Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll)

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Wait ull accept 1 mas?? Would u accept me??
(Jan. 30, 2011  12:20 AM)C-Dub Wrote: what does that mean?
I suggested for something bad to happen to kevins friend
oh i understand tnx for the post.. you just worded it wierd
(Jan. 30, 2011  6:37 PM)Ra Wrote:
(Jan. 30, 2011  12:20 AM)C-Dub Wrote: what does that mean?
I suggested for something bad to happen to kevins friend

tnx again it really helped me understand what u were trying 2 say
(Jan. 30, 2011  5:13 AM)Sparta Wrote: Wait ull accept 1 mas?? Would u accept me??
heck yeah
after samuel got stabbed i chased after the stranger but he got away.so then i took samuel to the hosiptal.they said"its a really serious wound".and they put him in the ER.i went and told the gang what happened they all rushed to the hospital.i instead went to the sercet room i have in the house.inside was a huge stadium and some tvs and game systems.instaly i set up sirius and launced him.the reason for this was because i wanted to learn everything about my knew bey.so after a while i finally figured out siruis' abilities first the spin track that there are 6 wings instead of 5 and there is a wing a couple mm below each wing so basically 6 wings with another wing under each of the six wings and in the inside there is a gear which increases the rotation of the track providing more attack and stamina.ur2f a wider r2f and wider than sr2f and it provides much more traction there for more attack power.after discovering sirius abilities jeff came from the hospital and said that samuel just came out of surgery i rushed to the hosiptal and just as jeff said he was out of surgery.
chapter 21 is nice but not too good
oh yeah everyone who made a charcter request i am going to have to cut some people becuse of my story line its very hard to have ten good guys and ten bad guys so from now on there will only be six on each side and here are the teams
GOOD GUYS............................. BAD GUYS

i am so sorry if your chacter got cut i am truly sorry
Wait my character was in the story which part I must have skipped it
...AWESOME i just finished my chapter 2
after i found out that samuel came out of surgery i was so relived so i went for a walk.during my walk i saw something strange very strange.it was jasper from dark evoultion.he was walking ito a huge buliding.when he got to the door he entered a password which i think was 0629.then he went into the buliding and i lost sight of him.i went back to gang and said"i think i know where dark evoultion's base is.i saw jasper typing in a password to get into this huge buliding".they all cheered.then i said"lets go attack them torrow".they all agreed.so we all went back to the house and practied till midnight in prepartion.it was dawn when we woke up got ready and went to the huge buliding i saw jasper walk into.i typed in the password and the door opened when we went in instanly kyoji appeared in front of us.and i heard a strange noise.i told everyone to duck.beys came flying .everyone but deuce,fish,jeff,and hypno ducked just in enough time.but deuce,jeff,hypno and fish got hit and were killed.i said"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.KYOJI YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT".but kyoji was gone.we all left that room but in front of us was jasper,zaathur,wake,and ryuki.
so wake,ryuki,jasper,and zaathur were in front of us and i said"MOVE NOW".before they could respond ethan said"you guys go ahead i'll take these punks".i said"but there is four"before i could finsh sai,samuel,and sid said"i'll say to you and eplison go on ahead and defeat kyoji"so me and eplison went ahead to the top floor.back on the first floor everybody set up there beys and said"3...........2............1 let it rip.ethan said"hey sai me and you will take wake and zaathur.samuel you and sid take ryuki and jasper they all agreed.so libra attacked quetz and hologruim attacked unicoruna.quetz dodged libra's attacked and started to attack libra itself.hologrium stopped attacking unicoruna and sped toward quetz hitting him and sending him reeling.unicoruna then surpise attacked libra sending him into a wall.quetz then came as well and they both started to double team hologrium.but libra then came and smashed quetz.unicoruna started to attack both hologrium and libra.but libra pushed unicoruna away and started to attackfighting unicoruna one on one while hologruim did the same.unicoruna and quetz were running low on spin so they both used there special moves.and hit hologruim and libra head on.but hologruim used his special move time turner and turned time back to right before ryuki and jasper used there special move then sid said"special move time saber".hologrium stopped time and energy blades came out of his metal wheel and he jumped into the air and started to spin around and crashed into quetz samuel used his special move as well.after samuel's special move quetz and unicoruna both stopped spinning.
thanks guys thanks
i will post two chpter torrow if possible.or i might write those two right now who knows lets see

