Ok here are some good combos and some you should just try if you have the beyblades .
1.ARranzer GT
WD:8 Balance
SG:MG Core
BBemi Flat Base Blue:Not Round
WD:6 balance
SG:Metal Driger Black MG Core
WD:MG Weight Disk
SG:MG Core
SPragoon V2
BBragoon V2
4.AR:Trygle 1
WDight Balance
SG:Right SG
BBemi Flat Base:Not Round
5.ARranzer Balancer
WD:6 Heavy
SG:MG core I call this one Cyber Dranzer and the other DarkCyberD.
BB:Master Dranzer
6.AR:Master Dranzer
WD:6 Balance
SG:MG core
BBranzer V
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7.AR:Metal Draciel S
WD:8 Balance
SG:MW core
BBark Draciel Full
8.ARark Draicel
WDark Draciel
SG:MG core
SPark Draciel
BBriger V2
9.ARranzer V2
WD:MG Weight Disk
SG:MG core
SPranzer V2
BBriger V2
10.ARriger V2
WD:MG Weight Disk
SG:MW core
SPriger V2
BBranzer V2
These Are good or bad combos the ones with DranzerV2 and DrigerV2 awesome including Gabriel and Dark Draciels idk about others.
1.ARranzer GT
WD:8 Balance
SG:MG Core
BBemi Flat Base Blue:Not Round
WD:6 balance
SG:Metal Driger Black MG Core
WD:MG Weight Disk
SG:MG Core
SPragoon V2
BBragoon V2
4.AR:Trygle 1
WDight Balance
SG:Right SG
BBemi Flat Base:Not Round
5.ARranzer Balancer
WD:6 Heavy
SG:MG core I call this one Cyber Dranzer and the other DarkCyberD.
BB:Master Dranzer
6.AR:Master Dranzer
WD:6 Balance
SG:MG core
BBranzer V
Ill Post More Just ask me for combos they may be good or not just try them.
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7.AR:Metal Draciel S
WD:8 Balance
SG:MW core
BBark Draciel Full
8.ARark Draicel
WDark Draciel
SG:MG core
SPark Draciel
BBriger V2
9.ARranzer V2
WD:MG Weight Disk
SG:MG core
SPranzer V2
BBriger V2
10.ARriger V2
WD:MG Weight Disk
SG:MW core
SPriger V2
BBranzer V2
These Are good or bad combos the ones with DranzerV2 and DrigerV2 awesome including Gabriel and Dark Draciels idk about others.