Gaming Random Thoughts

(Jan. 06, 2012  11:10 PM)Dracomageat Wrote:
(Jan. 06, 2012  10:34 PM)Ultrablader Wrote: Also if you don't like violent games then of course you'd chose the 3DS since it's basically a kid's console whereas anyone who likes games that most people play would get a PS3.

I take objection to this.
How is running round, killing anything that moves more mature than a game like OoT where one has to think, talk to people and generally be observant? Surely just wanting to mindlessly massacre is about as childish as one can get?

You can say what you want but the majority of gamers prefer PS3 and Xbox 360 over 3DS'. Shooting games really don't have any real place on that console which if you hadn't noticed is kinda one of the best selling types of game. Also I wouldn't call shooting games mindlessly massacreing. Here's a blunt fact for you most gamers my age don't own a handheld console since tbh PS3 and Xbox 360 have better games than handhelds in general. Also just look at the games for the DS and subsequent consoles and tell me that the console isn't aimed at children generally... You can't really can you. Another thing is that no where in there did I mention anything about maturity.
Ultrablader, unless you have owner statistics for what you're trying to say, please do not say such outlandish things. I do not know a single person between 15-21 that does not own a handheld gaming console, yet owns a 360 or PS3. Your blunt fact is pretty bluntly wrong, bro. It's also an incredibly subjective and opinion-laden thing, which further discredits it. Let's seriously not have people get into a fit over calling this or that more fun than this or that, because no individual is really fit to say that on behalf of anyone but themselves.

(Jan. 07, 2012  12:22 AM)Dracomageat Wrote: I didn't acquire 3D vision until I was twelve and gained it through watching a variety of 3D movies. Even now, my depth vision is rather sub-par so I bought a 3DS for the long term visual benefits it will likely give me.

Speaking as someone who is more than familiar with the physiology of the human eye and the effects of lights and eye strain on it, I can 100% guarentee you that exposure to 3D will not provide you any performance benefits, and will, in fact, accelerate optical function decrease. I'm not sure what kind of health sciences they teach over there, but absolutely everything you just said is wrong.
Oh, I know what everyone claims. I know how I'm supposed to get eye strain, headaches and all those other negative side-effects. I know how playing video games all my life is supposed to have wrecked my eyesight.
Truth is though, I have experience none of that and I'm the only person in my family with no need for glasses.

Yes, overexposure to 3D is nothing but bad for normal people. If there's one thing I'm not, however, it's normal. I actually benefit from it.
(Jan. 07, 2012  9:36 PM)Dracomageat Wrote: Oh, I know what everyone claims. I know how I'm supposed to get eye strain, headaches and all those other negative side-effects. I know how playing video games all my life is supposed to have wrecked my eyesight.
Truth is though, I have experience none of that and I'm the only person in my family with no need for glasses.

Yes, overexposure to 3D is nothing but bad for normal people. If there's one thing I'm not, however, it's normal. I actually benefit from it.

So you're saying you're Super Man?
Dracomageat, let me be the first to congratulate you on having the weirdest delusion I've ever seen.

Also let me be the first to tell you that no matter what kind of supreme being you are, your physiology is no different from other human beings. What hurts everyone else's eyes will hurt yours, too, no matter what you think. There is no existing eye condition that would actually be aided by exposure to large amounts of 3D sampling, especially not the way the 3DS does it, especially not in the long term.

Science is not fanfiction.
My lack of 3D vision was never an eye problem to begin with. It's to do with the way my rain processes the inputs.

As for me being superman, far from it. I'd much rather have your visual problems than mine, even if mine do have an obvious cure.
Been on a Phantasy Star binge lately. Found PSO (not PS0) for the XBOX on Amazon, and going to order it tomorrow. The Gamecube version, though, is surprisingly more expensive. But I don't know if I should just get the Gamecube version over the XBOX version...
Can you even play the Xbox version of PSOnline anymore? Microsoft shut down Xbox Live service for the OG console.
I don't know. I'd probably just play single player because that's what I mostly did on Blue Burst when my friends weren't on.

