Ok, I am really liking Gryph Goreim. I could not get consistent KOs with R2F. So I decided to try a more stamina oriented setup.
Beylauncher with rubber
Duo launched first
MSF Gryph Goreim TH220BSF vs. Duo Aquario W145WD
1)Goreim - KO
2)Goreim - KO
3)Goreim - KO
4)Goreim - OS
5)Duo - OS
6)Goreim - OS (Gryph Goreim spun on its side forever!)
7)Goreim - OS
8)Goreim - KO
9)Goreim - KO
10)Duo - OS
11)Goreim - OS
12)Duo - KO
13)Goreim - OS
14)Duo - OS
15)Duo - OS
16)Goreim - KO
17)Duo - OS
18)Goreim - OS
19)Goreim - KO
20)Duo - KO
Goreim - 13 wins (6 OS, 7 KO)
Duo - 7 wins (5 OS, 2 KO)
1 DKO that was redone
Goreim win % = 65%
Gryph Goreim has some fairly good balance. Gryph has some really great force smash, and with the balance Goreim provides the combo is able to handle the jump that the force smash causes. I have had several bad launches where I banked too deep, and Gryph Goreim just picked itself right back up with little to no problem. As I noted in round 6, even when it tilts all the way over after it has lost a lot of spin, it will spin on its side for a longer than average time. It is not easy to make Duo scrape, but Gryph Goreim would beat Duo into the stadium and sit back and watch it circle, tilting more with each pass until it finally just scraped to death. There is probably a better tip than BSF to use with this (MB/MF maybe), but I wanted to give BSF a little love. This might not be the best combo in the world, but hopefully these tests will provide something useful.
EDIT: vs. Defense tests
Standard Procedure
Sorry, I only have one MSF :-(
MSF Gryph Goreim TH220BSF vs. Gargoyle Reviser BD145RDF
1)Goreim - OS
2)Goreim - OS
3)Goreim - OS
4)Goreim - KO
5)Goreim - OS
6)Reviser - KO
7)Goreim - OS
8)Goreim - OS
9)Goreim - OS
10)Goreim - OS
11)Goreim - KO
12)Goreim - OS
13)Goreim - OS
14)Reviser - OS (Banked too deep)
15)Reviser - KO
16)Goreim - OS
17)Goreim - OS
18)Goreim - OS
19)Goreim - OS
20)Goreim - KO
Goreim - 17 wins (15 OS, 2 KO)
Reviser - 3 wins (1 OS, 2 KO)
Goreim win % = 85%
On round 6 I noticed that it is a lot safer to launch at about 90%. A full strength launch gives a much better chance of a rebound self KO. The one OS Reviser had was due to me launching too deep that Gryph Goreim couldn't recover. It can recover from some deep launches, but that one was way too deep. However, there were several times I got scared that Reviser was going to OS. When it was tilted and swaying back and forth, it hit Gryph Goreim hard enough to knock it over, but it held in there.