Mine has to be KidDragoon or DrIgerGT so who's your favourite?
Favourite Beyblading YouTuber
makes such cool vids, not only battling but doing things like testing stadiums or adding weights to see how it affects things
makes such cool vids, not only battling but doing things like testing stadiums or adding weights to see how it affects things
drigergt all the way :}
Man one day I hope I'll be as good as those people you've listed
DrigerGT is FTW. His AMVs are always like... winsauce. :3
DrigerGT, but to me KidDragoon is about at his level.
Hey Typokemon thanx man, always we're trying r hardest to give u the best vids we can, but i agree that drigergt is probably the best, tho sometimes, i wish he narrated but nevertheless, his vids r amazing.
drigergt's videos are insane, I love his videos!!!!!!!
DrigerGT FTW, best by far!
yup. i want to hear his opinions and stuff sometimes...
How about me? I like DrIgErGt
DrlgerGT is prabably the pro-est beyblade youtuber atm...
Driger GT.
tbot is the best bey videoer out of the youngers
but drlgergt is pure awesome ness ness nessness
but drlgergt is pure awesome ness ness nessness
That Synonymous52 guy is really cool.
DrIgErGT always ; ) and bb18libra
LOL I just noticed yesterday that we have all been spelling his name wrong it's with a L not I because on YouTube his account is registered under L
DrIgerGT most the videos battles i saw on youtube were by him