[Fan Fiction]  Bey100’s BeyFics - Beyblade Vortex

“Let It Rip”
Beyblade Breakthrough Official Trailer:
Beyblade Breakthrough New Characters So Far:
Breakthrough Character Contest Announcement:
Breakthrough Episode Titles:
The Breakthrough Character Contest continues until February 2nd!
Here's my entry!
Bey100’s Beyblade X Episode 15:
Wing Of Flames!
Bey100’s Beyblade X Episode 16 Preview:
Burn & PhoenixWing debut!
Breakthrough Character Contest Continues Until Feb 2nd! 
Join in before it's too late!
New Bey Reveals For Randy & Kalie:
Crash Kratos - Avenge (Kalie)
Titan Rhode - Fighter (Randy)
Breakthrough character contest continues.
#Breakthrough2024 (I’ll keep putting this until series starts)
Update for other series & their stories:
Beyblade X
Beyblade Burst Cyber Legends 
Beyblade Rush
Beyblade Hex
Episode counts for each series:
Cyber Legends - 45 Episodes
Beyblade X - 52 Episodes
Rush - 25 Episodes
Hex - 25 Episodes
Breakthrough - 12 Episodes
It’s also that time for updates:
That’s all. (Though I’ll keep reminding y’all that the Breakthrough Character Contest is happening)
Beyblade Rush Episode 5:
Smash! Militant Gelos!
Beyblade Rush Episode 6 Preview:
Kai is coming to the next episode (Shadow’s character for the Rush character contest).

Beyblade Hex Episode 2:
The “Spooky” TerrorGhost!
Beyblade Hex Episode 3 Preview:

Early surprise debut of...
Beyblade Breakthrough Episode 1:
It’s A Breakthrough!!!!
Beyblade Breakthrough Episode 2 Preview:
A day for 3 new episodes! You're welcome.
Name: Harrison Kendall
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Birthday: May 31
Appearance: Harrison is a light skinned boy with cyan eyes and cyan hair which was medium and length as it covered the back of his head and went to his shoulders as well as with two knobs of hair at the top of his head with one on the right and other on the left while the rest of his hair goes down and covers his forehead. His clothing of choice goes down to a long sleeve white shirt that has the collar extending upward to go around his neck but not physically touch it, white sweat pants, and white sneakers. Harrison's launcher is specifically customized to his choosing as his launcher was more similar to the launchers from metal fight. His launcher had a black metal fight like grip with a white right spin launcher connected to it with the launcher pointed forward instead of connected to the side as on the side of the launcher was a gold attachment similar in design to a bey pointer. But unlike a bey pointer the attachment tells how many wins Harrison has and how many losses with the attachment stating he has 0 losses and many, many wins (number can be chosen by you, I was originally gonna write 100+ but that seemed too insane for just someone who is just a random blader with no introduction or hype leading to his reveal).
Personality: Harrison is a crazy and feisty blader with him only blading for the joy of battling and to find a strong opponent who can actually give him the challenge and fulfillment he wants. He has no alliances or care for anyone else as he battles only for himself and not to make friends or anything. You could call him a battle addict as a good way to describe him.
Backstory: Harrison grew up alone and lonely in the small town he grew up in. Ever since his father found him to be a blading prodigy his father created him a bey and launcher specific for Harrison so he could bring good fortunes to their family even though that wasn't what Harrison wanted. Due to him being a prodigy Harrison became distant with the bladers in his town as everyone was so weak compared to him it caused him to be the best in his town with ease but also causing him to feel distant to everyone as no one could truly understand him due to the power difference between the top and bottom of the hierarchy of power. Harrison's loneliness then continued where his parents then flew him to where the story is taking place where Harrison would take the blading world by storm destroying any opponent he faced with ease and without using his ultimate special move. Due to this Harrison became addicted to battle as his one form of entertainment in the city and would continue to search for stronger and stronger opponents to face to try and fulfill himself by proving his strength or at least be able to use all of his power on a strong opponent and lose to someone stronger then himself.

Bey: Thunder Hé-no Bearing'
Breakthrough Bit: Hé-no is a right spin bit with the avatar being a white god like figure with a gold face and white robes holding a yellow bow with a lightning bolt as it's arrow as the god like figure looks to be behind a white cloud as the white cloud covers his bottom half as the god is pointed towards the west with his bow pointed towards southwest.
Breakthrough Blade: Thunder is a right spinning blade which is white in color and has three blades similar to Valkyrie in design with those three blades being gold in color and in between the gaps of the blades are light blue jagged rubber contact points which can be used to steal spin against left spinning beys or tank attacks from right spinning beys as a form of shock absorption.
Breakthrough Tip: A gold bearing' with a white bottom.

