TT is releasing electronic beys and IR beys...and they aren't releasing them "instead" of releasing newer blades.
General Hasbro BEYBLADE:Metal Fury/Shogun Steel/Beyblades Legends -FALL 2014 [HOBBY]
(Jul. 08, 2011 4:59 PM)amit93 Wrote:(Jul. 08, 2011 4:53 PM)NightWolf7919 Wrote: What do you mean "winning to prove how good TT is." You can win with Hasbro parts, you do realize that. Seriously, don't post if you have nothing intellegent to say
sometimes i think he's just trolling. -.-" And yeah, you can win with Hasbro parts, it's just that TT releases there beys before Hasbro
I never troll or flame, yes you can win with Hasbro parts but some of the parts are outclassed, just like some of the TT parts are outclassed; TT releases them before hasbro because they're the ones that made the series.
why you go at people leave them alone its there choce what they do if they get warning thats there folt so back off please

(Jul. 08, 2011 5:03 PM)NightWolf7919 Wrote: TT is releasing electronic beys and IR beys...and they aren't releasing them "instead" of releasing newer blades.
I never knew they were doing that, I thought it was just a hasbro thing; I still have a lot to learn as I only played with the plastic mainly when I was little and only had 1 engine gear and two hms. Metal fight is what got me back into beyblading and this forum is what's teaching me the ways as I haven't been on a forum in forever.
Sora lover17 If everyone had that mentality there would be no mods...
ok lay offf him a little mate no hard feelings i got warning ok so if so pm me ok!
I like to call that
, NightWolf.
But yeah, with that mentality, there'd be no mods.

But yeah, with that mentality, there'd be no mods.
(Jul. 08, 2011 5:06 PM)NightWolf7919 Wrote: Sora lover17 If everyone had that mentality there would be no mods...We need to establish a chain of command in this site; no lower ranks giving complaints or ideas to the higher ups, if there's a question, comment or complain send it to the next above or bellow. Then if you can't solve it still pass it up.
Edit: The series could use a bey that as it spins the centrifugal force opens up some kind of weapon like metal or plastic edges to strike the opponent harder; kinda like Sagittarius
claws but they're not loose.
Isn't that like beafouls track uw145
...? That should have probably gone in Random thoughts, considering it has little to nothing to do with Metal Masters
(Jul. 08, 2011 5:14 PM)Shadowhaunter Wrote:(Jul. 08, 2011 5:06 PM)NightWolf7919 Wrote: Sora lover17 If everyone had that mentality there would be no mods...
The series could use a bey that as it spins the centrifugal force opens up some kind of weapon like metal or plastic edges to strike the opponent harder; kinda like Sagittarius
claws but they're not loose.
hmmm... this reminds me of Variares...
i think they could use more versions of ray unicorno
seriously, talk about this somewhere else, this is not the thread to discuss this
Lets get back on topic PLEASE
Lets get back on topic PLEASE
Why are u talking about blitz unicorno
(Jul. 08, 2011 5:18 PM)NightWolf7919 Wrote: seriously, talk about this somewhere else, this is not the thread to discuss this
Lets get back on topic PLEASE
It has to do with the hobby of beyblade discussing a hobby could include the mechanics of the object, current news found about the hobby, or some down to earth discussions. A random thought would be like "it would be cool to see a wrist launcher".
God, the more you post, the more I dislike you. Let me explain to you what the purpose of this thread is. The BEYBLADE Metal Fusion/ Metal Masters thread is to discuss the things going on with what Hasbro is going to release. Your post had nothing to do with that, therefore it is off topic. Seriously, this is not up for debate or discussion, just learn to post correctly
Simple as this; read the flipping OP! Gosh... I look like this:

(Jul. 08, 2011 5:37 PM)NightWolf7919 Wrote: God, the more you post, the more I dislike you. Let me explain to you what the purpose of this thread is. The BEYBLADE Metal Fusion/ Metal Masters thread is to discuss the things going on with what Hasbro is going to release. Your post had nothing to do with that, therefore it is off topic. Seriously, this is not up for debate or discussion, just learn to post correctly
Fine no need to mad, and there's so much I could say about you but I was just trying to defend myself; I just thought if I were to discuss a hobby it would involve talking about the mechanics of a toy.
(Jul. 08, 2011 6:13 PM)iBeyblader Wrote:(Jul. 08, 2011 12:46 PM)amit93 Wrote: Is anyone here even old enough for the world championships?
LOL my brother is. He's 10 and I can give him a list of good combos and send him off. XD
i could pass as 12 if i shave daily lol. XD but anyways for the world championships the US bladers should be allowed to us TT correct? if not it would be unfair due to the fact that the far eastern countries would have an advantage over north america.
(Jul. 08, 2011 6:25 PM)iBeyblader Wrote:(Jul. 08, 2011 6:21 PM)Callum6939 Wrote: People think I'm 13... yet I'm actually 16...
[off-topic]I hate it when people confuse my age. They ask, "How old are you?"
I say," I'm 14."
They go, "CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRP! I thought you were 10."[/off-topic]
I might go to the tournament on the 16th just for giggles. XD
If I shave it would be very easy, plus I know the people in the toys r us's I go to so I can get in either way.
Ill hit up the "tournament" Also. just to have little kids be in awe after seeing TT beys. one will probably complain that i said "Hell" when i say Hell Kerbecs lolz. it should be fun just for the fact that you get to battle people that you dont know. i just wish they would make it more competitive.

Guys lay off SH ok lets get back on track here I know for a fact poision virgo will be released as a booster so any ideas about the CW color?
(Jul. 08, 2011 6:29 PM)ShadowL-Drago Wrote: Ill hit up the "tournament" Also. just to have little kids be in awe after seeing TT beys. one will probably complain that i said "Hell" when i say Hell Kerbecs lolz. it should be fun just for the fact that you get to battle people that you dont know. i just wish they would make it more competitive.
Don't forget to give props to WBO; those awed eyes will turn to "that sounds like an awesome place".