This is bugging me.
Multiple times ive tried to upload an avatar and all of the attempts have failed. apparently the URLs/files i'm trying to submit are invalid ¬_¬

Help please?
Your avatar's size is bigger than 120x120?
And it's size is less than 100kb?
bogdan93 Wrote:Your avatar's size is bigger than 120x120?

Tis not XD I put it down to that size in photoshop and whatnot, saved it as JPEG and it still doesnt work. I tried photobucketing it and then the url is apparently invalid.

Xephie is confoosed XD
bugturtles Wrote:Use imageshack?

i'll try that. and Tinypic. if they don't work.then i dunno what XD
Nope, didn't work. ah well. I'll ask a mate to do it from their pc later.
Okay that option of my mate didnt work either

*bashes user CP with frying pan some more* would a mod be able to help?
What is the URL of the image you want to use?
Bey Brad Wrote:What is the URL of the image you want to use?

XD!!! I just pm-ed you as you wrote that!

I'll pm you the URL now