It really depends on what kind of Deck you want to build; perhaps that Archetype of Monsters is for you, but generally, people want DREV Packs for Pot of Duality and Solemn Warning (money cards).
Anyway, if you want to build a Tier-One Deck, select from these Archetypes:
Legendary Six Samurai (Very expensive to build), X-Sabers (Expensive to build, mainly because of XX-Saber Emmersblade at 2-3, and XX-Saber Darksoul at 3), Blackwings (Relatively wallet-friendly as you need to get Gold Series to get all the required Monsters except Vayu), Gravekeeper's (relatively wallet-friendly as well; you'll need to get GK Recruiters from STBL) and Plants.
Thank you Pyro for this sick sig~!!