
East Coast Cup Burst #2: Drift Away

  Raleigh, North Carolina (NC)
Tournament Results
Bass Lake Park
900 Bass Lake Rd, Holly Springs, NC
  Bass Lake Picnic Shelter
1:00pm on 07/06/2024

Most official Beyblade Burst gear can be used.

View Rulebook

Three Beyblades are prepared for each First Stage match, with all three being used.

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5 cash

The WBO is a volunteer, fan-run organization.
About the WBO

PRIZES: Mystery Prize!

6 July, 2024

Arrival Time: 
The event will start at 1 PM so please try to arrive around 15 minutes early.

Meet at Bass Lake Picnic Shelter at Bass Lake Park (900 Bass Lake Rd, Holly Springs, NC) near Raleigh NC.

Items to Bring:
3 official Beyblade Burst Beys (some extras will be available for borrowing)
At least 1 official Beyblade Burst launcher
A stadium to practice/free play in

Admission Fee: The admission fee is $5 in order to help me cover the venue fee and continue to host. If you are attending both tournaments in the same day you only have to pay for one. I want these tournaments to be as accessible as possible, so if you are not able to pay the admission fee let me know and we can waive it. The goal of the fee is to help me cover costs, NOT to bar people who want to participate from doing so due to finances.

Tournament Info:
This tournament will be played in the 3 on 3 format. In this format players will bring 3 Beys to the stadium and order them secretly. Once both players have ordered their beys they will battle in that order. First to reach 3 points wins. If 3 points is not achieved by either player after the first 3 battles, both players will reorder their beys and continue.
Ranked Clause: 
- BDR and Metal BDR Ban

Tournament Footage:
All tournament footage will be posted to the Youtube Channel below. I try to record as many matches as I can, so if you participated it is likely one of yours will be on there. Feel free to follow and enjoy the battles posted and review footage to prepare for your next tournament! If the link doesn't work just search "beyblade east coast blading"
Youtube Link: https://youtube.com/@nothingtoseehere7304?si=N1pk37jYA2EwBzV9

Other important info:
Please be kind, responsible, and respectful! Beyblade is a game that is meant to be fun and bring people together, so please refrain from displaying poor sportsmanship, cheating, etc. Anyone caught cheating or displaying negative behavior will be asked to leave. Additionally, this tournament is for ALL AGES! We encourage bladers both young and old to participate and join in the fun. Thank you for your cooperation and hope to see you there!

Contact Info:
You can message me here on the WBO with any questions you may have. Please check the night before the tournament as I will inform all registered participants of any unforseen changes.

Need-to-Know Information

1. Organizers, their Events, and Event Pages are independent of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc.

Event Organizers are users independent of the World Beyblade Organization website, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, staff, or volunteers. Event Pages and Events are coordinated and operated separately from the operations of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc, controlled solely by individual Event Organizers.

Under no circumstances will World Beyblade Organization, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, or staff be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that arise from independent Events advertised on the website. .

2. Terms of Service

All event attendees and users of this website are subject to our Terms of Service.

This event has been approved.
Is the tourney still on given the excessive heat and severe storms forecast for Saturday?
(Jul. 04, 2024  1:27 AM)Deiken Wrote: Is the tourney still on given the excessive heat and severe storms forecast for Saturday?

The storm is not supposed to start until 5, so for now that hopefully will not be a problem. As for the heat advisory we will be providing a cold water and Gatorade free of charge to combat the heat. I will be keeping an eye on the forecast and will update if there are any changes.
Unfortunately my son and I are going to withdraw due to the heat and storms. Yall be safe!
(Jul. 05, 2024  7:17 PM)Deiken Wrote: Unfortunately my son and I are going to withdraw due to the heat and storms.  Yall be safe!

Looks like the forecast for tomorrow has improved a good bit, but if you still feel uncomfortable coming due to weather that is completely understandable. Thank you for the well wishes, you two stay safe as well!
Challonge Tournament Brackets
First Round: https://challonge.com/w7t31cb7
Finals: https://challonge.com/gesjcbq1
This matches for event have now been processed.