FACE CONTEST: Write About Beyblade!

(Apr. 28, 2009  3:24 AM)Khel Wrote: Also a side note, I just realized there are no first day entries XD Good you guys are taking your time.

I haven't even started and to be honest, I don't know if there is going to be a lot of us that will do this.

How are we to post it anyway? Like samster did or another way?
(Apr. 27, 2009  6:28 AM)Bey Brad Wrote:
  • Post your entries in this thread! (You can also talk about the contest, ideas, or whatever in this thread as well!)

But yeah, I know what you mean. I prolly won't enter.... :\
Count Me In! Writing is the best subject of all (well, typing!)
Are we aloud to use Wikipedia to help us a bit on this?
I would assume yes as long as it isnt copied and pasted.
This should apply to all other sites.
Here is my enty:

Beyblade is an strategy game about forceful spinning tops battling out in stadiums. It started in the early 2000's, postponed in 2004 and came back in 2008. The aim of the game is to K.O. or out-spin the other player's beyblade. Beyblades are launched by simply pulling at a cord or string that is inserted inside a launcher. Beyblades can be customized to make attack, defence and endurance combos. They come in all different shapes and sizes, with three different systems created; Plastic HMS and MFB.
A plastic beyblade consists; firstly, the attack ring (AR). This is the widest part of the beyblade, and protects it during battle, this part also gives damage to the opposing beyblade!
Secondly, the weight disk (WD). This is the metal part of plastic beyblades. This is what gives it weight, speed and power. There are wide ones mainly for attack, balance ones mainly for endurance and heavy ones mainly for defence and endurance.
Thirdly, the spin gear (SG). This is the part that makes it spin. It is the part that is attached onto the launcher. SGs with flat tips are mainly used for attack, as they make a fast movement pattern. Semi-flat tips are mainly used for endurance, as they make a admirably-fast movement pattern and produce a lot of speed. SG sharp-tips are mainly used for defence, as they have a slow movement pattern and are usually stationary in the middle of the stadium.
Finally, there is the blade base (BB), this helps balance out and protect the SG. There are light ones for speed/attack as well as heavy BBs for defence and endurance.
Later on, Hard Metal System beyblades were released. They were released with a different launcher and cord to plastic beyblades. They were made of metal but not fully. The AR and WD were metal but the RC (smaller versions of SG's) were made of plastic. HMS were smaller and stronger as well as being built differently than plastic beyblades.
When beyblade was re-released in 2008, it came with a newer system, called Metal Fight Beyblade (MFB). These were the strongest beyblades created and still are today. They are smaller and built differently to the others. They consisted; of the face (this is what holds the MFB together), the wheel (same as the AR but worked as an WD too.), the Track (this is what gives MFB there height) and the bottom (same as an SG.)
Beyblade was released with a Animé and Manga which promoted beyblade. The Animé followed the toy line production and was about four characters called Tyson, Kai, Ray and Max. They put together a team called the blade breakers and became the world champions. The Animé was a big success and boosted profits. As the beyblade franchise continues, the population rises.

Number of words: 466

TBH Some of the stuff is wrong.
ahh well i don't really mind, at least i tried
I have started to right mine up and if I get anything wrong then o well, I'm still a learner so as long as I tried my best.
(Apr. 28, 2009  7:52 PM)Driger Wrote: IF ANYTHING IS STOLEN I WILL GO MAD

