Gaming Random Thoughts

^ Whoa, sweet.

Guarantee that will be patched pretty damn soon though lmao
played the resident evil 5 demo today. Not really happy with how your character moves.

Bring on Steet Fighter 4 instead Tongue_out
Anyone up for an Annual run in Halo 3 later today or tomorrow? I'll probably be playing Fallout 3, but if you spot me on XBL and got more people, hit me up.
Anyone know if Splinter Cell for the Gamecube is any good (well, as good as Gamecube games can get anyways)? I only just realised that it existed. D:
i'm totally addicted to puzzle quest

The comments on this article make me sick. The guy's article was fine -- he at least brought up valid points to back up his statements and yet he's still getting torn to shreds by rampant internet tools.

Its things like these that really make me despise the gaming industry.
(Feb. 04, 2009  8:29 PM)Roan Wrote:

The comments on this article make me sick. The guy's article was fine -- he at least brought up valid points to back up his statements and yet he's still getting torn to shreds by rampant internet tools.

Its things like these that really make me despise the gaming industry.

I don't really believe he did back it up all that well. He is entitled to his opinion, but his points clash with what so-many other outlets have praised, then he, Im sure, expected a shitstorm.

anyway its neogaf lol
Well that's what I'm getting at.

I mean heaven forbid someone have an opinion that differs from the masses. I think he expressed his viewpoint perfectly fine, and while he should have been expecting negative feedback simply for going against the crowd, I think the amount of backlash he's getting is wholly unnesessary and if it weren't Killzone 2, the fanboys saving grace, I don't think the backlash would have even approached this level.

My point is, rampant fanboyism like this, from all three camps -- not just Sony, is disgusting and I really believe its what turns so many people off to gaming in the first place.
Congratulations! You win the award for the worst review of the year. Douchebag....What a frickin' dumbass.

yeah fanboy carp is petty as carp and getting so tired. As much as I may root for sony, its not part of my Being LOL. PS hasn't ripped me off yet so...
and Im so amped for killzone 2,
but yeah that gaf thread is actually nuts. It was great when the beta finished, not alot of BS and whining, people giving thier recollections, which I could relate to as I played some gaffers. but now...=|

i never said before but i do really enjoy coming here to disscuss video games because its a way calmer "forum" and we're all pretty level headed.

anyway I hate to call my self a fan of anything though. I just really like stuff.
Fanaticism IS A problem, a big one imo, of todays society. i carp hate seeing screaming chicks reaching out to desperately touch the jonas brothers. like wtf?
somehow people identfy the 'thing' as part of themselves and the ego will protect it.
or whatever
hahahaha fanboys. i hate that word
People just become fanboys to just side with the console they bought and are too selfish to expand and enjoy what the others have to offer. I seriously got over that carp years back, make the most out of Video Gaming, don't limit yourself with 1 Video Game console.

People have their prefrences, but your likes differ from what everyone else likes, I hate people trying to force people into liking what they like, let people make their own decision.
(Feb. 05, 2009  7:36 AM)Sega Wrote: People just become fanboys to just side with the console they bought and are too selfish to expand and enjoy what the others have to offer. I seriously got over that carp years back, make the most out of Video Gaming, don't limit yourself with 1 Video Game console.

People have their prefrences, but your likes differ from what everyone else likes, I hate people trying to force people into liking what they like, let people make their own decision.


This this this this carp this.
Remember Bob? The guy who locked himself in his room?
Well, last week he decided to 'raid' the Nintendo World store. put fake Bob's Game cases on the shelves, put up posters in the window, and leave a carp-ton of business card size cards all over the floor.

Well, Nintendo finally contacted him about that Dev kit he wants.
Final word? DENIED

"Thank you for your interest for Authorized Developer status for Nintendo DS.

We have completed our evaluation of your application and are unable to offer your company Authorized Developer status at the present time.

In evaluating developers, Nintendo looks for relevant game development experience.
In addition, Nintendo looks for secure business facilities, sufficient equipment and staffing, financial stability and other attributes that would distinguish the developer.

Nintendo provides Authorized Developers with highly confidential information and many of Nintendo’s Licensees rely on recommendations and referrals by Nintendo to Authorized Developers.
For these reasons, Nintendo exercises a very high level of discretion in approving only a select number of applicants.

In accordance with our policies, we are not able to re-evaluate requests for developer status for at least six months.
Again, we appreciate your interest, and welcome any questions or concerns you might have regarding this decision.

Best regards,

Software Development Support Group & Licensing Department Nintendo of America & Nintendo of Europe
I think he may go a bit crazy over that.
(Feb. 05, 2009  7:36 AM)Sega Wrote: People just become fanboys to just side with the console they bought and are too selfish to expand and enjoy what the others have to offer. I seriously got over that carp years back, make the most out of Video Gaming, don't limit yourself with 1 Video Game console.

