why fire fox i liek da internet explorers and the tru thing is only for small children that still shop there
General Hasbro BEYBLADE:Metal Fury/Shogun Steel/Beyblades Legends -FALL 2014 [HOBBY]
(Jul. 09, 2011 7:13 AM)xshaman-kingx Wrote: why fire fox i liek da internet explorers and the tru thing is only for small children that still shop there
Just click Post Reply once from here on. IE is a tad slow to post, but it gets the job done well.
As for Toys R Us, they do sell more adult/teen oriented stuff, but only in the computing section. Still, they have a very nice selection of Hasbro stadiums, so I'll do some checking as to which one I should get when I'm there.
but hasbro stadiums are poo
I have to disagree. From the times I've used them, I prefer them to the TT ones. For several reasons in fact.
inliten me plz on how there better
Gladly. I'm putting together my list of reasons right now.
It will take me some time, maybe another hour, to post. I'll add it then.
It will take me some time, maybe another hour, to post. I'll add it then.
k i can see how they have there uses but there nit nearly as good as the tt stadiums
xshaman-kingx, please stop double posting. It's really annoying and spams the thread. Listen to other peoples advice and start using FireFox. I'm sure the moderators are tired of deleting every double post you make, I don't think it'll be long before you get a warning from them. This is the last time I will tell you.
Has anybody heard of the Sonic Series? It says they are exclusive to TRU.
Poison Serpent
Counter Leone
Poison Serpent
Counter Leone
No i have not but they look quite cool , did every bey come in sonic ver?
I have no idea, I just saw these 2.
Wow no never heard of it! That serpent is gonna look nice with the printed facebolt

Sonic series?It looks like NERF guns.There only differents is their parts color right?Hope they make one with Painted Metal Wheel.
Sonic ver. Looks to be all green parts except the metal wheel.
(Jul. 09, 2011 7:37 AM)xshaman-kingx Wrote: inliten me plz on how there better
1. - The catch stations - These are not part of the stadiums because Hasbro is being stupid or something along those lines. I believe it's a move by them to make sure the Bey performance tips we use are not worn down as much if we’re using those stadiums. Think about it. The plastic catch stations do not wear down tips like concrete, metal, wood, ceramic, and tile would do, which is a problem with the TT stadiums and the lower walls. (I know that some have the cardboard walls you can put up, but as some have pointed out, a lot of people simply don’t use them.)
2. – The higher walls - The high walls prevent flying Beys more than the TT stadiums, as long as you don’t mix 4D and Hybrid Beys. However, it's not for the purpose of preventing Stadium Outs. From some games I've seen online, those high walls keep certain Beys in play longer since they can bounce off the walls and come back for another round. Sure, it takes away a percentage chance of getting Stadium Outs, but as I said about preserving the Beys, the catch stations do that job. So, if you’re fine with the loss of a chance of SOs, the walls add more flair to matches.
(However, I can picture a massive stadium design with the TT low walls and build, just with a very large built in catch/moat to stop most flying Beys. Improbable, maybe, but if built, that could net Hasbro some serious money.)
3. - Steeper slopes – This is again something I’ve seen with the TT ones. Many have very shallow banks, meaning the Defensive tipped Beys settle near the center and don’t attack very much once they’ve found a sweet spot. Granted, it is a personal preference to see Beys act aggressive in play, regardless of how you chose to play, and the Hasbro stadiums seem to be built for that. The steeper slopes move Beys towards the center, causing them to attack more often. (Just for clarification, by steeper, this is about 15-20 degrees.)
4. – Stadium variety – You can buy stadiums with no extra twists to them, the Pegasus Thunder Whip (Blue) and Lightning Force (Black) ones from my immediate knowledge, or with some if you just want to have fun. Granted, most will find one stadium they like and stick with it, but having options is part of any hobby, this one being no exception.
Those are the four reasons I prefer the Hasbro stadiums versus the TT ones. While finances also factor in for a number of us, I do believe the Hasbro ones deserve to be used along with the TT ones, both professional and casual.
(Whew. That took longer than I thought.)
Too bad that most Hasbro stadiums are unkind to attack types. Which is one of the reasons the WBO don't use them. Would rather use TT stadiums that are much more balanced then Hasbro's.
(Jul. 09, 2011 9:06 AM)BeyFan Wrote: Too bad that most Hasbro stadiums are unkind to attack types. Which is one of the reasons the WBO don't use them. Would rather use TT stadiums that are much more balanced then Hasbro's.
Which reminds me I forgot something from my prior post: That the TT stadiums don't seem to be kind to attack types either.
(Jul. 09, 2011 8:58 AM)AgentBJ09 Wrote: *snip*
First up preventing stadium outs for saving the tips means attack types are at a disadvantage because their wins mostly comes from stadium outs.
Secondly it makes RF useless for two reasons..first it is unable to KO so it will lose easily..second if it doesnt get worn then it will be very tough to control(not too sure about this though.)
Then for the steep slopes...they make the use of LTSC beys almost useless if not launched well enough..85 will scrape very easily on them. Then the high wall will hinder proper launch too..launching from a height may damage the stadium if u r using MS tip.