That's why you post it on the last day Wink

tbh I'm sure a lot of people might be too lazy to read an entire beyblade essay (except the judges) Tongue_out
^ I read both of them. Speechless I don't plan on stealing anything though so......^^;
This isn't as easy as it seems but I am still going.
Let’s Beyblade! Beyblade is an anime and manga series about a group of kids who battle with high performance tops. Beyblade toys were released soon after and became a must have for everyone. The toys consisted of 3 main parts: An attack ring, weight disk, and blade base. There was also a decorative plate on top with a picture of a monster. To battle the blades in real life, you would pull a winder type “ripcord” out of a launcher. This generated a bottom part of the launcher that’s hooked to a beyblade to spin.
Soon after these basic tops, more complex and stronger ones were released. With tips made of rubber, metal, etc. There were different blade bases, and different weight disks. Also, there was a new part called “Spin Gear”. This made it possible to install bearing free-spinning bases with higher spin. As the anime went on, the characters got newer and newer blades. Eventually a series known as “Engine Gear” was released. At a certain point in battle, an engine would go off and give the blade a boost. This really didn’t help, though. It just spun the blade out.
In the anime, the kids had broken tops and couldn’t replace them, because there was a big battle coming up. So, with this, there were supper strong blades made on the anime and released known as “Heavy Metal System (HMS). They had partially metal attack rings and were smaller and heavier. The launchers and ripcords greatly improved, too.
The fun didn’t last long, though. Takara Tomy ( the beyblade company) suspended the toyline. Beyblade died after the anime ended and there were no more toys being made, so people lost interest. This lasted for about 4-5 years. Beyblade hadn’t made a final stand, however.
On August 9, 2008, Beyblade came back. Takara Tomy made made a new series complete with a brand new anime and manga. The new blades consisted of 4 parts: a face, which acted as a screw, a completely metal wheel(attack ring), a track, whick gave the blade height, and a bottom, with different tips to simulate different movement patters. People were thrilled that be blade came back, because not all anime series get to do this. When the anime started, a new series called the hybrid wheel system was made to suit the ones in the anime. It was basically the same, but there was a plastic ring that went on top of the metal wheel. No matter if you’re a veteran with a huge collection of be blades, or just interested because of the new series, beyblade is definitely an awesome game!
finally people hav started entering i mean at the end of teh day its just a bit of fun and if anyone steals from those who already entering then all i can say is how sad u must be to copy- however those looking for influence i understand hehe
(Apr. 28, 2009  2:29 PM)Samstar1990 Wrote: it short with only over 300 words and isn't very good but hey someone had to start if everyone else was too scare to
Also this is kinda based on when the metal fight first came out last august

A Beyblade is basically a modified spinning top, you have a blade base which supports and contributes most of the Beyblades balance, a weight disc for endurance, an attack ring, for attack, and a bit chip that house a beyblade’s bit beast.
A Beyblade is attached to a launcher- a device that spins in order to create velocity, the Beyblade drops when it reaches enough speed, this is achieved by inserting a rip cord, a piece of plastic with teeth down one side, and pulled as fast as possible out again. This is usually followed by a war cry “let it rip!” is a good example. The Beyblade battle each other in a bey stadium, and whoever is knocked out or stops spinning first is the winner.
Tournaments are a main event in Beyblade, different levels from local to international puts rookies and professionals against each other to prove who is the overall champion and will become to target of many looking for a challenge.
There are three basic strategies; attack, defence and endurance. Attack is when you attempt to overpower your opponents Beyblade with continuous attacks that wear the Beyblade down or knock it out of the stadium. Defence is based upon waiting out your opponent until they run out of spin (measured by rpm- rotations per second) defence also attempts to knock the attacking blade off balance. The final basic strategy is endurance. The blade is designed to draw power form the opponent so as one blade becomes weaker the other gains in strength.
There are many more advanced strategies available and posted by various bladers on the internet. However they also claim launch techniques from the show can be preformed, and whereas some are doable they don’t usually improve play. Also I can from personal experience advice against a lot of the launcher techniques for example, Tyson’s spin launch from season one which has caused me to scar on my left hand.
Beyblade is not a complicated sport to learn however mastering strategies and getting confidence in tournaments is harder then it first’s looks. However the popular franchise is making a triumphant comeback with a lot more complex game play with opportunities for the game to evolve further.

I like this one its awesome
I am about half way through mine but since we have until the end of sunday, I am going to take my time, think about stuff that needs adding or taking away, check all my spelling and so on.
yaha i understand i more or less entered mine cos i wanted others to get going- i don't expect to win since mien only took me a half hour or less
(Apr. 29, 2009  11:58 AM)Samstar1990 Wrote: yaha i understand i more or less entered mine cos i wanted others to get going- i don't expect to win since mien only took me a half hour or less

Well i hope it wins good luck
lol mines done but im editing i really want to win this one since ive put so much work into my essay lol
I used to have trouble writing, but ever since last year, we got a new english teacher and now everything flows naturally for me...
OK, here is mine and if it sucks then o well, if it is ok then that is good and if it is awesome (Which I don't think it would ever be) then I wouldn't know what to say. Also, I don't know how many words their are in it. Anyway:

