[Chicago, IL, USA] The Renegades (4 slots open!)

username:lola13267 i am sister to SamariIfraid
beyblades:Galaxy Pegasus W105R2F, Thermal Lacerta WA130HF
years of blading:2
i live in zion.
Wow, everybody wants a spot on this team now. Oh, and also, my friend wants to join the team but doesn't have Internet. He says that he will get Internet in a month and this is the website that he will go to and apply so wait until he comes but don't save him a spot I'm just saying get ready to see him in a month
We are thinking about your applications now, thank you for waiting.
There are four people applying at once. Two officialy and two not. This will be a tough descision.
Kaihiwatari5673, what beyblades does your friend have?

Off topic for a second....tenth page!!!!!
Galaxy Pegasis, fury Capricorn, flame Sagittario, dark wolf, those are all the beys that I know he has, I'll ask him tomorrow at school, okay?
Ok, if that was all make sure to post and tell us. Don't not post at all.
If you could understand that
Yeah, ok he also has poison Pegasis, thermal Pisces, dark libra, and his best combo( not really because I defeated it easily) is galaxy Sagittario 100 or 105( there almost kind of the same) S
What is this about tag teams?
We decided to create three diferent tag teams within our team. The infernobladerz blue, red, and orange will have three members each and if there are ever tag team tournaments, we split up into those teams.
Yeah!!!!!!! I freakin' love that idea
(Aug. 31, 2012  10:09 PM)Beyniac Wrote: We decided to create three diferent tag teams within our team. The infernobladerz blue, red, and orange will have three members each and if there are ever tag team tournaments, we split up into those teams.

Great idea! So at the tournament we will see each others skill, then divide us into teams based off that?
Basically. But for now we keep them like they are in the op until we see each others skills.
Okay. Well anyway. Is there a tournament thread yet?
We need 8 confirmed people. We have 7.
What about earthkerbecs123 and phantomfox27?? Did you ask them??
Yes. They both said they are coming.
Ask Coach, him and his whole team will probably come and take the 2:30 drive. He lives in Michigan, the state. You really should ask him, he'll get like five of the legendbladers to show up. So give him a PM
I'll ask him
Hay Im wondering if this will be like with team meetings and stuff because my agenda is full. But I'm 11 and live in the suburbs. I have every thing from the altomint dx set fantom Orion bakushin susano (black ver.) rock Leon and flame bycses. And I won't be able to come to every tournament because well I already said.
I think so and if you're filling out an application to join this team, look at the OP and fill out everything its asking you
Um well then I can't so ya but I was actually on a team it just sucked so I'll stay with my buds till next summer.
(Sep. 03, 2012  2:30 AM)Beyniac Wrote: Yes. They both said they are coming.

My sister would come of course! She quit the WBO, but she would totaly come.
Unless you have an account on the WBO, it is against the rules to participate in a tournament.