I also disagree with the variety factor..there are different types of stadiums in Hasbro as well as TT...and also the hindrances which Hasbro offers to most beys like those trench like things in burning firestrike hinder the proper performance of top-tier beys making them lose very easily.
And all types of beys are favoured in the TT attack stadium which has enough space for stadium KOs for suiting attack types..and the same space for walls which helps the defence and stamina types..not to forget the tornamde ridge which may prevent KOs in case of light hits on stamina types. So overall the TT attack is the best and most well-balanced stadium making it best for WBO official play as BeyFan said.
This is the reason why I dont prefer Hasbro over TT
I am not sure about some of the things said above so in case I am wrong please correct me.
What are you talking about? Thier stadiums are the most balanced. Certain ones, anyways.
(Jul. 09, 2011 9:13 AM)SAM10795 Wrote: -Referenced-
Well, those are your opinions, as are the ones I listed. However, along with the stadium outs, don't forget that hits from certain angles can smash Beys away and stop them on the spot, even if they hit walls. A Stadium Out isn't the only way to KO them.
That said, I based what I said on what I've seen on the Net and in the one on one fights I've managed to come across as of late. I could be wrong on some but that's my experience with the two: That the Hasbro ones work as well as the TT ones, just with some variation.
(Jul. 09, 2011 9:16 AM)Nutty Wrote: -Referenced-
I was talking about the very low rises on the TT stadiums before the walls come in. All the Attack types I've seen run wild around stadiums, so from my perpective, that discourages using those kinds of tips because you can easily Ring Out if your shot is off.
However, I know the UK has a specific stadium model that is similar to the TT with open spots and somewhat high walls. That one I have yet to see in use, but that is a third option.
(If this double posts, blame the ether of the Net.)
I'm going to give you a straight forward response to Hasbro stadiums; they suck. Here's why:
1. You say catch zones are there to prevent wear and tear. That could be the reason why they are there, unlikely though. It's more for safety because parents are afraid flying tops are going to kill their kids or something. There hasn't been any reports of some kid dying while playing beyblade that I've heard of from Japan though. The reason why here on the WBO it isn't preferred is because it hinders the performance of attack types. Attack types are designed to end the game as fast as they can, how can they do that if the bey keeps flying back in? The opposing bey goes into the catch zone but very often they slip out.
2. Do you know how boring stamina battles are? They drag on and on. The lack of knockouts make the game boring and make for a stamina dominated game. Attack types would serve no purpose. So this game where beys spin in place forever and ever with no chance of knockout has plenty of "flair" for you? Besides, rarely do beys get knocked over the wall in attack stadiums.
3. So you tell us that you prefer a game lacking knock outs but prefer a deeper slope for more aggressiveness? Seriously? Those deep slopes cause scrapes for low track stamina or
defense combos. You say that beys aren't aggressive in attack stadiums? There's a reason why we developed launching techniques like banking or sliding shot. It isn't the stadium that makes your beys less aggressive, it's your carpy launch.
4. Yes. There are plenty of stadiums out there but we choose one mainly because it's well balanced and fair. Posting results would be a pain, you would have to 20 rounds in one stadium and another 20 in another (and that's for one combo alone). One dominant stadium allows for consistency in testing.
That is why most players prefer attack stadiums over Hasbro's stadiums. To be honest with you, your points were very weak.
1. You say catch zones are there to prevent wear and tear. That could be the reason why they are there, unlikely though. It's more for safety because parents are afraid flying tops are going to kill their kids or something. There hasn't been any reports of some kid dying while playing beyblade that I've heard of from Japan though. The reason why here on the WBO it isn't preferred is because it hinders the performance of attack types. Attack types are designed to end the game as fast as they can, how can they do that if the bey keeps flying back in? The opposing bey goes into the catch zone but very often they slip out.
2. Do you know how boring stamina battles are? They drag on and on. The lack of knockouts make the game boring and make for a stamina dominated game. Attack types would serve no purpose. So this game where beys spin in place forever and ever with no chance of knockout has plenty of "flair" for you? Besides, rarely do beys get knocked over the wall in attack stadiums.
3. So you tell us that you prefer a game lacking knock outs but prefer a deeper slope for more aggressiveness? Seriously? Those deep slopes cause scrapes for low track stamina or
defense combos. You say that beys aren't aggressive in attack stadiums? There's a reason why we developed launching techniques like banking or sliding shot. It isn't the stadium that makes your beys less aggressive, it's your carpy launch.
4. Yes. There are plenty of stadiums out there but we choose one mainly because it's well balanced and fair. Posting results would be a pain, you would have to 20 rounds in one stadium and another 20 in another (and that's for one combo alone). One dominant stadium allows for consistency in testing.
That is why most players prefer attack stadiums over Hasbro's stadiums. To be honest with you, your points were very weak.
what do you guys think of the newly relased tri stadium????
Re-write the question in proper English you dunce. No one can understand what you just wrote.
no taraka tomy are the best but the pegasus thunder whip and l drago stadium are good but tri stadiums allright if the have gravity perseus or bassalt or cyber pegasus (red)
i am a bad speller sorry i am disleksic sorry about that:\
i am a bad speller sorry i am disleksic sorry about that:\