago E230 [Boost] MB'''.

===Use in Stamina Customization===

For the reasons stated above, Girago can be utilized very effectively in the Stamina combination '''MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165 [Attack] EWD'''.

==Chrome Wheel 2: Gryph==
{| class="wikitable"
|<font size="1"><b>Weight:</b></font>
|<font size="1">30.4 grams</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">46.09 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Minimum Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">45.06 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">5.01 mm</font>

Gryph consists of eight distinct sections, similar in shape to those of the Leone Metal Wheel. Four of Gryph's protrusions have spikes curved in a right-spin direction, and the other half of the sections mostly consists of straight boulders, like on Bakushin. One of the latter sections is however in the shape of an eagle head viewed from a profile perspective, with the orb from the Crystal Wheel showing on the left border of the head. Opposite of the eagle head, Gryph has one main contact point that helps to provide Force Smash, when used as a Synchrom Bottom Wheel; Upper Smash, as a Synchrom Top Wheel.

===When used as the top Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom===

When used as a top Chrome Wheel, Gryph's compact shape makes it barely extend beyond other Chrome Wheels' circumferences. This means it can't make solid contact in most cases.

However, Gryph performs excellently on one Chrome Wheel: Pegasis. Because of the direction of Pegasis' smaller wings, Pegasis has more Smash on the bottom of a right-spin Synchrom customization. Gryph can fully expose those contact points, as well as help to increase the spin velocity of the combo. While this Synchrom isn't considered top-tier, it is a decently competitive substitute if a top-tier Synchrom is not available.

Gryph can be used in the Attack combination ''MSF-H Pegasis Gryph W145R²F''.

===When used as the bottom Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom===

Gryph, similar to its situation when at the top of a Synchrom, does not go past many Chrome Wheels on the bottom of a Synchrom. However, its smaller diameter helps in two ways: an increase in spin velocity due to the concentration of the weight, and revealing the contact points of the other Chrome Wheel. Gryph can enhance the top Chrome Wheel by giving it a higher RPM, which will allow more contact points to hit. Gryph also has a good amount of Force smash, which can help when facing lower opponents. Despite this, it is still outclassed by Chrome Wheels in Synchrom with themselves, such as the Wyvang Wyvang Synchrom. If two Wyvangs are not at a Blader's disposition, however, it can be used as a substitute in combos such as MSF-H Gryph Wyvang GB145R²F.

===When used in Synchrom with another Gryph===

Gryph can fully expose its main contact points when combined in Synchrom with itself, which creates a powerful Smash Attack customization. It also has a lot of [[Force Smash]], due to its large Force Smash slopes. Despite this, Chrome Wheels such as Wyvang and Begirados outperform Gryph for Smash Attack.

The Gryph Gryph Synchrom does find use in Balance customs though. Thanks to Gryph's Force Smash, it can KO Stamina Types when used on a high-Track Balance combo. When paired with the E230 Track, it can also outspin most Defense Types that have tall Tracks because of the grinding from E230's disk. Thus, combining it with E230 helps defend against attackers and grind down the stamina of [[Defense]] Types. On top of that, with the Bottom BSF, which has nice stamina while still having the tendency to roam around the stadium, Gryph Gryph has excellent use in the custom MSF-H Gryph Gryph E230 BSF.

==Track: Wing Attacker 130==
{| class="wikitable"
|<font size="1"><b>Weight:</b></font>
|<font size="1">2.2 grams</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">39.17 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Minimum Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">25.21 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">13.00 mm</font>

WA130 is a 130-height Track with two aerofoil-shaped wings that rotate freely around the Track. By removing this piece, and flipping it over, the direction of the wings can be changed. These wings are negligible in battle: while they offer minor protection against lower [[Attack]]-Type opponents, there are better Tracks for this purpose.
As the wings can scrape along the stadium floor, causing a loss of spin, WA130 is useless in [[Survival|Stamina]] combinations.

The main appeal of this Track is its height. The 130 height has proven useful in certain [[Attack]] customizations. However, as it cannot make contact with lower opponents due to its free-spinning nature, it is considered less useful for this purpose than [[Poison Giraffe S130MB#Track: S130|S130]]. In addition, the most popular user of this height, [[Fang Leone 130W²D#Metal Wheel: Fang|Fang]], already comes with a plain 130 Track in its only release, [[Fang Leone 130W²D]].
As WA130 offers little advantage over 130, it is not considered a worthwhile purchase. The WA130 on Gryph Girago WA130HF is translucent red-orange in color.