People have their prefrences, but your likes differ from what everyone else likes, I hate people trying to force people into liking what they like, let people make their own decision.

Please go tell this to Brandonk. =]

Crimson, that guy seems pretty crazy. O.O
i would've supported bob had he not turned into a raging lunatic
More info on Sandbox in this weeks BWU:

Not much we didn't know already but then:

Quote:But there's another budget you might have to consider when you build your Sandbox map: the Object Limit Number. We'll call it the OLN from here on out in this update (please don't sue us, Outdoor Living Network).

Oh snap, a secondary budget?! Yup. Simply put, a map can only contain a fixed number of total unique objects, regardless of how many budget dollars you have available. When the OLN cap is reached, you're done placing objects, even if you still have money in the bank (shoteh what you drank?). You're then forced to delete something should you want to keep on keepin' on.

So why are we telling you this? Well, in test we frequently ran into the upper boundary of the OLN before we ran out of dollars. You probably will too. We just wanted to make you aware.

We also wanted to let you in on a little trick we learned. It turns out that all the default objects on Sandbox are automatically and irrevocably factored into the OLN. That means that if you delete them and create a blank "canvas," you won't be reclaiming those objects and you'll ultimately hit your OLN value long before you really should.

So, instead of making a "canvas," you should stack all of the original objects off to the side (spawn points included, they're also factored into the calculation), away from your build site, and save them for reuse later. That way, you'll be able to make the most out of the total number of objects you're given to work with.

Why're they limiting Forge further? That's a bit of a let down. The last part is even worse. If they know that, couldn't they have fixed it before so it would at least be like all other maps where you can simply delete everything an start from scratch with a full budget?

Thinking about it, why did they ever put a budget limit in Forge to begin with? You should have total freedom. I am aware of the infinite budget glitch, but you shouldn't even need to use that to begin with. It's not like you can't create "broken maps" right now just by adding in a few vehicles/weapons here and there (I doubt that's why they would ever input a limit), which is all just for customs anyways and to mess around with, besides, there's a lot of great maps out there, both for competitive use in TS/CTF/Assault or racing maps, etc, that use the budget glitch and wouldn't be possible otherwise. They still test and decide whatever goes into Matchmaking anyways, so why restrict players from exploring Forge to its full potential? You should be able to do whatever the hell you want in Forge with the objects you are given without having to worry about a budget limit or the new OLN.


carp =(

I was holding out on visiting/exploring some places and completing the main quest (I'm going through Vault 87 atm) waiting for the level cap to be raised with Broken Steel so I wouldn't be wasting a bunch of EXP now. I've been at 20 for a while and already completed a few main and side quest missions after that and although I can't wait to explore more, it also feels like I'm just wasting EXP I could get later to reach lv 30, which will apparently take like 3x the EXP you needed to go from 1 to 20 (that's actually cool, except if I'm out of stuff to do, which could be the problem).
Really hope these 2 DLC pack's are good and mostly bug free when they come out.
I am not that much surprised by OLN. I myself have had something similar happen when I modded with Halo Combat Evolved (full and demo) maps. There is only so much you can put in before it starts to lag or experience framerate lag, so I'm used to having a limit on how many objects I can place.

Even then I'm still a tiny bit disappointed.
Got my PS3 fixed and I've got no games for it (only demos and rented Soul Caliber IV and Little Big Planet for 5 days). Recommend me a couple games to buy, or a list of the fewbest PS3 games. BTW, I suck at shooter games.
yo pichu pick up Motorstorm Pacific rift. its a riot and a half Grin
do you like shooters though? Bioshock is out for ps3, KZ2 is coming. might want to get mirrors edge, i thought it was great.
I can't log in to my original xbox live account made on my xbox 1 on (Don't tell me to buy a 360. I don't particularly want to spend the money and you've all said a LOT against fanboyism).

So, anyone know a fix? Apparently I don't use my Windows Live ID and some microsoft representative basically said "we changed it to force you to buy a 360 because now you can't log in. FWAHAHAHA!" -.-
(Feb. 08, 2009  7:29 AM)Blue Wrote: yo pichu pick up Motorstorm Pacific rift. its a riot and a half Grin
do you like shooters though? Bioshock is out for ps3, KZ2 is coming. might want to get mirrors edge, i thought it was great.

I played Bioshock demo and I liked it, just dunno if I'd be able to beat it, lol. Motorstoprm, I hate, lol. I'll probably just get Mirror's Edge, I love the demo.
i am debating opening dragon quest for DS or waiting for my wal-mart to get a copy of fallout 3 and trade it in for it (have to add in $20 though)

mind you walmart has been sold out of fallout 3 since like..december :\
Wait wait, Dragon Quest DS?

Didn't realize there was one of those out already...