Favourite Beyblade? (Elaborate!)

I still really love my old plastics a ton. Can't choose a favorite...
Favorite plastics: Griffolyon, Driger V, Dragoon V, Flash Leopard, Wolborg 2

Only have 2 HMS now, and they're my favorites!!: Dragoon MS and Dranzer MS

Started into the MFB craze, got like 7 now, but my favorites are: Storm Pegasus and Lightning L Drago
my favorite mfb and original is earth aquila.
Ray Unicorno D125CS.
It's design is epic. Also I love CS, even more than RF. :3
HMS: Samurai change in metal fusion Earth Eagle
plastics:driger.at least I think the one I have is a plastic,not really sure about different names
MFB:earth eagle
plastic-driger v2 hms - gaia dragoon and mfb my first capricorne 100 hf
my favorite in real life is flame sagitario uncustomized
in the show it is storm capricorne
Plastic: Dragoon GT

Metal Fusion: Storm Aquario (It's actually pretty good...)
plastic: shadow/death driger it is my very first beyblade

MFB: dark gasher its my most powerfull right now
i love Gaia Dragoon
my favorite plastic dranzer v2 i dont have hms but my favorite metal fight beyblade is cyber pegasus it just looks so awsome
My Favorite MFB is Lightning L'Drago.
My favorite plastic Beyblade is Dragoon.
(i am a noob at plastic beyblades.)
favorite mfb i can't choose but I have a top 3 lol. they are
cyber pegasus(or galaxy they interchange to me)
gravity perseus
ray unicorno
plastic: master driger - i like yellow beyblades and its pretty good uncustomized Smile

HMS: i like the look of thunder dragon but i also like dranzer MS for its attack power
Mine is Earth Aquila
MF Pegasis D125R^2F. It even holds its own against MF L L-Drago CH120RF. =)
earth aquila
flame sagittario or burn phoenix cause stamina beys are cool like that Stupid
Plastics- driger V!
Mfb- so far it is lightning l drago.
Plastic: Galman, Galeon, Vortex Ape

MFB: Earth Aquila/Eagle so far
Pisces looks awesome, and the wheel is very useful for both Defense and Stamina. So Pisces, and Thermal Pisces.

Plastics: Hmm... BumpKing, and Draciel MBD
HMS: Advance Striker, and Driger MS
Plastic >>> Dragoon V2 , GT

HMS >>> Wolborg MS , Dragoon MF , Dranzer MS

MFB >>> Cyber Pegasis , Earth Eagle , Gravity Perseus , Storm Pegasis

i like how the MFB Look but i am not having that much fun as with the Plastics i guess it maybe because i am blading alone & Blading alone with MFB in not that fun
My favourite beyblade are:
Plastic:Black Dranzer,Red Dragoon V2.
HmsGrinragoon msuv lime and white,Dragoon ms,Dragoon mf and Shining god ms
Plastic: Driger S (My first bey evar!!!)
HMS: Driger MS (First MS bey evar!!!)
MFB: Rock Leone (2nd MFB)
my favorite beys
plastic dragoon gt
hms dragoon ms
mfb storm pegasus