==Bottom: Hole Flat==
{| class="wikitable"
|<font size="1"><b>Weight:</b></font>
|<font size="1">0.5 gram</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">15.95 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Tip Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">4.01 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Hole Diameter:</b></font>
|<font size="1">2.27 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">8.96 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Tip Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">6.02 mm</font>

HF has a very similar movement speed to that of F, with the main difference being a slight [[Survival|Stamina]] improvement due to the hole in the middle of the Tip. But, with this comes the detriment of even less grip to the stadium floor than F, and also increased fragility.

The HF on Gryph Girago WA130HF is translucent red-orange in color.

==Other Versions==

[*] '''Thief Zirago WA130HF''' - Hasbro Starter (Yellow Crystal Wheel, opaque red WA130 & translucent blue HF)



Overall, while WA130 and HF are virtually useless, Gryph is a decent Chrome Wheel for use in Attack and Balance customizations, and Girago is an extremely versatile Chrome Wheel that every competitive collection should feature. As the BB-24 Sychrom DX set Attack and Balance in which this Beyblade is found is relatively expensive, if the other parts in the set aren't desired, it is recommended that one purchase Hasbro's version, Thief Zirago, for a cheaper alternative. '''Every competitive Blader should own at least two of either this Beyblade, or Hasbro's version, Thief Zirago.'''

[[Category:Metal Fight Beyblade]]
[[Category:Must-buy Beyblades]]

How's that?

Oh, and thanks for all the spelling and capitalization corrections BTW, haha. Wow I need to work on that...
I think that besides the need to specify Zero-G "Attack" Stadium, this should be super great to be published, so go ahead.

For some reason I remembered people saying that Wyvang had little Recoil and all.

I will remove "Attack" (you're right, I guess that technically doesn't include the Defense and Balance stadiums).

Quote:<keywords content="metal fight beyblade zero-g shogun steel gryph girago griffin gryphon gryphin griffon giraffe qilin quilin wa130 hf wing attack 130 track hole flat bottom tip performance spin wiki bey attack fire thunder sky type bbg-24 starter set chrome wheel crystal warrior wheel encyclopedia expert article" />

| image = GryphGirago.jpg
| full item name = Gryph Girago WA130HF
| item number = BBG-24
| beyblade system = [[Beyblade Zero-G]]
| beyblade type = [[Attack]]
| element = Fire + Thunder
}}uot;>47.58 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">6.77 mm</font>

==Stone Face: Girago==
*'''Weight:''' grams

This Stone Face has a printed mark representing a Qilin, often referred to as "giraffe" in Japan. It is a horse with a dragon head. The Qilin appears with a fiery mane, and is printed in gold atop a bright red backround.

==Chrome Wheel 1: Girago==
{| class="wikitable"
|<font size="1"><b>Weight:</b></font>
|<font size="1">31.8 grams</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">47.58 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">6.77 mm</font>

Girago is one of the few Chrome Wheels to be mostly symmetrical. Two Chinese dragon heads circle the design, each having a long neck covered by an armor. The heads are in a right-spin direction, and each has a fiery mane. The Chinese dragons each have a pair of hoofed legs extending beyond their heads, and each pair of legs is holding a fiery sphere between the hooves (one of these spheres is hollow, allowing a space for the cylindrical insert of another Chrome/Crystal Wheel to protrude through it). Girago's primary contact points are made up of the dragons' front legs and foreheads, both in the immediate vicinity of the two spheres.

===When used as the top Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom===

Girago, due to the lack of real advantages it can provide to other Chrome Wheels, has found little to no use as the top Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom. The only way Girago can really be applied as the top Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom is in a substitute Attack custom using the Synchrom Gryph Girago (the most effective Attack Synchrom for Girago if Girago Girago is not available). This Synchrom can be used as a decent Attack substitute if top-tier Chrome Wheels or Girago Girago aren't a possibility.

===When used as the bottom Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom===

When used on the bottom of a Synchrom, Girago, due to its low recoil, nearly perfect balance, and optimal weight distribution, has been found to be a competitive Chrome Wheel for use in spin-steal combinations when paired with the Dragooon Chrome wheel. In the spin-stealing customization MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165 [Attack] EWD, Girago provides optimal weight distribution that aids in Precession, as well as the fine balance and relatively low recoil Dragooon needs to steal spin effectively.

