(Feb. 15, 2009 6:30 PM)Rocky Wrote: Sixty pushups a minute? Hahaha. I can't do one pushup in a hour. XD Besides, I only have so much energy/willpower so I don't wanna overwork myself. Which is why I asked which excercises work more specifically for that area. ^^;
Your best bet would be to start doing Cardio, and Body Weight Exercises (push-ups pull-ups). Now you don't have to do 60 per minute but what you can do is do as many as you can take a break and do it again. Repeat until you have completed four sets. Then every day make sure to add one push up. No more, no less.
Crunches, and assisted pull-ups (there is a machine, maybe your school fitness center has one) are great too, and follow the same pattern as push ups. Body weight exercises promote lean muscle growth, so there will be no massive growth. It makes you look leaner. For some good ab exercises search on google. The body Weight exercises don't take very long so they can easily fit in your daily schedule.
For Cardio skipping, running, jogging are all good just make sure you get your heart rate up. Start with 20-25 minutes (or more if you are able to) and work your way up. Cardio is the most crucial, so be regular. Set a schedule for 3-4 times a week and stick to it. The biggest mistake people make is that they overwork themselves for a month and lose motivation. Challenge yourself (the first week will be tough) but stay within your capabilities. Just make sure to adjust accordingly as it gets easier.
The last thing is diet. Eat healthy, and don't starve yourself!! (you will only overeat later). Just make sure to stay within your BMR and such, and eat a balanced diet (lots of raw veggies help you stay full). I hope my excessively long rant helped, and just remember this takes time. It took me almost 2.5 years to lose 60 pounds, because it takes time to find what works for you. Having a routine is crucial. Good luck and feel free to PM me for any questions.