(Jun. 11, 2011 3:39 AM)Evan Wrote: Just picked up Hasbro's Galaxy Pegasus
Some quick notes;
The mold of R2F is different, other than missing the bar. It has more plastic on the outside than TT's R2F, by this I mean it has a different and more filled in design on the outside of the tip.
I haven't noticed any rattling, but I have noticed some weird movement out of it. It seems to stall in place a lot more than my TT one ever did.
And for those who don't know about Hasbro's CS, it's a totally new part. I've been doing some good playtesting for about a week, and it really is a great choice for aggressive defense. MF-H Gravity Perseus ATK BD145CS (Hasbro) is a beast.
Well, these two tips has me wanting to buy the Hasbro versions, just to see the differences for myself XD