left spin gravity perseus using 230 it's above avarage but doesnt hold anything against against earthbull230cs proper tests soon if youd like to test though that would be fine
Now have tests VS earthbullgb145rs takara attack stadium beylauncher r
R1 GP os
R2 EB os
R3 Gp os
R4 Eb ko
R5 Eb ko
R6 Eb os
R7 Eb os
R8 Gp ko
R9 Eb os
R10 Gpos
Gp w rate 40
Eb win rate 60
Now have tests VS earthbullgb145rs takara attack stadium beylauncher r
R1 GP os
R2 EB os
R3 Gp os
R4 Eb ko
R5 Eb ko
R6 Eb os
R7 Eb os
R8 Gp ko
R9 Eb os
R10 Gpos
Gp w rate 40
Eb win rate 60