Best play in my life :
so, i made brio and blackrose using doppel, lvl 4 spore, debris and eventually doppel tokens, to make brio + blackrose.
he had a starlight road, (duality) so i made sure to not use blackrose effect..
he compulsed my brio, next turn he utopia, i book of moon, next turn, i avarice......
i drew 2 cards, best 2 cards ever.... i used foolish on glowup and ROTA for doppel....
i junk synchron for glow-up, special doppel
i sync for 5 and got librarian, got 2 doppel tokens...
sync token with glow for formula, drew 2
i sync librarian and formula for arcanite, destroyed his starlight and his facedown utopia... he also had a set warwolf
i glowup, sync glowup with last doppel token with arcanite for trish, good game lol, he had 200 left but had nothing in his hand
EDIT: i just did this again, so ye, i guess its not too hard, so if i can, i would try to set up to make this play as much as possible, cuz it equals game