I also plan on getting Phantasy Star 0, but I heard that the Gamecube version has more content with Episode I & II plus. That, and the servers aren't shut down, but they're also constantly empty. I have a Wii, so connecting online wouldn't be a problem. Same with the 360. But what puts me off is that a new Gamecube game racks to the hundreds, and a used is around 80 or so...
Yakuza Studio is best SEGA Studio:

Wow this thread has became a huge argument

anyways, i broke my ps3 controller and i dont have enough allowance or my own change to buy another ps3 controller, but when i looked through a shop named jb-hifi i saw the after glow controller which was in the shape of an xbox controller and was cheaper it was $40 au, and the ps3 controller just the normal one was around $80 au so is the afterglow controller worth it?
(Jan. 11, 2012  11:35 PM)NatsuDragneel Wrote: is the afterglow controller worth it?

I bought one of those. Never managed to connect it to the console itself.

Naturally, since I'm a naive idiot, I didn't keep the receipt, therefore I was unable to get my money back.

Since I have a job, it's not that bad, but I wouldn't buy it, if I were you.
@TO- That game looks like it could be a movie and an awesome game. Sega FTW!!
(Jan. 12, 2012  1:42 PM)Dude Wrote:
(Jan. 11, 2012  11:35 PM)NatsuDragneel Wrote: is the afterglow controller worth it?

I bought one of those. Never managed to connect it to the console itself.

...what? I have never heard of this problem...
No kidding. I have the version that came with a wire, I plug it in the PS3, but, while the controller drains juice from the console, it doesn't respond at all...

Is mine just defective? Uncertain
Probably... the Afterglow Controllers are pretty widely-recommended, from what I recall. I would definitely buy one for my 360 if I had the coin to drop on something I am absolutely never looking at, haha. Maybe an Afterglow Wiimote... of course, first I would need a Wii game that I would actually play...
(Jan. 11, 2012  11:35 PM)NatsuDragneel Wrote: the normal one was around $80 au so is the afterglow controller worth it?
Jeez, Australia is a fraud in more than beyblades... lol?
Considering the AUD and the USD are almost even, and the normal ones cost about 55 in most stores over here... dang.
I personally like the Afterglow controllers, I had one for my old PS2 and I loved it. Another user here (Nano) has an Afterglow controller for his PS3, and he loves it from what he has told me.

On a side note, this is like my first post in this thread XD
Yes, Australian inflation is not beyblade-specific and has little to nothing to do with actual manufacturers. MSRP is meaningless in Australia.

They do look really nice, but not worth that much money... plus, I think it might get distracting.
I think there should be a Hitman Reborn game for the Xbox 360.

Moving on, I've never played Gears of War, so I guess if I buy Gears of War 2 I should be able understand the story.
(Jan. 12, 2012  9:20 PM)Vongola-Hibari Wrote: I think there should be a Hitman Reborn game for the Xbox 360.

Moving on, I've never played Gears of War, so I guess if I buy Gears of War 2 I should be able understand the story.
Nah, just look at walkthroughs of GoW 1 &2 in YT, no need to buy the games in my opinion. I did the same with Halo 1 & 2 to better understand 3, Reach is a prequel so no follow up story there unless you count the books. I for one would love to play as Takeshi.
I think the Batman controllers look really cool. Not really worth it in my opinion since I look at a screen, haha.
I'd prefer it if the green were wireless, unless they are both available in both colors or something...

this may be totally hypocritical but I would most definitely buy a green wireless one

lights? no

batman? yes

batman + lights? double yes
I'm thinking about getting Sonic Colors. Is it any good? And is it worth $20 for a new copy?
Sonic Colors is one of the better Sonic games in recent history.
Finally found a new copy of Phantasy Star Portable 2. Thank you, YesAsia. Didn't expect you to have the US version.