In 1999, A toy company in Japan known as Takara created a spinning top game that would sweep the world, Beyblade! Beyblade took spinning tops into a whole new level and made it's name well known around the world by kids of all ages. These spinning tops were made of plastic and are made of five important pieces, the tip which came in all different shapes, each shape having it's own way of spinning to make things more interesting, Then there is the Base of the blade which holds the tip and one of the most important pieces, the spin gear which made it so it could spin left or right depending on how it was made. Next came the weight disk which gave the Beyblade it's balance and made sure it spins evenly and then, on top of that you have the Attack ring which is of course, used to attack other Beyblades head on. Also there is one more piece that is more for show and to cover up the spin gear which is the Bit Chip which is simply placed in the middle of the attack ring, it does not hold a true purpose. All Beyblades came in different shapes and sizes to make it more interesting for people and to make them look cooler. But now, even with the Beyblade alone you can not make it spin so this is where the launcher and zip cord come into it. First of all, you would put the zip cord through the little hole in the launcher, the way it would tell you on the launcher and then on the launcher there is a round part under it that will have two long bits that you would now place the Beyblade into and twist so that the Spin gear would hold it in place. Once this is all done, all you have to do is pull the zip cord as hard as you can to see the beyblade come off and spin but before you do, you would normally do a count down from three and then say 'let it rip' as you pull the Zip cord (Example is: 3....2...1, Let it rip!). Now, the very last thing that completes everything is the Beystadium, which is pretty much a round like plastic dish in which the Beyblades could do battle, the Original Beystadium has three barriers to stop the Beyblades from going out but also have three exits so the beyblade can be knocked out, there were many different Beystadiums designed to make things more interesting on the battlefield.
The rules for this game were simple, you had to make sure that you launched your Beyblade into the Beystadium and if you didn't but your opponent did then that would be counted as a lose. Once both beyblades are in the Beystadium then there are two ways of winning, out spin your opponents Beyblade or knock them out of the Beystadium. Another way of winning is if your opponent's Beyblade was to break but this would not happen that often so don't push yourself to hope for it.
Over time many different Beyblades and beystadiums were created to keep it going and different types of Beyblades were made which were the Engine Gear types, Blade Base types and Heavy Metal System (HMS) which was the first to use metal parts but in time, Beyblade started to die down and go quite until August 2008 where it started to make a come back with a whole new design. These Beyblades are now known as Metal Fight Beyblade (MFB) and they come with new parts and designs and are also Metal, as you may have noticed. Once again it has the bottom piece which still hold the tip that have different designs for different movement patterns. Then you have the Track which determines the height and weight of the Beyblade, it also sits happierly in the bottom piece and holds the next part of the beyblade, The wheel, which is pretty much the attack ring but there are two different kinds for it which are heavy wheel which is metal based and light wheel which is made of plastic. The last part is the face which simply screws into the rest to keep it all together, nice and tightly. There are also Some MFBs known as Hybrids that have another piece which goes ontop of the heavy/light wheel called the clear wheel but it's true purpose is still unknown. Also, new Beystadiums have been made for MFB since the old ones would not last long if you played in them. Ontop of all this there was also a new saying put into play which is:

3........2........1, Gooooo Shooooot!
lol its not too bad zander, ive noticed in a few posts youve bagged things that uve done and things about you. I think you would find things much easier to do if you had more self confidence because you seem like a very talented bloke and id hate for the things that are great about you to go to waste Smile sorry if what i said was out of line.
nice zander. i could never do something this long XD
but by the way (gooo shoot) was also used in the older beyblade series in japan. but in english they changed it to (let it rip). i think because shoot was used for guns so they changed it.
(Apr. 30, 2009  3:41 PM)josh-jf Wrote: lol its not too bad zander, ive noticed in a few posts youve bagged things that uve done and things about you. I think you would find things much easier to do if you had more self confidence because you seem like a very talented bloke and id hate for the things that are great about you to go to waste Smile sorry if what i said was out of line.

This I was not so sure on weather it would be good or not but I should just shut up and get on with it so you are not out of line, you are telling the truth.

Pegasis: I noticed that but decided that because 'let it rip' was used in all the other countries, I would put that instead.

Edit: I also took my time and did it in a few days instead of just on one day flat.