(Feb. 11, 2013 8:50 AM)Kujikato Wrote: Plus, OP testing shows that in a mirror match, Duo wins. But well, we need more testing before making final conclusions.
I would not go so far as to say in all mirror matches Duo would win. The only reason it did when they were both on 230, is because when both would start wobbling at the end, and Duo would get under Genbull and cause it to destabilize and fall faster. This is of course because Duo sits lower on a track than Genbull. The lower the tracks, the less Duo being able to do this will matter, because it is harder to destabilize at lower heights. (i.e. a mirror match with 160 and lower will probably even things back up). This still of course needs to be formally tested, but that has been my experience with the informal tests I have done.
Genbull Genbull W145WD vs. Duo Aquario W145WD
Duo launched first on even launches,
Genbull launched first on odd.
1. Duo OS
2. Duo OS
3. Duo OS
4. Tie; Genbull OS
5. Duo OS
6. Duo OS
7. Duo OS
8. Duo OS
9. Duo OS
10. Tie; Duo OS (W145WD's swapped after this round)
11. Duo OS
12. Genbull OS
13. Duo OS
14. Genbull OS
15. Duo OS
16. Genbull OS
17. Duo OS
18. Genbull OS
19. Duo OS
20. Genbull OS
Genbull: 6 (6 OS, 0 KO)
Duo: 14 (14 OS, 0 KO)
Genbull Win %: 30.0%
Looking at the Detail Results, this tells me that there is a slight difference in my WDs, because after they were swapped, Genbull started winning when it was launched second. However, that still reinforces that these two are almost dead even.
Duo does still have the slight advantage when they are at the same height because it can get under Genbull, it just didn't matter as much at this height. and Duo is not really destabilizing when it gets under Genbull, it is making contact that is causing a decent amount of rotational recoil with Genbull, draining a good bit of spin when it hits just right.
My suggestion would be to use odd heights with Genbull to in sure Duo cannot do this. For example, if Duo 230D is used more in your meta, then go for SR200, if Duo W145WD is used more then maybe go with S130. Next, I will see how things play out if Genbull is high enough above Duo that Duo cannot get that good contact.