Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll)

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Total: 100% 68 vote(s)
when is your next chapter c-dub
next chapter will be torrow sorry that i have not posted a chapter in txo days
this story is over i am abonding it so that means i will not be writing anymore chapters.this is not my final choice.that will be made in one week from today
Dude don't stop making these stories.if it's posting that's worrying u just post in your free time
(Jan. 23, 2011  3:34 AM)Ra Wrote: Dude don't stop making these stories.if it's posting that's worrying u just post in your free time

its not the posting that made me stop
(Jan. 23, 2011  3:11 AM)darkangelkaieru Wrote: this story is over i am abonding it so that means i will not be writing anymore chapters.this is not my final choice.that will be made in one week from today


i love these!(no pressure)
its just well its a long story
Okay, well it's your choice but a lot of people read and love this story. So everyone would enjoy if you keep making them.
my chioce is ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................to contiune writing my story and you can all thank kaekage898 for convicing me to write again.so MEGA PROPS FO MEGA AWESOMENESS TO kaekage898.
also i need more people to read my story so if some people can put it in there sig that would be awesome
i will be picking up to 3 co-writers if you want to be one of my co-writers just say you want to and i will consider you
Can i be a co-writer plz?If u can't it's alright
yes you can
I'd help too...
yes ra you can be a co-writer to
sweet tnx man!!!Smile
Thanks dude tell
E when u need me to write
There is a god!*Tear drops*

Thanks so much for writing them again!
I'll be glad to be your co-writer!
kaekage is my third co-writer
i will accept 1 more co-writer

so after my battle with eplison and sai i take them to meet with the guys who just woke up.when we got inside the hotel i explained everything that had happened.then i said"so guys there a torunmant in houston why dont we go there".everyone agreed.so we packed our stuff and got in my jet.we flew to a vaction house my parents had.we all went in and unpacked.everybody went to the stadium i have in the living room.except for me and samuel we went for walk.while we were walking a guy in cloak came out of nowhere and grabbed samuel he couldent move so i said"let him go".he said"only if you beat me in a bey battle.so we set up our beys and said 3........2........1 let it rip.pegasis instanly started to grind into his bey hyper leone t125 hf.leone then dodged pegasis' attack and started to attack pegasis from behind.then leone jumped up andcame crashing down on pegasis then leone started to grind pegasis into the ground.after a couple seconds pegasis was able to move away from leone.pegasis' spin was running out so i tried my special move it didnt work because leone used his special move roaring tornado blazer.leone created a tornado and shot green energy at me.after leone's special move pegasis' was right about to lose all its spin but then there was a flash of light and i saw sirius he said"the time to unlock your full power is now".i was back in the park.and pegasis ws gone there was another bey it was eclipse siruis cwug85ur2f.then i got covered in a black aura and said SPECIAL MOVE ECLIPSE OBLIVION".sirius got covered in a stary aura and race"d around the stadium so fast that it created a ball of energy covering me,the unknown stranger our beys and the whole staduim.then sirius hit leone 10 times then flew up into the sky his emblem flashed and 1000 copys of sirius crashed down on leone.leone stopped spinning i had won but the man then stabbed samuel.

wow that's bites for my character but awesome chaptah!!
chapter 21 please! Grin
hey c dub i suggested something like thatto happen....................nice
what does that mean?