Special Moves:
Thundering Might: One of Harrison's normal moves he can use is Thundering Might in which Hé-no will spin around the stadium and gain high spin speed and with help of the bearing driver will not use a lot of energy compared to attack types. Allowing Hé-no to slam into the opponent bey with all the spin power it gained by releasing it through the bey's blades or through the rubber contact points in which the contact point will glow purple on contact.
Bearing Drive: Another one of Harrison's normal moves is Bearing Drive where Hé-no will spin around the stadium edge where it'll gain more and more spin energy with the help of the bearing driver as it continues to spin at higher and higher speeds till the opponent's bey attacks it where Hé-no will then release all of the energy it gained from spinning around the stadium into one big explosive attack using either the blades or the rubber as it's way to send the destructive power out in which the contact point will glow purple when used.
Thundering Counter: Another of Harrison's normal moves is Thundering Counter which makes use of the rubber on the blade where if the opponent's bey is left spinning when the bey makes contact with the rubber then Hé-no will gain spin power from the attack or if the opponent's bey is right spinning then the bey's attack will push the rubber back and the power sent at Hé-no will be repelled back at the right spinning bey as the rubber points push back. Which in either situation will cause the rubber to glow purple.
Ultimate Special Move:
Terror of the Lightning God: Harrion's ultimate move and trump card where instead of using the energy his bey gains from the stadium itself or the opponent Harrison will put is own energy and power into it. But due to his energy being so raw and untamed it causes Hé-no to break down and self destruct at the end of the battle as it can't handle Harrison's energy. Due to this when it's in this state Hé-no will glow completely purple as when it moves purple lightning/electricity will come out of it as Harrison energy is being released due to it's inability too be a vessel for it. With this Hé-no becomes a full on attack type as it goes crazy charging at any bey or target around it as it gets overcharged, but due to this Harrison is only able to use this ability once causing him to only use this ability when he finds a strong opponent worthy of using it against as he knows when this ability is used Hé-no will be no more.

Aura difference: Due to the difference in move strength there's also a different in Harrison's aura when these moves are used. When Harrison uses his normal moves his aura will be electric as purple like lightning is released from his body with no real aura around him but just strips of electricity radiating off his body. While his ultimate move's aura causes him to be completely engulfed in purple energy as a completely wild and full purple aura comes off him and surrounds him as his eyes glow purple as well.
News: A secret character will appear in Breakthrough
Also in case you didn’t know the first episode is in the thread higher up in the page.
Choose any character to make a cameo in Breakthrough (also more new episodes are coming next week)
This is a drawing I made of Alex’s face (please keep in mind that I’m not the greatest artist of all time far from it) https://postimg.cc/1V9QrCNr/20cabfbd
I like it.

(Jan. 12, 2024  10:00 PM)Bey100 Wrote: This is a drawing I made of Alex’s face (please keep in mind that I’m not the greatest artist of all time far from it) https://postimg.cc/1V9QrCNr/20cabfbd

Forgot to quote again.
(Jan. 14, 2024  1:51 AM)Bey100 Wrote: Drawing Of Ron: https://postimg.cc/crBzfCwP/3e2182a3

Not bad. 👍
Breaking News: New Sub System for Cyber Legends is coming
Cyber Legends sub system title reveal: 
Invincible System
I decided to take a week break from episodes last week but don’t worry next week episodes are coming back!
And Breakthrough character contests continues if any of you still want to join
Beyblade Burst Cyber Legends Episode 10 News:
Lui will appear next episode (Coming Monday)
(Jan. 29, 2024  8:11 PM)Bey100 Wrote: Sorry guys new episode isn’t coming today because earlier when I was doing deadlifts the weight was too heavy and fell on my finger. Thankfully doctors were able to stitch it but it currently is wrapped and it’s my right hand so I won’t be able to make a new episode for a bit of a while. Apologies for taking long but once my hand healed up you best believe there’s gonna be tons of new episodes.
See ya guys,
Jeez, that's bad to hear. Hope you get better soon, man! Take your time and heal up! Sending my best regards!
I'm back! (wont be that active)
(Feb. 06, 2024  1:56 AM)Bey100 Wrote: Hey guys! Considering it's been a week I decided to update you guys. Thankfully my finger has gotten a lot better & the doctors will remove the wrap anywhere between Wed - Friday. Even though I'm obviously being cautious I am feeling a LOT better. New Cyber Legends episode is currently being written so hopefully yall  can forgive me for the almost 1 month hiatus. But look at it from this point of view.. 1. I get a break 2. You guys avoid feeling fatigued 3. I get more great ideas in my head and 4. Everything I just mentioned. Excited to get back and hope you guys are as well + tomorrow this thread will be a year old which is shocking to say the least. Thanks for all of yours support. Here's a sneak peak at the next Cyber Legends episode (I'll give update on other series later). Plus Beansworth you won the Breakthrough character contest! Congrats!
Cyber Legends Episode 10 Sneak Peak:
There'll be some big updates & announcements tomorrow so stay tuned.
See you soon!

I'm glad you are feeling better.
So I am officially canceling X, Rush, Hex & Breakthrough + future series because I've bitten off way more than I can chew. Cyber Legends will now be the only series I'll work on as it's gone on the longest and it's personally the one I'm most passionate about. Sorry that this is the news but at the end of the day I'm 15 and I can't always dedicate my time to only Beyblade fanfics. Cyber Legends will continue on and story wise is going in a bit of a different direction. I'll post new episodes soon.
Hope you understand,
(Feb. 06, 2024  8:56 PM)Bey100 Wrote: MAJOR BREAKING ANNOUCEMENT:
So I am officially canceling X, Rush, Hex & Breakthrough + future series because I've bitten off way more than I can chew. Cyber Legends will now be the only series I'll work on as it's gone on the longest and it's personally the one I'm most passionate about. Sorry that this is the news but at the end of the day I'm 15 and I can't always dedicate my time to only Beyblade fanfics. Cyber Legends will continue on and story wise is going in a bit of a different direction. I'll post new episodes soon.
Hope you understand,

I was really excited to see where your X series was going but I understand, hope your doing well.