===When used in Synchrom with itself===

The Girago Chrome Wheel has multiple competitive uses when doubled in Synchrom. While its Smash Attack is not necessarily top notch, it is impressive to some degree, and it can be used as an Attack substitute if top-tier Attack Chrome/Metal Wheels are not available. Even though Girago's Smash Attack is not exceptionally powerful, it does have uncommonly low recoil for a Wheel of such aggressive design. Because of this moderate Attack ability and exceptionally low recoil, Girago has fit in very well in the category of Anti-Attack, and is considered to be the most effective Chrome Wheel released for this purpose. When used in Standard Format in the Anti-Attack combination MSF-L Girago Girago BD145RF, its mid-powered Smash Attack is more than enough to KO most Stamina customs very well, and, with such low recoil, Girago easily neutralizes virtually every competitive Attack variant in the game, making for a very versatile combination.

However, Anti-Attack is not Girago's only competitive use. Girago has exceptional weight distribution compared to most other Wheels, which allows it to resist rotational recoil (or, in other words, avoid losing rotational velocity when making contact) extremely well. This comes in handy in both the Attack Type Stadium and the Zero-G \ Stadium when using a combination that aims to out-spin its opponent by aggressively draining their rotational velocity. One of the combinations in which Girago does this best is the E230 destabilizer Girago Girago E230 [Boost] MB. By combining the super round, super smooth, super low recoil shape of Elevator 230's large disk and Girago's rotational-recoil-resistant weight distribution, this custom can grind into its opponents with E230's disk and drain their spin, without losing spin nearly as quickly itself. This very often results in a 100% win rate against Stamina and Defense combinations of heights anywhere from 85 to 195.

All in all, Girago has many uses. It has applicable Smash Attack and low recoil that can be applied very effectively in Standard Format Anti-Attack customizations, and great balance and weight distribution that can be very useful for E230 destabilizers and Dragooon spin-stealing customs in both the Attack Type Stadium and the Zero-G Stadium. All in all, Girago is a very useful Chrome Wheel that should be part of every competitive Blader's collection.

===Use in Balance Customization===

For the reasons stated above, Girago can be utilized very effectively in the Anti-Attack Balance custom '''MSF-L Girago Girago BD145RF''', as well as the E230 destabilizer Balance custom '''Girago Girago E230 [Boost] MB'''.

===Use in Stamina Customization===

For the reasons stated above, Girago can be utilized very effectively in the Stamina combination '''MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165 [Attack] EWD'''.

==Chrome Wheel 2: Gryph==
{| class="wikitable"
|<font size="1"><b>Weight:</b></font>
|<font size="1">30.4 grams</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">46.09 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Minimum Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">45.06 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">5.01 mm</font>

Gryph consists of eight distinct sections, similar in shape to those of the Leone Metal Wheel. Four of Gryph's protrusions have spikes curved in a right-spin direction, and the other half of the sections mostly consists of straight boulders, like on Bakushin. One of the latter sections is however in the shape of an eagle head viewed from a profile perspective, with the orb from the Crystal Wheel showing on the left border of the head. Opposite of the eagle head, Gryph has one main contact point that helps to provide Force Smash, when used as a Synchrom Bottom Wheel; Upper Smash, as a Synchrom Top Wheel.

===When used as the top Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom===

When used as a top Chrome Wheel, Gryph's compact shape makes it barely extend beyond other Chrome Wheels' circumferences. This means it can't make solid contact in most cases.

However, Gryph performs excellently on one Chrome Wheel: Pegasis. Because of the direction of Pegasis' smaller wings, Pegasis has more Smash on the bottom of a right-spin Synchrom customization. Gryph can fully expose those contact points, as well as help to increase the spin velocity of the combo. While this Synchrom isn't considered top-tier, it is a decently competitive substitute if a top-tier Synchrom is not available.

Gryph can be used in the Attack combination ''MSF-H Pegasis Gryph W145R²F''.

