Those are my beys that I am recommending.
I know the MF Earth Leone C145GB with second mold earth was already claimed to be top tier defense... so sorry for putting that in there.
And yah, I did testing afterwards... and Thermal Pisces DF145D is by far my best stamina blade... if you want, I can do 10 rounds of time trials.
And yah... I also found out that Flame Bull 145B is pretty bad... but my second best stamina blade would have to be Flame Libra DF145BS
I always thought HF was the 2nd best attack bottom... it seems to work pretty well in my combos (also with Black Pegasis 105HF).
And even though balance wheels are generally pretty bad... I was suggesting some trials to be done with Earth Virgo T125D with first mold earth (since I don't have a proper stadium).