Gaming Random Thoughts

sam Wrote:i dunno, about slightly bigger than the size of a car side window

it just looks so tiiiny

anyways, roan must play with me plz


hes not going to play with you

I don't even know what to say without sounding like a total jerk.
sam Wrote:Unhappy

like ive told you in the past, you're a tad bit annoying bud
Artie Wrote:
sam Wrote:Unhappy

like ive told you in the past, you're a tad bit annoying bud

Basically, yeah.

Also the new maps for COD4 really need to release already. I really want to like this game but I just can't.
sam Wrote:
Artie Wrote:
sam Wrote:Unhappy

like ive told you in the past, you're a tad bit annoying bud
didn't i like stop or something
last time i remember playing with roan was in cod4 like forever ago, i don't remember being that bad.

How you see yourself and how others perceive you are two TOTALLY different things.

The last time we played COD4 was when I decided that I wasn't playing games with you anymore. lol

Also edit: Some dude involved with the new maps (I can't remember who atm) said that one or so maps would be single player rehashes, but that most of the new material would be completely new material.
sam Wrote:
Artie Wrote:
sam Wrote:Unhappy

like ive told you in the past, you're a tad bit annoying bud
didn't i like stop or something
last time i remember playing with roan was in cod4 like forever ago, i don't remember being that bad.

wait they are coming out with new cod4 maps. sweet. pray that they are not more annoying single player rehashes.


so you going to let me host gow2 matches lawl
Artie Wrote:
sam Wrote:
Artie Wrote:
sam Wrote:Unhappy

like ive told you in the past, you're a tad bit annoying bud
didn't i like stop or something
last time i remember playing with roan was in cod4 like forever ago, i don't remember being that bad.

wait they are coming out with new cod4 maps. sweet. pray that they are not more annoying single player rehashes.


so you going to let me host gow2 matches lawl

Jesus I wish it wasn't so far off. November? T_T

Oh well. I was watching Ninja Gaiden 2 videos today and it seriously looks carp bad carp.
Artie Wrote:whatevso you going to let me host gow2 matches lawl
sam Wrote:
Artie Wrote:whatev

so you going to let me host gow2 matches lawl


I don't even know what the story is behind this but it's funny nonetheless.
artie will ignore invites for 30 minutes then host a match and demand I come

host shotgun rapes me

sam Wrote:artie will ignore invites for 30 minutes then host a match and demand I come

host shotgun rapes me


I have no clue what this game is, but it will support the DK Bongos?!?!
Looking sweet, can't wait for the rest of them.

Btw, when will the Heroic Map Pack become available for free?
King of Darkness Wrote:Looking sweet, can't wait for the rest of them.

Btw, when will the Heroic Map Pack become available for free?

Probably after the second map pack is released.

Also, call me crazy/ignorant/what have you, but I really want Lost Odyssey for 360.

I need a lengthy game that will keep me busy and interested for a few weeks until some good stuff starts coming out (Patapon, Army of Two, Smash Bros, etc.) and Lost Odyssey looks like it would easily fit the bill.

I enjoyed what little I played of Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey seems to be a much more mature offering from Sakaguchi. The graphics look great, the story sounds interesting, the achievements sound super easy (yes this matters to me stfu) so yeah, I've basically decided that I'm going to be buying this game come Saturday. lol

Got Lost Odyssey today.

Wow. It's carp epic.
Sometime ago I created an Xbox 360 Live Gamertag/account on my friend's 360 Elite. Lately, I've been considering buying one (regular 360 though) in the future and was wondering if there would be any content lost upon doing the "recover gamertag" thing. It's all Halo 3 stuff btw. I mainly want to know if it keeps the achievements and armour perms unlocked, Live medals, Campaign progress, etc. Thanks.
King of Darkness Wrote:Sometime ago I created an Xbox 360 Live Gamertag/account on my friend's 360 Elite. Lately, I've been considering buying one (regular 360 though) in the future and was wondering if there would be any content lost upon doing the "recover gamertag" thing. It's all Halo 3 stuff btw. I mainly want to know if it keeps the achievements and armour perms unlocked, Live medals, Campaign progress, etc. Thanks.

It'll keep your achievements and rank but your campaign progress and the like won't be carried over.

Patapon won't arrive here until tomorrow Unhappy
Elmo Wrote:Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Patapon won't arrive here until tomorrow Unhappy

hahaha yeah, I got the call from gamestop yesterday saying it wouldn't be available until the 27th.

But it's all good because I'm going to go get it right now. Grin

Also wtf, I played Lost Odyssey for carp 5 hours last night. I really like this game and to be entirely honest I think the reviews are beating it up for no reason. Sure it doesn't do anything new for RPGs as a genre but what it does do is remarkably good.

I think if Lost Odyssey would've had a Final Fantasy attached to the title it would've scored much higher and that's carp because this game is better than ANY Final Fantasy I've ever played. (I've played FF7[Only like an hour of 7] through FFX-2) FFX was decent and X-2 was mostly awful and yet it still has higher scores than Lost Odyssey. wtf.
So I'm gonna get the One Piece game for the Wii tomorrow! WHEEE!!!

Also, you guys really need to start on that FFXII. That game is dopetastic.
I just played through Patapon, and I stopped at the Zaknel because I had to go do homework Unhappy. The game is AMAZING, I can't wait to get KIBAPON >Gasp.

So the second tech demo for Alone in the Dark 5 came out. This game looks hawt.
i was playing hardcore team deathmatch a few days ago

and there were these two guys, with [G.I] tags in their name
one of them had the most annoying voice ever, i think he was nine or something

so i teamkilled him

and he screamed with his "beep" voice "WHY THE carp DID YOU KILL ME YOU carp carp"

then i killed his clan-mate too lol
and the rest of the map, we were going after eachother lol

i love trolling htdm sometimes Grin
So I just beat Half Life 2.

Wtf @ the ending seriously