after samuel and sid's battle it was time ethan and sai to battle.dranzer attacked scorpio.and guardian attacked orion.but orion dodged by jumping up and he came crashing down onto guardian.dranzer then attacked orion.but scorpio sped and sent dranzer reeling.scorpio smashed dranzer into a wall.and kept grinding dranzer against the wall.guardian then attacked scorpio and used its special move icy rush.guardian got covered in ice and attacked both scorpio and orion at the same time.all the beys were running low on spin.so guardian used his special move mega snow storm blaster.guardian shot chunks of ice and rushed at scorpio and orion covered in a blue energy.then they all used there special moves this caused a huge explosion.aftter the smoke cleared dranzer and guardian were still spinning orion and scorpio were not
Very beastly. Ethan rox
thank you.oh yeah guys next chapter is the end of the story.
okay no its not just joking
i said jk
CHAPTER 25 REVENGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SERCETS REVELED!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

me and eplison finally get to the top floor.we find a door.when i open the door i find kyoji.i said"YOUR GOING DOWN".instatly i launch sirius.kyoji then launch chained demon.sirius and chainjed demon go after each other right away.they exchange blow for blow.each time they connect a shockwave is sent out.they contiue attacking each other.neither giving up.each trying to destroy the other bey.and wanting to do everything for there masters.kyoji said"my my son.you've gotten so much stronger".i said"SHUT UP WITH ALL YOU'VE DONE TO ME YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO ANYTHING BUT DIE".kyoji said"hahahahah.you little brat i am going to put you in your place.chained demon relesed mode".chained demon started to spin faster and faster.demon then attacked sirius complety blowing it away.demon then smashed sirius through a desk that was in the floor.demon then smashed sirius through walls and chairs doing everything it could to destroy sirius.eplison said"come on kevin you can do can do it i belive in you".with that i got my spirt back and said"sirius you can do i know you can win.sirius even though i have only had you for a little while.i feel very close to you.now that i think about it you've always been there watching me.making sure i was okay.and keeping me safe havent you".sirius started to glow as if it was saying yes.with that sirius ws back in the game.sirius withstood demon's next attacked and was able to mount a counter attack.hitting demon's track sending him reeling.and just as before sirius and demon were exchanging blow for blow for blow.each trying to get the best of each other.finally kyoji said"enough fooling around i have things to do so i am going to end it right now.chained demon relesed mode 100% full power".demon just started to demonlish sirius.putting him through every solid thing in the room.demon then smashed sirius through a window sending sirius pumetling down into the cold hard cemet.20 storys down.i said"noooooooooooooo sirius".demon then used it special move but not at me or sirius at eplison.before eplison could react i jumped in front of her taking the hit.i dont know why i did it i just did.eplison said tearing up"why did you do that why you barly even know me so why WHY!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?.i said with the remaining strength i had"i dont know i just did".kyoji said enough with the emotional garbage.the reason why he did it is because is its nartarul for a big brother to protect there little sibling,sirius came throught the buliding buliding again.i said"what i have a sister as well".kyoji said"yes".I EXPLODED WITH ANGER AND SAID"YOU TOOK MY MOM MY UNCLE MY BROTHER.EVERYTHING YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME EVEYTHING .SIRIUS DARK MOVE ANGELS WRAITH!!!!!.sirius shot demon into the air and shot six beams of light at it then sirius shot a huge beam of light at demon.sirius than created a huge amount of dark energy and behind sirius a door opened up and kyoji said"what the hell is going on".the dark energy hit chained demon and from the door came several chains which grabbed demon and dragged him into the door.kyoji screamed "nnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooo.please noooo anyplace but there please.
wow kinda scary...jk but a good story
thank you