(Closed)Xyo's Graphic Shop

stop asking when it will be done people, it will be done when it's done, just be patient. i believe it's considered spam to just ask when it's done.
sorry all of you i had an entrance exam and i was not allowed to use the PC so for the wait everyone does not have their sig re request anything you want
ok so can you change my bbp to the image i posted on my previous post of the gundam like i said in it the second from the top NOT including the handbag or whatever add it is on the top
He is closed. And didnt you requested in my shop?!
Did you say re-request? If so could i have the exact same signature and avatar but instead of Machines With Hearts, could it say Team Galaxystorm in an light blue/aqua colour with a like galaxy or storm background.

Perhaps this as a background: http://www.themexp.org/screenshots/large/wp/177998.jpg
hey DeX i thought your computer crashed so yeah i asked Xyo i dont really care who does it and its also a different image
Can I have an avatar that has 9 stripes going downwards with these colours please:
Light Purple
Electric Green
very light gray

can i get a sig xyo that is pics of chris and ryuga
http://beyblade.wikia.com/wiki/File:Tv1316303541065.jpg here is chris
http://beyblade.wikia.com/wiki/File:MF4D_115_049.png here is ryuga
in th midddle can i have there auras mixing an the bitbeasts in the middle
http://images.wikia.com/beyblade/images/...oBeast.png here is l drago

Here is orion http://beyblade.wikia.com/wiki/File:Tv1316303613612.jpg

cut out the time from the chris and orion and l drago and orion pic
I made Earth Eagles then Shadow Scythe's next and BHK because its animated then Big Bang Blader X1 since ill create it from scratch
[Image: di-SGOC.png]
[Image: di-C7T8.png]
[Image: di-WIXM.gif]
[Image: di-FNL6.gif]
im tired from doing all of this so ill do Big Bang Blader X1's sig tomorrow
Thank you! Looks Great!
Thanks so much for the sig it's great
Xyo can u fix the spelling of my sig and can you make the font a bit bigger
can u make me an avatar with a pic of chris and him showing orion and pt my name on it on the bottom of the pic
take out the little sign on the side
when are you gonna do mine its been 2 days since your last post
Sorry i have been making print ads for my sister
can i get a sig and an avatar of ginga and pegasus and can I have a 450x150
here is the pics
and put eaglelibra in the middle of it and also can my avatar be the first pic i gave you and the background please
can i get any background and with gravity persues and his owner
is it done yet?
Can i u make me a sig with superman in a punch pose on left, and a
blue facebolt on right with supermans logo. The backround blue red and yellow.
Avatar with just backround and facebolt.
EDIT: thanks in advance!
Yes it is but we are about to leave so ill post it alter
Sadly you guys have to wait our computer with Photoshop crashed maybe tomorrow its fixed
Ok thanks just pm me k