Custom Hasbro Tournament 5: Burst Limited

Welcome to my 5th Hasbro Tournament, the 3rd and 4th ones are still going though, you can sign up here and here.

For information on these tournaments, click here.


The tournament will start at 16 participants

BuilderROB (Sr3.0W.Br) (out)
GreenK9148 (G3.0C.At)
#Fafnir (H3.7B.Octa) (out)
Nik.P (O3.0C.At)
Spryzen Requiem 0Wall Bearing
(Feb. 04, 2020  1:21 PM)BuilderROB Wrote: Spryzen Requiem 0Wall Bearing

Thank god it was not Balkesh, you're in!
I'll take Hades H3 7B Octa
Oricalcum O3 0C Atomic
One at a time guys, I can be very busy.

BuilderROB vs. GreenK9148

Round 1: Tie
Round 2: Outspin by Garuda
Round 3: Outspin by Garuda
Round 4: Outspin by Garuda

GreenK9148 moves on to the Quarter Finals

#Fafnir vs. Nik.P

Round 1: Outspin by Orichalcum
Round 2: Outspin by Orichalcum
Round 3: Outspin by Orichalcum

Nik.P is moving on to the Quarter Finals
Lez goo finally won a round in your tournaments
(Feb. 06, 2020  12:31 AM)Nik P. Wrote: Lez goo finally won a round in your tournaments

We’re probably facing each other next and almost have the same combo.
Yea true both our combos are round except yours is larger
You guys are facing each other in the Quarter finals. Good luck.
Thanks for that
Why does no one have cyclops, why
Idk maybe because it has bad slopes from what I heard
Shelter Regulus R3 0 Cross Bearing
Guys, I am discontinuing my Custom Hasbro Tournaments. It is just too much on my hands.