can you put my character in please
Description:Blaze has bright red spiky hair with a blue and silver headband.blaze wears a yellow shirt with the word 'ultimate' on it ,he wears blue skinny jeans and blue and red trainers
Background information:Blaze is from Rio de jeneiro in brazil and was the top blader in his town.Blaze's dad dissapeared when he was young and all his dad left was Blaze's headband and his bey.
Bey:molten pyro 130 hf
Bey discription:moltens shape is similar to cybers but is wider and has more ridges.
special attack: eruption overdrive, molten pyro dives at a forward angle and when it hits the underside of the opponents fusion wheel it tips up and sends it flying.
Description:Blaze has bright red spiky hair with a blue and silver headband.blaze wears a yellow shirt with the word 'ultimate' on it ,he wears blue skinny jeans and blue and red trainers
Background information:Blaze is from Rio de jeneiro in brazil and was the top blader in his town.Blaze's dad dissapeared when he was young and all his dad left was Blaze's headband and his bey.
Bey:molten pyro 130 hf
Bey discription:moltens shape is similar to cybers but is wider and has more ridges.
special attack: eruption overdrive, molten pyro dives at a forward angle and when it hits the underside of the opponents fusion wheel it tips up and sends it flying.