[Fan Fiction]  Story: Beyblade: Cosmic veil

This is a story i made. This story is about the details of the intrusion attempt Ryan Gladstone from Beywheelz made into the MFB world, but as we all know he failed and the portal led to the Beyraiderz world instead.

This story revolves around the effects the intrusion attempts had on the MFB universe. Since he was so close to open portal to Metal Fight Beyblade world, i think it should have had effects on it and left traces, only for the portal to be redirected to the Beyraiderz world at the last moment.

This story takes place just after the Nemesis crisis and of course long before Shogun Steel. This story is in the anime universe, NOT manga.

Episode 1:

The Dimensional Rift: Theories and Skepticism

Chapter 1: Unexplained Phenomena
Coma Village had always been a place of quiet mysticism, but recently, the air felt different. Local Bladers spoke of strange occurrences: Beys behaving erratically, villagers waking up to strange lights in the sky, and Beys glowing faintly at odd hours of the night. These disturbances weren’t limited to Coma Village, as reports from other places with cosmic connections—like Mist Mountain and Koma Temple—began to surface.
Gingka and Kenta were among the first to experience this firsthand. One night, while training on the outskirts of Coma Village, Gingka noticed something odd. The stars seemed to flicker unnaturally, as though they were responding to something unseen. "What’s going on?" Gingka muttered, watching Pegasus spin under the moonlight.
At the WBBA headquarters, Madoka was analyzing the same strange energy spikes, which appeared more frequently. "This isn’t normal," she said, frowning at the data. "It’s like the universe is disturbed... but what could be causing this?"
Tsubasa, overseeing the situation, was immediately concerned. "We need to investigate this further. There’s something larger at play, and we need answers."

Chapter 2: Investigating the Source
The WBBA sent teams to various locations across the globe, tracking the energy disturbances. They found nothing conclusive, only fading traces of energy that seemed to appear and vanish sporadically. Madoka, frustrated by the lack of concrete answers, contacted Aleksei, now a renowned scientist studying residual Spiral Force energy and its effects.
"We’re seeing energy spikes similar to what happened during the Spiral Core incident," Madoka explained to Aleksei during a video call. "But it’s different this time. It’s more... unpredictable."
Aleksei reviewed the data. "The energy you’re tracking behaves similarly to dimensional disturbances," he said thoughtfully. "It’s as though the fabric of our universe is... shifting."
Tsubasa, standing nearby, raised an eyebrow. "Dimensional disturbances? What does that mean?"
"It’s complicated," Aleksei replied. "Modern multiverse theory suggests that there are parallel worlds—other universes that exist alongside ours. Normally, these dimensions are separate, but the energy released by the Spiral Core and the Nemesis crisis may have weakened the boundaries between them."
Gingka, who had overheard the conversation, walked over, frowning. "Parallel worlds? That sounds like a bunch of nonsense. You can’t seriously believe other universes exist."

Chapter 3: A Skeptical Response
Aleksei chuckled lightly, expecting skepticism. "It does sound crazy, I’ll admit. But string theory and modern physics point to the possibility of multiverses. The energy signatures we’re seeing are consistent with what we’d expect from dimensional disruptions."
Madoka, backing Aleksei up, nodded. "I know it’s hard to believe, but everything we’ve seen so far points to something beyond our understanding."
Gingka shook his head. "I’ve fought Nemesis, I’ve seen what cosmic Bey energy can do, but... other universes? I don’t know if I can buy that."
Ryuga, who had been quietly standing off to the side, crossed his arms, glaring at Gingka. "You still think too small, Gingka. You’ve seen what L-Drago and Pegasus can do. Both of our Beys have tapped into the cosmos. We’ve been to the edges of the universe. Do you really think our world is the only one?"
The room fell silent as Ryuga’s words sank in. It was true—both Gingka and Ryuga had experienced cosmic visions when their Beys evolved. They had connected with forces far greater than themselves. Could it really be possible that other worlds existed beyond their own?

