Opinions on Assassin's Creed are notoriously varied.
Personally I really liked the game. It was repetitious, sure, but overall it was a great game.
Tao or whatever the carp your name is now Wrote:Different, MTV launch was more important because you know, that was the actual launch information for the system, and it was less then an hour, not the rumored 5.
And lol at the GTA IV, and Halo 3 stuff, that's like Nintendo saying there is more Mario and Zelda in the pipeline for the Wii, oh wait... I guess that date for the GTA IV stuff is important since it's been anticipated, but Halo, well I've shown my opinion towards shooters.
And the announcement of an entirely new user interface isn't important? The announcement of additional episodes for a game that recently sold 10 million units and of which is exclusive to the console isn't important? Additional content for Halo 3, arguably the 360's flagship title, isn't important? As you pointed out, you are clearly biased against shooters, and if you ask me Microsoft/360 as a whole, so your opinion doesn't really amount to much. Get your carp head out of the clouds. If you think this TV spot is going to be 5 hours long you're carp insane and clinging to that part of the rumor simply because its something you can knock Microsoft with.
This is nothing like Nintendo announcing a new Mario or Zelda, because unlike Nintendo Microsoft is actually going to, you know,
show people things, in detail, rather than just mention them in passing at one of the worst press conferences in recent industry history.
And despite your feelings about Assassin's Creed, there's no denying that it was a huge success at retail and securing an exclusive sequel to the game would be a huge deal for Microsoft because as we all know, businesses like to make money.
For the record, your little snide remarks about Microsoft "buying out" everything are really starting to grate on my nerves. It'd be different if they were just going out and making this TV special just to sit there and trumpet their own success and rest on their laurels, but they clearly aren't. They're going to be presenting the newly redesigned 360 user interface, as well as a slew of new games and content for existing games that people won't be able to find on other systems, as well as targeting said info at what they clearly know is their core demographic by doing so on G4TV.
How is this a bad move, in any sense?