===When used as the bottom Chrome Wheel in a Synchrom===

Gryph, similar to its situation when at the top of a Synchrom, does not go past many Chrome Wheels on the bottom of a Synchrom. However, its smaller diameter helps in two ways: an increase in spin velocity due to the concentration of the weight, and revealing the contact points of the other Chrome Wheel. Gryph can enhance the top Chrome Wheel by giving it a higher RPM, which will allow more contact points to hit. Gryph also has a good amount of Force smash, which can help when facing lower opponents. Despite this, it is still outclassed by Chrome Wheels in Synchrom with themselves, such as the Wyvang Wyvang Synchrom. If two Wyvangs are not at a Blader's disposition, however, it can be used as a substitute in combos such as MSF-H Gryph Wyvang GB145R²F.

===When used in Synchrom with another Gryph===

Gryph can fully expose its main contact points when combined in Synchrom with itself, which creates a powerful Smash Attack customization. It also has a lot of [[Force Smash]], due to its large Force Smash slopes. Despite this, Chrome Wheels such as Wyvang and Begirados outperform Gryph for Smash Attack.

The Gryph Gryph Synchrom does find use in Balance customs though. Thanks to Gryph's Force Smash, it can KO Stamina Types when used on a high-Track Balance combo. When paired with the E230 Track, it can also outspin most Defense Types that have tall Tracks because of the grinding from E230's disk. Thus, combining it with E230 helps defend against attackers and grind down the stamina of [[Defense]] Types. On top of that, with the Bottom BSF, which has nice stamina while still having the tendency to roam around the stadium, Gryph Gryph has excellent use in the custom MSF-H Gryph Gryph E230 BSF.

==Track: Wing Attacker 130==
{| class="wikitable"
|<font size="1"><b>Weight:</b></font>
|<font size="1">2.2 grams</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">39.17 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Minimum Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">25.21 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">13.00 mm</font>

WA130 is a 130-height Track with two aerofoil-shaped wings that rotate freely around the Track. By removing this piece, and flipping it over, the direction of the wings can be changed. These wings are negligible in battle: while they offer minor protection against lower [[Attack]]-Type opponents, there are better Tracks for this purpose.
As the wings can scrape along the stadium floor, causing a loss of spin, WA130 is useless in [[Survival|Stamina]] combinations.

The main appeal of this Track is its height. The 130 height has proven useful in certain [[Attack]] customizations. However, as it cannot make contact with lower opponents due to its free-spinning nature, it is considered less useful for this purpose than [[Poison Giraffe S130MB#Track: S130|S130]]. In addition, the most popular user of this height, [[Fang Leone 130W²D#Metal Wheel: Fang|Fang]], already comes with a plain 130 Track in its only release, [[Fang Leone 130W²D]].
As WA130 offers little advantage over 130, it is not considered a worthwhile purchase. The WA130 on Gryph Girago WA130HF is translucent red-orange in color.

==Bottom: Hole Flat==
{| class="wikitable"
|<font size="1"><b>Weight:</b></font>
|<font size="1">0.5 gram</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">15.95 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Tip Width:</b></font>
|<font size="1">4.01 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Hole Diameter:</b></font>
|<font size="1">2.27 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Full Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">8.96 mm</font>
|<font size="1"><b>Tip Height:</b></font>
|<font size="1">6.02 mm</font>

HF has a very similar movement speed to that of F, with the main difference being a slight [[Survival|Stamina]] improvement due to the hole in the middle of the Tip. But, with this comes the detriment of even less grip to the stadium floor than F, and also increased fragility.

The HF on Gryph Girago WA130HF is translucent red-orange in color.

==Other Versions==

[*] '''Thief Zirago WA130HF''' - Hasbro Starter (Yellow Crystal Wheel, opaque red WA130 & translucent blue HF)



Overall, while WA130 and HF are virtually useless, Gryph is a decent Chrome Wheel for use in Attack and Balance customizations, and Girago is an extremely versatile Chrome Wheel that every competitive collection should feature. As the BB-24 Sychrom DX set Attack and Balance in which this Beyblade is found is relatively expensive, if the other parts in the set aren't desired, it is recommended that one purchase Hasbro's version, Thief Zirago, for a cheaper alternative. '''Every competitive Blader should own at least two of either this Beyblade, or Hasbro's version, Thief Zirago.'''

[[Category:Metal Fight Beyblade]]
[[Category:Must-buy Beyblades]]

There we go.
Article has been posted! Thanks to everyone who helped out.

I'll add the photographs later this week. Smile