Chapter 4: Theories Take Shape
Meanwhile, Aleksei continued his research, delving deeper into the energy patterns. His theory, now more refined, began to take shape. "What we’re dealing with isn’t just residual energy from the Spiral Core or Nemesis," he explained during another meeting with the WBBA and Dynamis. "These two crises created a ripple effect, weakening the dimensional barriers that normally separate our world from others."
"The Spiral Core sent energy into space," Tsubasa said, piecing things together. "And when Nemesis unleashed its full power, that energy collided with what was already weakened by the Spiral Force."
Dynamis, who had been silent for most of the meeting, finally spoke up. "In the ancient texts I’ve studied, there were legends of cosmic gates that connected our world to others. These gates were sealed long ago by the power of the star fragments to protect the balance of the universe. But if what Aleksei is saying is true, these gates may be opening again."
Kyoya scoffed. "Ancient legends? Come on. We’re supposed to believe that this is all because of some forgotten gate from the past?"
Dynamis fixed him with a calm, steady gaze. "The cosmos is far more complex than you realize, Kyoya. Both Pegasus and L-Drago are connected to the stars. They’ve been to the farthest reaches of the universe. These Beys are part of a larger cosmic force, one that transcends our understanding."

Chapter 5: The Twisted Tempo Connection
As the investigation continued, Gingka couldn’t shake the feeling that something else was involved. He remembered Twisted Tempo, Faust’s Beyblade, and its ability to control space and time. Faust had used Tempo’s power to manipulate the Spiral Core and unleash energy that distorted reality.
"What if Tempo’s power didn’t disappear after the Spiral Core was destroyed?" Gingka asked Madoka during a break. "What if it left behind traces of that space-time manipulation?"
Madoka considered this, reviewing the data once again. "It’s possible. Tempo’s ability to control space and time could have contributed to the weakening of dimensional barriers. Maybe the energy from the Spiral Force wasn’t the only factor... Tempo’s lingering power could be part of it too."
The more they dug, the more it became clear that multiple factors were at play. The Spiral Force’s energy, combined with Nemesis’ destructive power and Twisted Tempo’s manipulation of space-time, had created the perfect storm. The dimensional boundaries between worlds were thinning, and something—or someone—was trying to exploit that weakness.

Chapter 6: A Rift Begins to Form
One evening, as the team analyzed their findings, the ground shook beneath them. A massive energy spike was detected near Coma Village—far more powerful than any of the previous disturbances. Gingka, Kenta, Kyoya, and the others rushed to the site, where they saw something unbelievable.
The sky above them flickered, and a tear began to form—a rift in the very fabric of reality. It wasn’t fully open, but the energy pouring out of it was unmistakable.
"It’s happening," Aleksei said, analyzing the data remotely. "The dimensional barrier is breaking down. Someone from another dimension is trying to break through."

Episode 2:

Chapter 1: Echoes of the Past

The dimensional disturbances continued to intensify. As the WBBA monitored the strange occurrences, there was one event that no one could have predicted. One night, while observing the latest energy readings, Madoka’s screen flickered, and her data went haywire. The energy spike coming from a remote, uninhabited region was unlike any they had seen before.
"What’s happening?!" Madoka exclaimed, frantically typing to regain control of her system.
Suddenly, a strange anomaly appeared on her screen. It wasn’t just an energy reading—it was an outline, a figure, briefly captured by the WBBA’s monitoring systems before disappearing again. The energy that followed was cold, dark, and eerily familiar.
"This can’t be...," Madoka whispered, her eyes widening. "There’s no way."

