[Fan Fiction]  Beyblade Burst Densetsu: Rewritten(Outdated. Pls Delete)

Valkyrie Densetsu Core and Avatar Plate(Made by DarklordKermit):

[Image: Untitled49_20220506210105.png]
3 Bladed(Bound Gimmick)
[Image: Untitled49_20220508144938.png]
6 Bladed(Bound Gimmick Locked, Casing rotated 180°)
[Image: Untitled49_20220508144924.png]

[Image: Untitled49_20220508122149.png]
Official Preview of the Mighty Valkyrie pic by Kermit(Almost Finished)

Note: Kermit is gonna be making depictions of most, if not all of the Densetsu beys. The parts list will be updated eventually to correspond with them, so massive edits incoming.

Roc will be the next bey, followed by a redo of Bellerophon and then possibly either Ladon or Fafnir.

Chimera, Phoenix, and the others will be much later down the road.

And speaking of Roc…(Yes, Ik its way different than what I stated before, but Kermit came up with a better design and it went from there XD. It will be updated eventually.)
[Image: Untitled50_20220508211604.png]

Feel free to comment on the designs.
Such cool designs! You sure have the right person for it.
Now a question: Is Casingless Valkyrie like Speed Mode Infinite or is it just not a thing?
(May. 08, 2022  9:01 PM)Hollowmind8 Wrote: Such cool designs! You sure have the right person for it.
Now a question: Is Casingless Valkyrie like Speed Mode Infinite or is it just not a thing?

Its like Speed Mode Infinite combined with High Mode. More burst resistance and speed/stamina at the cost of weight.

Indomitable Roc(Casingless)(Made by Kermit):
[Image: Untitled50_20220508232243.png]
Indomitable Roc(Stamina mode and Defense Mode)(Made by Kermit)
[Image: Untitled50_20220509130041.png]
[Image: Untitled50_20220509130048.png]

Soul Fafnir is next
-Roc’s driver changed to Pulse
-Longinus driver changed to Hyper
-Ragnaruk driver changed to Metal Never
-Phoenix driver changed to Cinder
Some bey names I’ve been throwing around for what if these beys got Densetsu Evos…

-Greatest Raphael -> Revelation Raphael
-Lucifer the End -> Fallen Lucifer
-Vise Leopard -> Instinct Leopard
-Dead Hades -> Grave Hades
-DB Xcalibur -> Epitome Xcalibur
-Deep Chaos -> Boundless Chaos
-Prime Apocalypse -> Imperator Apocalypse
-Big Bang Genesis -> Nebula Genesis

Feedback would be appreciated

Man, how do ya'll draw this good? My drawings look so amateur....
(May. 19, 2022  5:36 AM)TylerOfChaos Wrote: I SAW THIS SERIES ON THE BEYBLADE FANON WIKI!

Man, how do ya'll draw this good? My drawings look so amateur....

Tbf it isn’t my drawing(One of my friends did this for me), but I can direct u to them.

Not an update, but here is a Chibi Chelzar drawn by one of my friends(2nd clothing variant):

[Image: Smiling_Chelzar.png]
Chelzar Pyrrhos(First appearance, full body)(Drawn by Mitchi, as the drama was resolved):

[Image: unknown.png]
I have decided to just completely start from scratch. Fanfic is still happening, but I’m not gonna be using this thread. Can someone please delete the thread so I can start anew? It would be greatly appreciated
Can someone delete this thread if possible? Starting over.