(Sep. 09, 2008 11:09 PM)Surfingpikachao Wrote: Do what you like, it's your choice.
I've heard people advise that it can come out the wrong colour and seen it a couple of times but as long as you stick with proper dyes or get a barber/hairdresser to do it you should be fine. A word of warning, live XXL colour comes out really fast (lasted about 2 weeks with permanent and looked darker for about 2 months but not at all black like it was meant to be. I have brown hair.)
Lasted longer than what it did in mine XD!!!
Never dye your hair with any pigment of red and try to dye over it.
I bleached over my hair without knowing that red pigment stayed in it and instead of going blonde, it went ginger, roots that hadn;t been dyed went White though, was awesome., Luckily it was only for a few hours because I was dyeing my hair blue XD
I tried dyeing black over when I used to have that carp Red/black stuff in my hair, you could still see shimmers of red for months
It's gone from a colour I like to something I want to stab