Chapter 2: A Glitch in Space-Time
At the same time, Aleksei, continuing his study of the dimensional rifts, noticed something strange happening within the data. The recent ripple in space-time seemed to be converging in certain areas, particularly those affected by Spiral Force and the Nemesis crisis. But what troubled him most was the appearance of what he could only describe as a “glitch” in space-time itself—an anomaly that seemed to recreate fragments of past events.
"This energy... it’s different from the previous disturbances," Aleksei said during a video call with the WBBA. "It’s almost like time itself is fragmenting. It’s creating echoes of the past."
Ryuga, who had joined the meeting reluctantly, narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean, echoes? Are we dealing with something that’s already happened?"
Aleksei nodded. "It’s as if the space-time continuum is unstable. These glitches are recreating moments from the past, but they’re distorted, fragmented. It’s not just opening portals—it’s pulling pieces of past events back into our world."

Chapter 3: The Return of Pluto
Unbeknownst to the WBBA, the latest energy spike wasn’t just a random occurrence. The glitch in space-time, fueled by both the Spiral Force energy and the residual power of Nemesis, had somehow created a crack in reality. And through that crack, a figure from the past returned—Pluto.
Revived by the very forces that had destroyed him, Pluto stood once again in the world of the living, though he was not entirely whole. His body and consciousness were fractured, existing only as a shadow of what he once was. But even in this state, his ambition remained.
"So... I’ve been given another chance," Pluto muttered, his voice echoing in the stillness. "This time, I will seize the full power of the cosmos."
Pluto was no longer the same man who had perished with Nemesis. The glitch had fused him with dark energy, leaving him unstable but even more dangerous. His first goal: to regain his strength and find a way to harness the dimensional rifts for ultimate power.

Chapter 4: A New Threat Emerges
As Pluto quietly began rebuilding his plans, Argo Garcia and Johannes continued their own investigations into the dimensional disturbances. Both of them had sensed something had changed recently, and they knew it wasn’t just the rifts. Johannes, especially, had caught wind of the strange energy surge that had occurred after the glitch.
"Someone else is in the game now," Johannes muttered, his cat-like eyes scanning the latest readings. "Someone powerful."
Argo, always the opportunist, was quick to react. "If it’s more power we’re after, then we need to find out what’s behind this latest disturbance."
Neither of them realized that the entity they were tracking was none other than Pluto, revived and now seeking to manipulate the dimensional rifts for his own gain. In his weakened state, Pluto couldn’t directly confront them yet, but he could watch, wait, and let them do the hard work of investigating the rifts—until the moment was right for him to strike.

Chapter 5: Confronting the Past
Back at the WBBA, the team was still trying to figure out the source of the glitch. Aleksei, Dynamis, and Madoka theorized that the energy from both Spiral Force and Nemesis had created an unstable environment in space-time, allowing echoes of the past to emerge.
"If these glitches are reviving fragments of the past," Dynamis said thoughtfully, "then we need to be prepared for anything—even the return of old enemies."
Gingka crossed his arms, his brow furrowed. "Are you saying that someone like Nemesis could come back?"
Madoka shook her head. "It’s unlikely. The power of Nemesis was sealed away. But... smaller echoes, fragments of people or events, could be recreated."
Kyoya, who had been listening quietly, clenched his fists. "If that’s true, then we need to be ready for whatever’s coming."

Chapter 6: The Final Puzzle
While the WBBA prepared for the worst, Pluto continued to grow stronger. The glitch in space-time had restored some of his power, but he was still incomplete. He needed more—more energy, more control over the dimensional rifts. And he knew exactly where to find it.
"These dimensional disturbances," Pluto mused, his voice cold, "are the key to everything. I will harness the power of these rifts and rule over all worlds."
As Argo and Johannes unknowingly moved closer to discovering Pluto’s whereabouts, the WBBA began piecing together the truth. Aleksei, having delved deeper into the multiverse theory, proposed a chilling idea:
"If someone from the past has been revived by the glitch," he said, "then they may be trying to manipulate the rifts to regain their power. This isn’t just about opening portals anymore. It’s about controlling the very fabric of time and space."
Gingka, his resolve hardened, turned to the others. "Whoever it is, we’ll stop them. We’ve faced enemies from the past before, and we’ll do it again."