I so annyoed at my friend. He's not very good at yu-gi-oh through. What happened was I was dueling my other friend while he was watching. When it was my turn he just yanks my opponet's deck and starts looking at it. And I was like "WHAT THE HECK(Hopefully I'm allowed to say that.)!, YOUR NOT ALLWOED TO LOOK AT SOMEONES DECK WHILE THEIR DUEL!" And then he just starts looking at my cards and I was thinking(WHAT THE HECK?!) And before that when it was my turn(My opponet had the first turn) I attacked his monster and the my friend just goes "You can't attack on your first turn!!) and I replied "Yes you can if you go second." And he kept say no you can't and then I said I bet my whole deck that you can. But HE STILL KEPT SAYING NO. And then i said, "Well no wonder you can last in the tournament(I know that's kinda not nice but I was so annoyed with him and before he claimed to come 15th out of 50 people at this tournament and when I went there, there was only like 30!!!) But then he said that he came 15th out of 50(like he claimed before)
Am I just going mental or what.
Edit-This post might be in the wrong place.
Am I just going mental or what.
Edit-This post might be in the wrong place.