FACE CONTEST: Write About Beyblade!

Hey Bladers! It's time for a new Face Contest!

This time, I want you to write a short essay about Beyblade! Please explain the basic concept of Beyblade, some basic strategies, and what makes it so great! In the end though, it's all up to you!

Take your time with this, guys! Spelling and grammar is important, and so is content, so make sure to read your entry over carefully!

The winners will get their choice of:
How mysterious! I wonder what could be inside of them?

And yes, that's right, winners. Not one, but two people will win Face Boosters! How cool!
  • Under 1000 words!
  • Limit one entry per person! Your first entry will be the only one that's considered, so work hard on it!
  • The WBO Committee isn't eligible. Sorry!
  • You have until 11:59 PM Sunday, May 3 in whatever timezone you live in to do it. Any entries after that will be disqualified!
  • Post your entries in this thread! (You can also talk about the contest, ideas, or whatever in this thread as well!) However, you cannot post drafts of your entry and ask for feedback!

I hope your essay has more original content than this post!
This sounds great! Look forward to some well thought out and eloquently written papers.
Is this supposed to be a formal essay or more casual?
Heheh..Sounds cool! Can we put pictures in the essay? O_O...
cant wait to do it! lol for once ive found a use for my skills learnt in ext 2 english XD
Damn, I may be good at writing but I am still learning when it comes to Beyblades.
An Essay? Are you having a laugh? D: I thought I'd just escaped from essays and coursework.......Pinching_eyes_2 Still, sounds like fun. Not sure if I'll enter or not yet, don't really have that many ideas. ^^; Good luck to everyone who is entering though. Joyful_3

And thanks Brad for working so hard for us all. Joyful_3
I'll enter this, I enjoy writing although my spelling is sometimes not up to scratch. I feel my chances of winning are slim, unless I make it exceptionaly amazing, because I won the last one, but I guess thats fair and evenly spread out that way. ^^
(Apr. 27, 2009  1:36 PM)Zander Soulwind Wrote: Damn, I may be good at writing but I am still learning when it comes to Beyblades.
same... but i am not even good in writing Confused guess i wont be entering this one Unhappy
(Apr. 27, 2009  12:35 PM)Aqua Wrote: Is this supposed to be a formal essay or more casual?

Do it how you want. Grin
So we can write anything about beyblade? Of course, with detail.
(Apr. 27, 2009  7:54 PM)Zander Soulwind Wrote: So we can write anything about beyblade? Of course, with detail.

Read the opening post!
Ugh! IDK if I'll participate. I can't right worth carp. >.>
(Apr. 27, 2009  8:41 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: Read the opening post!

I think there was suppose to be more meaning to my post but I can't remember what.

Anyway, I might do this since I have been learning about beyblades.
Do you mean Saturday May 2nd, or Sunday May 3rd?
(Apr. 28, 2009  1:27 AM)TheUnkownGod Wrote: Do you mean Saturday May 2nd, or Sunday May 3rd?

Sunday, May 3.
Ahh another chance to get a face just went down the drain. Still to make it good will take alot of work.
One question, can it be about a certain type of beyblades ( like MFB or HMS beyblades) or just all beyblades in general.
Write about it however you'd like, but IMO MFB makes the most sense.
Ohh I can see me telling my English/writing teacher about this. She'd say, *mocking voice* "Use an engaging lead!" Every essay we write we have to begin with onomatoepoeia or a quote...
(Apr. 28, 2009  3:16 AM)jsc Wrote: Ohh I can see me telling my English/writing teacher about this. She'd say, *mocking voice* "Use an engaging lead!" Every essay we write we have to begin with onomatoepoeia or a quote...

Wow, that's odd. Just wait until you reach upper years of school and university. Starting off with a quote is a big no no when writing. Profs will grill you if you do that.

Also a side note, I just realized there are no first day entries XD Good you guys are taking your time.
(Apr. 28, 2009  3:24 AM)Khel Wrote: Also a side note, I just realized there are no first day entries XD Good you guys are taking your time.

I think we're all just scared. I don't wanna write Crying (I'm sure I will, too. =/)
it short with only over 300 words and isn't very good but hey someone had to start if everyone else was too scare to
Also this is kinda based on when the metal fight first came out last august

A Beyblade is basically a modified spinning top, you have a blade base which supports and contributes most of the Beyblades balance, a weight disc for endurance, an attack ring, for attack, and a bit chip that house a beyblade’s bit beast.
A Beyblade is attached to a launcher- a device that spins in order to create velocity, the Beyblade drops when it reaches enough speed, this is achieved by inserting a rip cord, a piece of plastic with teeth down one side, and pulled as fast as possible out again. This is usually followed by a war cry “let it rip!” is a good example. The Beyblade battle each other in a bey stadium, and whoever is knocked out or stops spinning first is the winner.
Tournaments are a main event in Beyblade, different levels from local to international puts rookies and professionals against each other to prove who is the overall champion and will become to target of many looking for a challenge.
There are three basic strategies; attack, defence and endurance. Attack is when you attempt to overpower your opponents Beyblade with continuous attacks that wear the Beyblade down or knock it out of the stadium. Defence is based upon waiting out your opponent until they run out of spin (measured by rpm- rotations per second) defence also attempts to knock the attacking blade off balance. The final basic strategy is endurance. The blade is designed to draw power form the opponent so as one blade becomes weaker the other gains in strength.
There are many more advanced strategies available and posted by various bladers on the internet. However they also claim launch techniques from the show can be preformed, and whereas some are doable they don’t usually improve play. Also I can from personal experience advice against a lot of the launcher techniques for example, Tyson’s spin launch from season one which has caused me to scar on my left hand.
Beyblade is not a complicated sport to learn however mastering strategies and getting confidence in tournaments is harder then it first’s looks. However the popular franchise is making a triumphant comeback with a lot more complex game play with opportunities for the game to evolve further.
lol im entering this be prepared people im going all out for this one since i didnt enter the last one Smile